Guided Reading - Fantastic Mr Fox 6 Week Plan
This 6 week guided reading plan focuses on The Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. This plan follows group-based guiding reading approach meaning that each /table or group will complete a different activity on each day.
This package includes a detailed plan that lays out the schedule for the whole 6 weeks, alongside this there are follow-up tasks that relate to each weeks activities.
Example Plan:
Book Intro/ recap: (5 mins)
Introduce new text (chn should have listened to ebook Chapters 1 The Three Farmers and 2 Mr Fox prior to session)
Read chapters 1 and 2 to the children.
What were the farmers’ name?
Challenge pwb: Collect all the adjectives and adverbs that describe the farmers.
What kind of an impression do these words make together? Which farmer would you rather work for? Explain your answer.
Strategy Check: (5 mins)
Explain that when reading you will always encounter new words. What can we do if we find a word we don’t understand? Elicit use a dictionary. How will this help us when reading a text?
State LO. Explain that today we will learn to use a dictionary accurately to look up tricky words and find their definitions.
Independent reading: (5 mins)
Chn read extract/ area of focus.
Response to the text: (10 minutes)
Model process thinking aloud using alphabetical order to find a tricky word.
Read the meaning. Discuss. Put into a sentence.
Ask chn to put inot a sentence of their own (using context in book to help them)
In pairs, chn to repeat for another word.
Then independently when reading the text.
Feedback at end. Was it useful? How did it help you to understand the text? Do you like the text so far?
Introduce follow up task.
Year 4 - Guided Reading - The Robot and the Bluebird.
This two week guided reading plan focuses on The Robot and the Bluebird by David Lucas. This plan follows a whole class guided reading approach meaning that all children are required to do the same activity on each day. The activities are differentiated.
The activities include a follow up task, comprehension, language activity and spelling focus.
Example Plan:
Text: The Robot and the bluebird
Children to have the front cover of the text and complete inference grid:
-What can I see?
-What might happen?
-What questions do I have?
Children to read the text in pairs.
Content Domain:
Identifying, discussing and collecting effective words and phrases which capture the reader’s interest and imagination e.g. metaphors, similes
Possible Questions:
How has the robot been described? What is he like? How do you feel about him?
Which page has the most engaging language? (p19/20) Which words stand out? How do they make you feel? Why? What features has the author used?
Children to have a copy of this page and to highlight/text mark the engaging features.
Follow Up Tasks:
-Show page as the seasons change (7/8).
What words have already been used to describe him? What words do we like? How does it make us feel? Can we capture the reader’s interest anymore on this page? What language features could we use?
Children to work in pairs to come up with different language features to describe the robot that will engage the reader more. (adverbial phrase/expanded noun phrase/ compound sentence/complex sentence/simile/metaphor)
Spelling Focus: [SHORT ACTIVITY]
Words ending in (k sound) –que
Can you think of any words that end in a –k sound? -ck -k -ke
Examples: focus on: unique, antique. Other words: like, leek, meek, week, weak, cake, bake etc
Comprehension (differentiated):
Based on finding and collecting adjective, metaphors, similes and explaining why the author has used the different phrases.
Free reading – any text
Free writing – any writing about the text (ideas include description of the robot/bluebird, book review, own story of where the bird came from/journey)
Challenge: Can they include any of the spelling words we have focused on?
Year 4 - Guided Reading - The Twits - Roald Dahl
This four week guided reading plan focuses on The Twits by Roald Dahl. This plan follows a whole class guided reading approach meaning that all children are required to do the same activity on each day. The activities are differentiated.
The activities include a follow up task, comprehension, language activity and spelling focus.
Example Plan:
Text: The Twits by Roald Dahl
Children to read up to page 22 individually
Content Domain:
Ask question to improve understanding of text
Have questions on the board and in pairs children discuss the answers. As a class discuss the answers using the text to help.
What was Mrs Twit like when she was younger?
What did Mr Twit have in his bead?
What was the first trick Mrs Twit played on Mr Twit?
What did Mr Twit do to Mrs Twit’s walking stick?
How did Mr Twit explain to Mrs Twit what had happened to her walking stick?
Read pages 23-30. Discuss what happened in the story so far.
