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The Future Teacher Foundation

Average Rating4.34
(based on 196 reviews)

We create outstanding learning experiences that engage and excite children in their schoolwork and make teachers' lives easier by saving them precious time, enabling a better work/life balance. We are committed to promoting creative thinking, cross curricula learning, emotional intelligence and mindfulness to children of all ages. The future is here.




We create outstanding learning experiences that engage and excite children in their schoolwork and make teachers' lives easier by saving them precious time, enabling a better work/life balance. We are committed to promoting creative thinking, cross curricula learning, emotional intelligence and mindfulness to children of all ages. The future is here.
KS2 Stone Age Art and DT 6 Lesson COMPLETE Cross-Curricula Unit. Highly Creative, Original and Fun.

KS2 Stone Age Art and DT 6 Lesson COMPLETE Cross-Curricula Unit. Highly Creative, Original and Fun.

This 6 lesson unit comes with an editable MTP plus 6 separate lesson packs. We have endeavoured to use: new, unconventional, creative and modern ideas that will really engage children, but also use familiar materials for teachers that are common to all schools or easy to obtain. Children will build, discuss, design, plan, create and evaluate throughout, as they construct 3D models including a flint axe, a mask and a Stone Age cave. 2D art includes an impressive Skara Brae scene and a lesson full of experimentation involving studying animal fur. Every lesson has some cross-curricula elements including: reading comprehension, writing, and of course history plus they all come with a custom reflective self-evaluation sheet, all designed to perfectly compliment the new 2014 curriculum. This whole unit is easy to teach, rewarding and will provide many items that children will treasure for a long time. Adaptable for KS1. We have more Stone Age resources in our shop - copy and paste the link below https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TheFutureTeacherFoundation Please don't forget to keep up to date with our education and teaching resources news by joining nearly 3000 of your fellow educators in "LIKING" our Facebook page too :) https://www.facebook.com/thefutureteacherfoundation All images either owned by tftf or released through Creative Commons C.O
Rated Outstanding: KS2 English KS2 Literacy KS2 Writing Lesson: A Magical Lesson of Wonder

Rated Outstanding: KS2 English KS2 Literacy KS2 Writing Lesson: A Magical Lesson of Wonder

WAS *£4.99 Lesson pack NOW £1 - Read the reviews If you are interested in something that is a different yet meaningful cross-curricula learning experience with elements of: wonder, awe, descriptive writing, poetry, philosophy, science, nature, geography, team work, art, appreciation of nature and so much more, then this is for you. This lesson is called the magical lesson of wonder because that is the desired outcome. A cynic may think that this is just observing nature through microscopes but it is so much more than that in part due to the fascinating web resource used for the lesson and the inspirational writing that is produced by all the children who participate. Suitable for any age or KS (but designed for KS2 or KS1) as the element of wonder and magic is something that never tires. You will need microscopes or magnifying glass (USB microscopes ideally) and access to objects from nature or a selection you provide. Other teachers have used this for their performance management observations and got outstanding too - just read the reviews! This is a hidden gem of TES that is beyond conventional categorisation - so why not treat your class to it today? Turn down the lights, roll down the blinds, play the music and begin the magical lesson of wonder.
KS2 Mayan Civilization Resources: Creative Cross-Curricula Topic Pack Bonus Edition

KS2 Mayan Civilization Resources: Creative Cross-Curricula Topic Pack Bonus Edition

8 Resources
SAVE 36% - Hours of engaging, cross-curricula learning for your class containing dozens of Mayan activities 7 separate lesson packs plus an assortment of other useful Mayan related activities and sheets Contains: - Chichen Itza Art lesson (up to 3 lessons) - Create your own Mayan creative/big writing stimuli (up to 3 lessons) - Mayan scary day creative/big writing stimuli lesson (2 hours) - Mayan Time Detectives (holistic research-2 hours) - Mayan Time Detectives clothing and possessions (2 hours) - Mayan calendars 1-2hrs - Mayan hieroglyphics 1hr-90mins - Mini-Mayan colouring book - 2 word search activities + answers - Mayan bordered writing and blank pages Lessons come with full teachers' notes (except Mayan calendars) and everything you need to teach the lesson See individual listings on the TES for more information, or view our full range of over 188 Gold Standard TES Resources https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TheFutureTeacherFoundation Images sourced from openclipart.org or owned by tftf
KS2 PSHE SEAL Lesson (or Assembly) Good to Be Me: Self Esteem and Being Balanced

