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The Nifty Ninja

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Teacher by day, ninja by night. What's your superpower?




Teacher by day, ninja by night. What's your superpower?
War Poetry | Analysis Bundle

War Poetry | Analysis Bundle

6 Resources
An exciting and engaging bundle including the study of World War One and 5 war poems. Students will analyse the poems in depth and take a look into the lives of their poets through collaborative and memorable activities. Included in this bundle are the following: World War One | Carousel Activity An engaging context into World War 1 to excite students through a collaborative carousel activity. Students will move from station to station around the classroom to collect information about the war in order to fill out their worksheet. This resource is an excellent introduction to war poetry. The lesson will culminate by writing a diary entry to consolidate learning. Assessment objectives can be typed in on the slides where appropriate. Topics covered: Causes of War WW1 Facts Trench Rats Women’s Roles A Soldier’s Equipment School During WW1 End of War and Remembrance Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 4 slides 7 printable factsheets in colour 7 printable factsheets in black and white 1 printable factsheet worksheet Dulce et Decorum est | Poetry Analysis Students will probe and analyse language to look for insightful meanings in war propaganda. Over seven hours of reading, playing class games, watching videos, and completing group tasks, students will be able to confidently discuss Owen’s view on war and how he uses language to describe war through his famous poem. The resource also includes a bonus modelled paragraph on how war is presented in the poem (can be compared to Rupert Brooke’s ‘The Soldier’). Assessment objectives can be typed in on the slides where appropriate. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 20 slides Printable progress check cards Printable clue cards + answer key Printable summary cards Printable Wilfred Owen facts Printable copy of the poem Printable modelled paragraph Printable information table The Soldier | Poetry Analysis This resource will teach students analytical skills and introduce the famous poet Rupert Brooke. Through 7+ hours of games, videos, tasks, and analysis, students will gain confidence in probing language and interpreting layers of meaning. Students will apply their knowledge by writing a PETERS paragraph following the assessment objectives. The resource also includes a bonus modelled paragraph on how war is presented in the poem (can be compared to Rupert Brooke’s ‘The Soldier’). Assessment objectives can be typed in on the slides where appropriate. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 10 slides Annotated poem with probing questions Printable BINGO cards + answer key Printable question cards Printable Rupert Brooke’s biography sheets Printable copy of the poem Printable modelled paragraph Printable information table Printable images and words for walk-through art gallery A Wife in London | Poetry Analysis Engaging activities to explore Thomas Hardy’s poem and his life where students will probe and analyse language to gain an in-depth understanding of what it means. They will begin by learning about the Boer war with a memory game and then watching a short video on Thomas Hardy’s life. Students will explore keywords like tragedy and irony when reading the telegram and use inference skills to make predictions about the poem. Students will culminate their understanding with a piece of writing and peer assess their work. Assessment objectives can be typed in on the slides where appropriate. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 10 slides Printable telegram and letter Printable copy of the poem The Manhunt | Poetry Analysis In an exciting resource, students will work in expert groups to learn about Simon Armitage. They will sequence the poem and explore keywords in their prediction of what it could be about. In pairs, students will use their assigned clue cards to probe and analyse language in the poem and report back to the class. They will apply their knowledge by answering an exam style question with a PETERS paragraph. Assessment objectives can be typed in on the slides where appropriate. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 11 slides Printable Facebook profile template Printable sequence the poem worksheet Printable biography of poet Printable copy of the poem Printable clue cards + answer key Printable fill in the blanks sheet + answer key Mametz Wood | Poetry Analysis Exciting and engaging activities for students to learn about Owen Sheers’s life and his famous poem. The context of the poem will be explored before the reading of the poem, for a solid understanding of the background before attempting to understand deeper meanings. Students will answer probing questions analysing the language used in the poem to uncover layers of meaning. They will apply their understanding by writing a PETERS paragraph to answer an exam-style question and then self-assess their work. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 11 slides Printable number the stanza activity Printable context sheet Printable copy of the poem ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ Kindly leave feedback for this product. We’d love to hear from you! ©The Nifty Ninja
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas  |  Full Novel BUNDLE