Ch to think about the story so far. Ch to think about who do you think is the worse person; Mr or Mrs Twit? Ch to use evidence (quotes) and the tricks to support their answer.
Spelling Focus: [SHORT ACTIVITY]
The suffix –ly is added to an adjective to form an adverb. The rules already learnt still apply. The suffix –ly starts with a consonant letter, so it is added straight on to most root words
(1) If the root word ends in –y with a consonant letter before it, the y is changed to i, but only if the root word has more than one syllable.
(2) If the root word ends with –le, the –le is changed to –ly.
(3) If the root word ends with –ic, –ally is added rather than just –ly, except in the word publicly.
The words truly, duly, wholly.
Comprehension (differentiated):
Ch to read and answer the questions based on the story they have read so far. Ch to mark their answers after.
Free reading – any text
Free writing – writing a new introduction to the Iron Man.
Challenge: Can they include any of the spelling words we have focused on?
Guided Reading - The Hodgeheg
This is a weekly guided reading plan for a year 4 class.
Text: The hodgeheg by Dick King Smith
Book introduce
Show ch the front cover on the IWB. What do you think the book will be about? Discuss with tables. Ge feedback. What type of book do you think it is? Why do you think this? Show ch the blurb and read together. Does this change what you think the book might be about?
Share LO: I am learning to retrieve information from a text.
Strategy check
Discuss with class what strategies we could use if we were stuck on a word, what they could do when they are reading etc.
Independent reading
Children to read the extract by them selves.
Response to text
Remind ch of the LO. On the IWB have a range of questions about the text. Explain to them what the word retrieval means and how we answer these types of questions. Discuss the answers as a class once they have disussed with partner.
Where do the hedgehogs live?
What did they have to do to get to the park?
What were the baby hedgehogs named after?
Find one word that means the food was delicious.
Other activities include a comprehension, comprehensive lessons plans and powerpoint.
Year 4 - Guided Reading - It was a dark and stormy night
This is a two week plan for guided reading based around Allan Ahlberg’s It was a dark and stormy night.
The plan suggests activities for each day including follow up tasks and comprehensions.
Example plan:
Text: It Was A Dark and Stormy Night by Allan Ahlberg
Children to have the front cover of the text and complete inference grid:
-What can I see?
-What might happen?
-What questions do I have?
Children to read chapter 1, 2 and 3 text in pairs.
Content Domain:
Identifying, discussing and collecting effective words and phrases which capture the reader’s interest and imagination e.g. metaphors, similes
Possible Questions:
Who was Antonio? What happened to him?
What did they want Antonio to do?
Who took over the story?
Follow Up Tasks:
Give ch a selection of words from the story that read yesterday. Ch to have a go with a partner to define what the words mean, once they have done that they check them with a dictionary.
Spelling Focus: [SHORT ACTIVITY]
Prefix: Inter and Super
inter– means ‘between’ or ‘among’.
super– means ‘above’.
Spelling words: interact, intercity, international, interrelated, supermarket, superman, superstar
Comprehension (differentiated):
Ch to read the firework poem and answer differentiated questions about it.
Free reading – any text
Free writing – any writing about the text (ideas include description of the robot/bluebird, book review, own story of where the bird came from/journey)
Challenge: Can they include any of the spelling words we have focused on?
Year 4 - Guided Reading - The iron Giant
This three week guided reading plan focuses on The Iron Giant by Ted Hughes. This plan follows a whole class guided reading approach meaning that all children are required to do the same activity on each day. The activities are differentiated.
The activities include a follow up task, comprehension, language activity and spelling focus.
Example Plan:
Text: The Iron Giant
Children to have the front cover of the text and first page and complete table
What techniques can you see?
Is the Iron Man going to be a villain or a hero? What tells you this?
Children to read the text in pairs.
Content Domain:
Identifying, discussing and collecting effective words and phrases which capture the reader’s interest and imagination e.g. metaphors, similes
Making predictions based on information stated and implied
Possible Questions:
How has the robot been described? What is he like? How do you feel about him?
What does the front cover tell us? How is this different from the writing?
What do you think will happen?
Children to have a copy of this page and to highlight/text mark the engaging features. Children put in negative/positive ideas in table and then write prediction.