KS2 PSHE SEAL Lesson (or Assembly) Good to Be Me: Self Esteem and Being Balanced

This beautiful lesson could also be used for a meaningful and special assembly by making minor edits to the PowerPoint. Designed to fit with "good to be me" style units but can be used for many areas of PSHE/SEAL as the lesson teaches how to develop self-esteem whilst also maintaining emotional balance by being aware of and identifying areas of personal development. All made memorable through an innovative teaching and learning approach that could help children maintain positive self-esteem for the rest of their lives. Suitable for all ages but designed for KS2 (ages 7-11). Contains PowerPoint with two part starter, complete teaching input, BBC video link and plenary plus 2 worksheet based activities. Lesson length 1 hour. All images either sourced from openclipart.org or owned by tftf.
KS2 English KS2 Literacy: Boys Writing Bundle - Engage and Inspire KS2 Boys to Write & Learn

KS2 English KS2 Literacy: Boys Writing Bundle - Engage and Inspire KS2 Boys to Write & Learn

19 Resources
*SAVE 33% - Contains OVER 100 Pages!* This bundle contains a rich variety of inspiring learning experiences specifically designed to excite and engage boys with their writing. Engagement = Motivation = Better Quality Writing :) A range of key skills that often hinder boys' progress with their writing are addressed in this bundle plus a wide range of stimuli material that is guaranteed to spark their interest into producing some writing that they can be proud of. You will never be short of teaching materials with this bundle as many of the individual resources take at least a whole day to complete!!! Many lessons and resources combine artistic elements or offer art/drawing-based routes into engaging boys with writing. If you are doing intervention work, SEN groups or 1-1, are the English or writing co-ordinator, a leader or simply know that the boys in your class need a bit of a boost with their writing then this bundle could be just what you need to add a bit of spark. All images either copyright owned by The Future Teacher Foundation or licensed through Creative Commons C.0
KS2 Food Chains & KS2 Habitats Cross-Curricular Creative Writing Pack - The Ultimate Predator

KS2 Food Chains & KS2 Habitats Cross-Curricular Creative Writing Pack - The Ultimate Predator

Suitable for any habitats, food chains or nature based study/topic - or for simply an inspiring writing lesson that the boys (and girls) in your class will love! Everything you need to easily teach included, can last up to 3 lessons and easily fits into your planning -terrific value pack that your class will love. This complete, engaging imaginative, creative writing or Big Writing stimuli lesson that can be applied to many different writing genres. Children discuss ideas and then plan by answering the thought provoking questions which enable a wealth of ideas to be generated for the writing. Planning sheet has space for 5 sense descriptions, VCOP elements and purpose, audience and genre notes to help meet the new 2014 curriculum. Starter activity 2 widths of line guides/writing sheets included plus optional paragraph planning sheet, custom art sheet and self-assessment plenary activity mean that this lesson's length is flexible and could easily last for 2 hours if you wanted it to and comes with 3 different options for delivery over 1,2 or 3 lessons. Lesson is aimed at KS2 but suitable for more able KS1 and KS3 as it is differentiated by outcome. All images released through creative commons C.O
KS2 Mayan Civilization Clothing and Possessions Time Detectives Complete Lesson Pack

KS2 Mayan Civilization Clothing and Possessions Time Detectives Complete Lesson Pack

This fun yet challenging, cross-curricula lesson has elements of: computing, history and writing, all built into a lesson centred around independent learning. Children will complete a series of engaging tasks including labelling a graphic of a Mayan man with researched information on clothing and possessions, learning what a person from that time may have owned and building their understanding of life was really like in the time period. They then complete 3 written activities and an extension activity based upon that knowledge they have gained. Activities include framing historically-valid questions, critical thinking and drawing comparisons: all aspects of the new 2014 curriculum. The activities are designed to elicit a deeper level of thought and understanding of the era. Can be taught as two separate hour long lessons but better over one longer session, contains starter and plenary, made for KS2 but accessible to higher ability KS1 and lower ability KS3.
KS2 Character Descriptions - Describing Characters in Narrative Writing. Complete Lesson Pack