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas | Full Novel BUNDLE

20 Resources
This exciting and engaging bundle includes over 23 hours of chapter by chapter lessons through 169 animated PowerPoint slides and 24 PDF pages. Through collaborative group work and individual tasks, students will explore the lives of Bruno and Shmuel through an unforgettable journey! Chapter 1: An exciting introduction to John Boyne’s novel where students will explore the title and blurb to find clues in order to figure out what the book is about. The study of chapter 1 will look into character analysis by zooming into words to form impressions of the novel’s protagonist. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 6 slides Printable character image Chapter 2: Students will use a printable Venn diagram template for a side-by-side comparison of Bruno’s old and new house. This lesson explores the thoughts and feelings of the main character by probing language and using quotes. Students will show their understanding by writing a PEE paragraph and challenging themselves by using ambitious vocabulary. The lesson ends with a quick round of comprehension questions. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 7 slides Printable Venn diagram (answers included) Chapter 3: Students will begin with an engaging game to recap what they know so far about the novel. After reading the chapter, students will answer comprehension questions to test their knowledge (answers included). Students will share ideas about Gretel and then write a paragraph of their impressions of her using sentence starters provided. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 13 slides Chapter 4: An engaging dive into the context of the novel and Hitler’s rise to power where students will work in groups to read information regarding the Holocaust. The context sheets can be passed on from group to group during the activity or set up as stations around the classroom where the students move to them instead! Important keywords are explored in this lesson as students work together to fill out their context table. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 7 slides Printable context information sheets - Adolf Hitler - The Rise of the Nazis - Propaganda and its Effects - 25 Point Programme - Consequences of the Munich Putsch Printable context information table Chapter 5: Students will role-play scenarios to understand the relationship between Bruno and Father. The lesson checks students’ understanding with comprehension questions (answers included) and a paired activity before culminating with paragraph writing on Father’s character and his relationship with his son. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 13 slides Chapter 6: Students will take a closer look at Maria’s character and hot-seat her in pairs to make inferences. They will use the information to complete an analysis table on characterisation. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 6 slides Chapter 7: Students will identify implicit and explicit sentences through an engaging game and then apply their knowledge by completing a table on the description of Lieutenant Kotler. Students will probe and analyse language and its effects by looking deeper into the characters of the Lieutenant and Pavel. The lesson will end with independent writing to answer, “How does John Boyne present Lieutenant Kotler in Chapter 7?” Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 21 slides Printable Venn diagram Chapter8: Students will identify modal and imperative verbs whilst exploring Bruno’s feelings in his letter to Grandmother. In groups, students will read an Agony Aunt style letter to understand how to advise, before writing their own letter to Bruno as Grandmother. Students will self-assess their work using a writing check-list. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation Printable writing checklist Printable Agony Aunt letter Printable excerpt from chapter for highlighting activity Chapter 9: This lesson explores the keywords ‘tension’ and ‘drama.’ Students will be able to identify tension in the chapter by listing examples between characters. A table of quotes will be presented for students to complete in their books by analysing how tension is created by the author. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 6 slides Chapter 10: In an outstanding lesson, student will work collaboratively in groups to identify the roles of each character using parts of a bicycle as a metaphor. They will delve deeper into the characterisation of Shmuel and explore his implicit and explicit traits as they jot down words and quotes around a figure outline. Individually, students will complete a quotes analysis table on Shmuel and then watch an accompanying short video of Bruno’s encounter with his new friend. Students will explore Bruno’s thoughts and feelings through diary writing and then peer assess work using a checklist. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 8 slides Printable writing checklist Printable figure outline Printable bicycle starter activity in colour and b/w Chapter 11: Students will explore relationships between characters and their reactions to the Fury’s arrival. Students will dramatise freeze frames in groups from the scenario assigned to them. The lesson will culminate in a writing activity where students will use a PETER structured paragraph to explore the question, “How do the different members of the family react to the arrival of The Fury?” Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 8 slides Printable freeze frames Chapter 12: Students will explore Bruno and Shmuel’s journey by creating a table of differences. Students will write a PETER paragraph to answer how the author shows Bruno’s innocence in the chapter by probing two particular quotes. The plenary will inform teaching and learning by assessing the students’ confidence level in using the PETER structure of paragraph writing. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 6 slides Printable plenary Chapter 13: Students will start with a discussion around the prominent themes in the novel so far. Focussing on the theme of fear, the lesson will look at Maria’s fear of her superiors by locating quotes to evidence this. Using a modelled paragraph, students will label for PETER and then write their own couple of paragraphs to answer, “How does John Boyne show that Shmuel is afraid in these lines?” Students will self-assess their own work. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 6 slides Printable modelled paragraph Chapter 14: Students will explore symbolism and their significance in the novel. They will be assigned a student in the class and draw for them a symbol based on what they know about them. This will explore the negative feelings associated with certain symbols and allow students to empathise with Shmuel. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 7 slides Chapter 15: Students will create a storyboard of significant events in the chapter using captions and illustrations. In groups, students will discuss whether Bruno did the right thing by betraying his friend and lying to save himself from getting into trouble. To showcase their ideas, students will debate the topic with the teacher moderating and allowing turns for rebuttals. Students will use the information to confidently write a PETER paragraph independently using quotes from the chapter as evidence to support their points. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 8 slides Printable storyboard template Chapter 16: Students will begin by watching a short video regarding Nazis (BBC Bitesize must be accessible). They will use their inference skills to understand the effect of Lieutenant Kotler’s transfer on Bruno’s family. Students will organise quotes about Gretel into two categories which will help explain her character development and change throughout the course of the novel. Using this information, students will write a couple of paragraphs to explain how Gretel’s character changed. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 9 slides Chapter 17: Students will begin by brainstorming higher-order questions to ask Mother. They will hot-seat her character in turns after reading the chapter. Students will answer some comprehension questions regarding Mother’s attitude to Out-With and then peer-assess their work. After having explored Mother’s thoughts and feelings from the chapter, students will write a letter in her character using the sentence starters provided. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 6 slides Chapter 18: Students will analyze clues to make predictions regarding the upcoming adventure. They will probe the language in quotes for literary techniques and zoom in on words to make predictions. There are opportunities for self-assessment and paired discussions throughout the lesson. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 7 slides Chapter 19: Students will explore and emotional ending as the book comes to a close. Students will create a list of signs showing a person’s maturity. They will then re-visit the previous chapters to help them plot a graph depicting Bruno’s emerging awareness. Students will read a modleled paragraph and label it for PETER before independently writing their own paragraphs to answer how the author uses language to show that Bruno becomes more mature as the novel progresses. Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation Printable modelled paragraph Printable PETER paragraph organiser template Chapter 20: Students will begin by exploring different possible endings and then writing their own final chapter, using varying sentence structures. Students will look at a couple of the significant lines in the last chapter and interpret their meanings by discussing with their peers and then sharing their ideas with the class. Students will be given a checklist of what needs to be included and in groups, they will annotate an already written book review to discuss what can be improved. Using a template as a guide, students will write their own review for The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas before peer assessing their work. At the end of this unit, the film can be watched and compared to the novel and a film review can be written and used as an assessment (not included). Includes: Animated PowerPoint presentation of 8 slides Printable book review template Printable book review example ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ Kindly leave feedback for this product. We’d love to hear from you! ©The Nifty Ninja