Follow Up Tasks:
-Show page as the seasons change (7/8).
What words have already been used to describe him? What words do we like? How does it make us feel? Can we capture the reader’s interest anymore on this page? What language features could we use?
Children to work in pairs to come up with different language features to describe the robot that will engage the reader more. (adverbial phrase/expanded noun phrase/ compound sentence/complex sentence/simile/metaphor)
Spelling Focus: [SHORT ACTIVITY]
Words ending in (k sound) –que
Can you think of any words that end in a –k sound? -ck -k -ke
Examples: focus on: unique, antique. Other words: like, leek, meek, week, weak, cake, bake etc
Comprehension (differentiated):
Based on finding and collecting adjective, metaphors, similes and explaining why the author has used the different phrases.
Free reading – any text
Free writing – any writing about the text (ideas include description of the robot/bluebird, book review, own story of where the bird came from/journey)
Challenge: Can they include any of the spelling words we have focused on?
Guided Reading - The Lighthouse
This week long guided reading plan focuses on The Lighthouse short story. This plan follows a whole class guided reading approach meaning that all children are required to do the same activity on each day. The activities are differentiated.
The activities include a follow up task, comprehension, language activity and spelling focus.
Example Plan:
Text: The Lighthouse
Book introduce
Show ch the front cover on the IWB. What do you think the book will be about? Discuss with tables. Get feedback. What type of book do you think it is? Why do you think this? Show ch the blurb and read together. Does this change what you think the book might be about?
Share LO: I am learning to draw inferences.
Strategy check
Discuss with class what strategies we could use if we were stuck on a word, what they could do when they are reading etc.
Independent reading
Children to read the extract by them selves.
Response to text
Remind ch of the LO. On the IWB have a range of questions about the text. Explain to them what the word inference means and how we answer these types of questions. Things you infer from the text, it about what you think its saying using your reasoning rather than sing concrete evidence. Read between the lines and make a well informed guess. Using Discuss the answers as a class once they have disussed with partner.
What do you think Kittiwakes, Terns and Guillemots are? Why?
What does “Thy way is in the sea, and my path in the great waters” Mean?
What do we think the men were? Why?
What phrase makes you think that the boy is scared?
Recap what had happened in the extract yesterday and re read.
I am learning to draw inferences about a character.
Ch to use what they have read and write a paragraph describing what the men/creatures look like.
Spelling Focus: [SHORT ACTIVITY]
Comprehension (differentiated):
Ch to read and answer the questions based on the story they have read so far. Ch to mark their answers after.
Free reading – any text
Free writing – writing a new introduction to the Iron Man.
Challenge: Can they include any of the spelling words we have focused on?
Year 4 - Guided Reading - How To Train a Dragon
This one week guided reading plan focuses on How To Train a Dragon by Cressida Cowell. This plan follows a whole class guided reading approach meaning that all children are required to do the same activity on each day. The activities are differentiated.
The activities include a follow up task, comprehension, language activity and spelling focus.
Example Plan:
Text: How to train your dragon by Cressida Cowell
Day 1:
Book introduce
Show ch the front cover on the IWB. What do you think the book will be about? Discuss with tables. Get feedback. What type of book do you think it is? Why do you think this? Show ch the blurb and read together. Does this change what you think the book might be about?
Share LO: I am learning to draw inferences from a piece of text.
Strategy check
Discuss with class what strategies we could use if we were stuck on a word, what they could do when they are reading etc.
Independent reading
Children to read the extract by them selves.
Response to text
Remind ch of the LO. On the IWB have a range of questions about the text. Explain to them what the word inference means and how we answer these types of questions. Discuss the answers as a class once they have disussed with partner.
Why do you think they don’t want Hiccup to be commanding the team?
Do you think they like Limpets?
Why do think Hiccup had been feeling sick?
How do you feel about the characters in the story?
Recap what had happened in the extract yesterday and re read.
Day 2:
I am learning to predict what is going to happen next.
Ch to complete predict based on what they have read so far what might happen next in the story.