KS2 Character Descriptions - Describing Characters in Narrative Writing. Complete Lesson Pack

This KS2 character descriptions lesson contains starter, teaching input, example for modelled writing, peer-assessment and further plenary activity on the PowerPoint PLUS all worksheets and teachers' notes for a complete and thorough lesson pack. The lesson is flexible and can be used with a character from a book you are reading in class, a character from a story the children are planning or a character from a selection of full colour images provided in the learning activity pack: full colour images are also differentiated. Starter, teaching input, example for modelled writing, peer-assessment and further plenary activity are all included on the PowerPoint for a complete and thorough lesson. Learning activities involve discussion, planning and then describing a character in a narrative style using the techniques taught in the lesson. Best suited for KS2 but could be applied to a higher ability Y2 class. Full teachers’ notes included too. It is intended to slot into a unit either about story writing, fiction or any narrative theme, but can be used as a stand-alone English lesson if required. All images either sourced from openclipart.org or owned by tftf.
33% Off KS2 Bonfire Night  Guy Fawkes Fireworks - Engaging Cross-Curricular Worksheet Based Learning

33% Off KS2 Bonfire Night Guy Fawkes Fireworks - Engaging Cross-Curricular Worksheet Based Learning

This cross-curricular learning pack for KS2 will provide you with at least a whole day of meaningful and highly enjoyable learning all about Guy Fawkes, bonfire night, fireworks and the gunpowder plot. Everything you need is here - just print and teach. Flexible teaching and learning - lots of options! Designed to last a whole day (at least) and involving Maths, English and Topic based lessons, but can be used for discrete lessons and dipped in and out of if you prefer - if all work is completed then the pack could provide up to 2 whole days of bonfire night based learning. Contains: - Lesson 1: Establishing the history and context of Bonfire Night and allowing children to explore and learn independently and in a holistic way culminating in an optional speaking and listening activity. - Lesson 2: Your class' ideas and knowledge from lesson 1 will be tested as they discuss, plan and then creatively write about a highly engaging firework night related activity that they are guaranteed to love. - Lesson 3: Super fun Maths lesson with 2 levels of differentiation PLUS a speial sheet that enables you to add precise levels of differentiation that exactly match your class' current ability making this highly engaging lesson accessible to every age range in KS2 or HA yr2. Multiple extension options included in each sheet too. - Lesson 4 (optional - other options below): PSHE, Topic, Art and Writing all combine into this creative, cross-curricula learning experience. - Teachers' Notes including useful website links and other information. Extra Lessons/Activities for added value and flexibility: - Custom, professionally designed colouring sheet - Creative thinking and art based activity sheet - Fireworks art activity - An extra creative thinking, writing and art activity that will keep your class busy for 30 - 60 mins depending on your class! Super Value: 11 worksheets in total, with lots of extension options meaning hours of cross-curricular learning included. We love this pack and cannot wait to teach it ourselves! All images either sourced via creative commons 1.0 or owned by The Future Teacher Foundation.
The Key Stage 1 Colouring Book for Girls and Boys

The Key Stage 1 Colouring Book for Girls and Boys

This delightful 20 page colouring book contains fun, cute and wholesome colouring pictures of all the things Key Stage 1 children love, with each picture having the perfect level of detail and challenge for children in KS1. The book has been designed to have a mixture of images that traditionally appeal to either girls or boys and a wide selection of pictures that will be enjoyed by everybody - who wouldn't like to colour an ice lolly collage or a big bowl of ice-cream sundae? Incredibly versatile and useful to "have up your sleeve", as any of the pictures can be blown up to A3 (or bigger) for pair or group work using a wide range of art materials - this doesn't just have to be a regular colouring book! Perfect for art lessons, golden time, wet break, lunch clubs, rewards, time fillers, competitions, story telling visual prompts... All images either copyright owned by The Future teacher Foundation or licensed through Creative Commons C.0.
Christmas Worksheets Creative Activity Book  - 20 Christmas Worksheets

Christmas Worksheets Creative Activity Book - 20 Christmas Worksheets

Christmas Worksheets Creative Activity Book contains 20 pages of educational, festive joy that will keep your class busy for days! Bought to you by Bestselling TES Gold Tier Author, The Future Teacher Foundation. With a focus on art, drawing and creative thinking, this book will tick all those artistic boxes whilst also providing a rich variety of learning experiences that take a decent amount of time to finish - when completed slowly and carefully, of course! CROSS-CURRICULA: Some worksheets contain elements of writing, literacy, internet research and geography and activities include: create a wordsearch, make a Father Christmas mask, researching the North Pole plus plenty of engaging art based activities that allow children to tap into their creative abilities as they imagine and draw to complete the tasks. VERSATILE: All pages have been designed to print and teach - they can just be handed to children as they are self-explanatory however, we recommend enlarging some to A3 or bigger for large scale art using any material or medium you want - this can also extend the amount of time they take to complete. Please visit our shop for more, unique, creative and engaging lessons that are perfect for the more "relaxed" run up to Christmas where you are more free to try new and creative learning experiences with your class. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TheFutureTeacherFoundation Please don't forget to keep up to date with our education and teaching resources news by joining nearly 3000 of your fellow educators in "LIKING" our Facebook page too :) https://www.facebook.com/thefutureteacherfoundation All images in this Christmas Worksheets Creative Activity Book are released through Creative Commons C.O
KS2 Mayan Art Chichen Itza Temple up to 3 Lessons in 1 + Full Colour Children's Instructions

KS2 Mayan Art Chichen Itza Temple up to 3 Lessons in 1 + Full Colour Children's Instructions

Up to 3 art lessons including: PowerPoint, colour instructions (for the children), self assessment plenary sheet, extra writing activity (for any early finishers) and teachers' notes. Easy to teach as the instructions add an element of reading comprehension, simply hand them the instructions and see if they can figure out what to do - developing lots of thinking and teamwork skills (alternative approaches are also suggested in teachers' notes). 2 - 3 separate lessons in 1 - as the artwork is created in stages with potentially fantastic end results perfect for displays. Children will communicate feelings and moods with colour, practice numerous art techniques, experiment before committing to their finished work and reflect on their success, all with commonly found art materials in primary schools. Multiple options for the materials used you don't need to exactly follow the suggestions - this is explained in the teachers' notes.
KS2 Halloween Creative Cross-Curricula Pack - Over 40 Activities -  Fun, Modern, Engaging Learning

KS2 Halloween Creative Cross-Curricula Pack - Over 40 Activities - Fun, Modern, Engaging Learning

Take a week or more off planning with this spooky blockbuster pack of incredibly engaging, cross-curricula learning all inspired by and based upon Halloween. Contains 4 separate PDF booklets that are well organised, professionally presented and designed to meet the new 2014 curriculum objectives. PDF booklets include: - Halloween English and Writing Pack : Designed to inspire writing across a range of genres with 7 "lesson-long" fun yet challenging tasks and prompts that will engage your class in their learning. You can choose which genre to apply each lesson/activity to, to match your class' current learning or ability. Also contains 3 Halloween writing frames. - Halloween Cross-Curricula Topic Pack: Contains worksheets for lessons based upon science, history, independent learning, internet research, art and design, writing, small group presentations, maths (multiplication, division and data handling/presentation), team work and a special party planning lesson involving many different skills and tasks. - (Our Favourite!) Halloween Creative Thinking Activity Book: 15 pages of stunning activities that your class will love, that have been designed to make children think creatively and imaginatively. A stunning resource to develop creative and artistic abilities and inspire writing, collaboration and discussion. - Halloween Colouring Book: 10 colouring pages based on Halloween - great for anytime but why not blow them up to A3, pair the children up, pick an art technique and let them create stunning, huge pictures for display? This is without a doubt one of our most stylish, creative and engaging packs yet, full of deeply engaging learning - we hope you enjoy it. All images sourced via Creative Commons CCO 1.0 Universal License
KS2 Living Things - KS2 Science - Classifying Living Things - 5 Worksheet Pack + Differentiation

KS2 Living Things - KS2 Science - Classifying Living Things - 5 Worksheet Pack + Differentiation

This 5 Worksheet pack with 3 levels of differentiation, enables children to explore and expand their knowledge living things and lifeforms on Planet Earth. Children then use this knowledge to classify and sort living things under their own criteria enabling lots of discussion and potential for child-led teaching and learning, as curiosity and questioning is bound to ensue. An extension task requiring children to use the learning creatively is included as well, meaning that this pack will easily last a whole afternoon or more. Would work well as an introduction or early lesson in a living things, Planet Earth or Our World topic/unit of work. Could be also used to assess your class' understanding of living things. All images licensed through Creative Commons C.0
KS2 Planet Earth Fact File Worksheets - KS2 Science - KS2 Geography - KS2 Our World