Day 3:
Spelling Focus: [SHORT ACTIVITY]
Words with the
sound spelt ei, eigh, or ey /eɪ/
Statutory: eight, eighth, reign
Other: vein, weigh, neighbour, they, obey
Day 4:
Comprehension (differentiated):
Ch to read and answer the questions based on the story they have read so far. Ch to mark their answers after.
Day 5:
Free reading – any text
Free writing – writing a new introduction to the Iron Man.
Challenge: Can they include any of the spelling words we have focused on?
Year 4 - Guided Reading - Secret Friends
This one week guided reading plan focuses on Secret Friends by Elizabeth Laird. This plan follows a whole class guided reading approach meaning that all children are required to do the same activity on each day. The activities are differentiated.
The activities include a follow up task, comprehension, language activity and spelling focus.
Example Plan:
Text: Secret Friend
Day 1:
Children to have the front cover of the text.
What do you think the book will be about? What tells you this?
What do we notice in the picture?
Children to read chapter 1-3 in pairs.
Content Domain:
Identifying, discussing and collecting effective words and phrases which capture the reader’s interest and imagination e.g. metaphors, similes
Making predictions based on information stated and implied
Possible Questions:
What kind of person is Lucy?
What do you think the word ‘outsider’ means?
How did Lucy treat Rafaella in school?
Make a prediction about what might happen in the story.
Day 2:
Identifying main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and
summarising these
Look at chapter 1-3 in pairs. Write down any emotive language. Any examples of phrases or words that make the reader feel an emption.
e.g I could tell that tears had sprouted behind her eyelids.
Look through the text for adventurous vocabulary (e.g. treacherous, outcaste, offended, hypocryites, embarrassment, contempt). What do these words mean? Can you find synonyms? Can you put the words into a sentence of your own?
Day 3:
Spelling Focus: [SHORT ACTIVITY]
Day 4:
Comprehension (differentiated):
Analysing and comparing a range of plot structures. Questions focus on areas that have already been discussed during English, so minimal support should be required.
Question one (follow up - predictions)
What do you think the word ‘outsider’ means?
-How did the children in school treat Rafaella like an outsider?
-What kind of person is Rafaella?
-How did Lucy treat Rafaella in school?
-If you were Rafaella, would you want to be friends with Lucy? Discuss reasons for your ideas.
-Why do you think the story is called ‘Secret Friends’?
Which character in chapter 3 did you have more empathy for/like/dislike? Why
Day 5:
Free reading – any text
Free writing – writing a new introduction to Secret Friend
Challenge: Can they include any of the spelling words we have focused on?
Introducing the Preschool Alphabet Tracing Book - From A to Z, the perfect tool for teaching young children the fundamentals of the alphabet and handwriting skills. This comprehensive workbook is designed to engage and educate preschoolers, helping them develop essential literacy skills in a fun and interactive way.
Our alphabet tracing book features:
Tracing and writing practice for each letter of the alphabet, both lowercase and uppercase
Four pages of engaging tracing activities for each letter, allowing ample opportunity for practice and mastery
Adorable illustrations accompanying each letter, such as a picture of an apple for “A is for Apple,” to help children associate letters with familiar objects and enhance recognition
This preschool alphabet tracing book is ideal for parents, teachers, and caregivers looking to support early childhood education and give their little ones a strong foundation in literacy. The carefully designed pages promote fine motor skill development, hand-eye coordination, and memory retention, all while keeping children entertained and eager to learn.
Our pre-school alphabet book is suitable for homeschooling, classroom use, or as a supplementary learning resource. The clear, easy-to-follow layout and age-appropriate activities make it a valuable addition to any early childhood education curriculum.
Invest in your child’s future with the Pre-school Alphabet Tracing Book - From A to Z, and watch them develop a love for learning that will last a lifetime. Order now and give your preschooler the gift of essential literacy skills!
Introducing the Christmas Alphabet Tracing Book - From A to Z, the perfect tool for teaching young children the fundamentals of the alphabet and handwriting skills. This comprehensive workbook is designed to engage and educate preschoolers, helping them develop essential literacy skills in a fun and interactive way.
Our Christmas Themed Alphabet Tracing Book features:
Tracing and writing practice for each letter of the alphabet, both lowercase and uppercase.
Two pages of engaging tracing activities for each letter, allowing ample opportunity for practice and mastery.