KS2 Planet Earth Fact File Worksheets - KS2 Science - KS2 Geography - KS2 Our World

This 3 worksheet pack contains elements of differentiation and an engaging hook that will help children to complete the work with a real sense of purpose. Children evaluate what is important when compiling facts about Earth - this element is conducive to lots of discussion during the lesson input/introduction. Children are encouraged to present their fact file in a creative way but support materials are provided for those who find that sort of thing tricky. You could even use this lesson to inspire another lesson of creative or letter writing, based on the hook. Children will need access to research materials in order to complete this task. All images sourced and licensed via Creative Commons C.0
Christmas Art Christmas Colouring Book - Traditional & Modern Images for All Ages

Christmas Art Christmas Colouring Book - Traditional & Modern Images for All Ages

This Christmas Art / Christmas Colouring Book contains 20 beautiful, seasonal colouring images that can be used for any age and key stage. The Christmas Art / Christmas Colouring Book has something for everyone with a nice blend of traditional and modern images from modern "mindfulness colouring style" images right through to old fashioned images of the nativity and Father Christmas and everything in between. Don;t forget we are the authors of the Mindfulness Colouring Book for Children the bestselling mindfulness colouring book in the world for children - so we know how to make a good colouring book! Adaptable for christmas card covers, art lessons, large scale art, group work or standard colouring/art activities in the run up to christmas. Please visit our shop for more, unique, creative and engaging lessons that are perfect for the more "relaxed" run up to christmas where you are more free to try new and creative learning experiences with your class. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TheFutureTeacherFoundation Please don't forget to keep up to date with our education and teaching resources news by joining nearly 3000 of your fellow educators in "LIKING" our Facebook page too :) https://www.facebook.com/thefutureteacherfoundation All images in this Christmas Art / Christmas Colouring Book released through Creative Commons C.O
Primary Art Ideas Bundle

Primary Art Ideas Bundle

20 Resources
Designed so that you are never stuck for another idea for a primary art lesson ever again in your career - and at a massive discount! Everything is ready-to-teach and super easy for any teacher, and all the activities and lessons will be loved by any primary age children. Lessons cover a wide range of topics, skills and materials which means that they can be taught at any time of a school year or easily adapted to meet your planning, topic or learning focus. Buy with confidence from a bestselling TES Gold Tiered Author All images either copyright owned by tftf or licensed through Creative Commons C.0
End of Term MEGA Bundle. Creative, Cross-Curricular & Fun!

End of Term MEGA Bundle. Creative, Cross-Curricular & Fun!

18 Resources
Treat yourself and your class to easily 2 weeks of ready prepared learning, lessons and activities - everything you need is included! Bundle saves 68% of separate selling price. If you think that the end of terms or school years should be a bit more fun, creative, cross-curricular and practical, yet still packed with awesome learning that meets the UK national curriculum, then we have the perfect bundle for you! This huge bundle of complete lessons, projects and worksheets contains some of our most beloved resources including the type of special lessons that your class will never forget, and that are sadly being marginalised in today's data and detail obsessed education system. Creativity, imagination, thinking skills, using and applying knowledge, art, performance, team work, speaking and listening and much, much more are all on the agenda with this terrific bundle, but all wrapped up in "conventional" English, maths and topic based activities but with the added bonus of being seriously fun and engaging for children in KS2 or KS3. Step 1.Take a good look through all of the resources that are included in this bundle. Step 2. Buy the bundle and then put your feet up knowing that weeks worth of planning and preparing have been done for you by bestselling primary resource authors The Future Teacher Foundation. Happy holidays!!! :)
Space and Earth Display titles for KS1 or KS2 Science Display

Space and Earth Display titles for KS1 or KS2 Science Display

A selection of quality Space and Earth display titles to be printed and used as titles for display boards or whatever you want! Sheets come in A4, 2 x A4 and a selection of individual letters whose colours match the theme or topic. Lots of other space resources are available from the TES by tftf. All images sourced from openclipart.org or owned by tftf.