Adorable illustrations accompanying each letter, such as a picture of an angel for “A is for Angel,” to help children associate letters with familiar objects and enhance recognition.
This preschool alphabet tracing book is ideal for parents, teachers, and caregivers looking to support early childhood education and give their little ones a strong foundation in literacy. The carefully designed pages promote fine motor skill development, hand-eye coordination, and memory retention, all while keeping children entertained and eager to learn.
Our preschool alphabet book is suitable for homeschooling, classroom use, or as a supplementary learning resource. The clear, easy-to-follow layout and age-appropriate activities make it a valuable addition to any early childhood education curriculum.
Invest in your child’s future with the Christmas Preschool Alphabet Tracing Book - From A to Z, and watch them develop a love for learning that will last a lifetime. Order now and give your preschooler the gift of essential literacy skills!
An editable Google Slides assembly presentation that explores the the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Human Rights day, perfect for engaging KS1 and KS2 students. This comprehensive resource includes detailed notes for each slide, making it easy for teachers to deliver an informative and interactive assembly.
The presentation is designed with visuals and Widgits to support SEND and EAL children, ensuring that all students can access and understand the content. It includes extension ideas allow teachers to easily adapt the presentation for use as a lesson, providing flexibility to suit different teaching needs.
Throughout the assembly, students will learn about the key aspects of Human Rights Day, including:
What is Human Rights Day?
When is Human Rights Day?
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
What are human rights and why are they important?
Questions and discussion to allow children to explore the importance of human rights.
Opportunities for story sharing linked to Famous human rights supporters.
The presentation encourages student participation through opportunities for thinking, partner discussions, and sharing thoughts, ideas, and personal experiences related to human rights. The presentations is linked to the stories of ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ and provides opportunuties to share these stories to highlight people who have impacted human rights around the world.
By using this Human Rights Day Assembly Presentation, teachers can easily engage their students in learning about the significance of human rights and begin to apply this understanding to their lives and local community through discussion and reflection. This versatile and comprehensive resource is a must-have for any teacher looking to promote the importantance of human rights for their KS1 and KS2 students.
Tes paid licence
An editable Google Slides assembly presentation that explores the traditions of Advent, perfect for engaging KS1 and KS2 students. This comprehensive resource includes detailed notes for each slide, making it easy for teachers to deliver an informative and interactive assembly.
The presentation is designed with visuals and Widgits to support SEND and EAL children, ensuring that all students can access and understand the content. The included extension ideas allow teachers to easily adapt the presentation for use as a lesson, providing flexibility to suit different teaching needs.
Throughout the assembly, students will learn about the key aspects of Advent, including:
What is Advent?
When is Advent celebrated?
Why do we celebrate Advent?
The traditions and customs associated with Advent
The presentation encourages student participation through opportunities for thinking, partner discussions, and sharing thoughts, ideas, and personal experiences related to Advent. An Advent challenge is included to promote core values such as kindness, generosity, and care for the community, making it suitable for both community and church schools.
As a bonus, this resource includes four original colouring sheets featuring Bible verses linked to each week of Advent. These sheets can be used to reinforce the values that Christians celebrate and remember during this special time of year.
By using this Advent Assembly Presentation, teachers can easily engage their students in learning about the significance and traditions of Advent, while fostering important values and encouraging reflection. This versatile and comprehensive resource is a must-have for any teacher looking to create a meaningful and inclusive Advent experience for their KS1 and KS2 students.
An editable google slides assembly presentation based around Anti-Bullying Week 2024 and its theme of Choosing Respect
Suitable for KS2. We have a separate KS1 version.
Detailed notes for each slide included to help deliver the assembly presentation. Visuals and Widgits used to be simple and help SEND and EAL children access. Extension ideas included in notes to create writing activities based on personal reflection. Opportunities for thinking and partner discussion as well as sharing thoughts, ideas and personal experiences with the assembly or group.
Slides include:
What is Anti-Bullying Week 2024?
What are Anti-Bullying Week’s aims?
When is Anti-Bullying Week 2024?
What is bullying?
What is respect?
Is it possible to disagree respectfully?
Scenarios where the children need to decide if people are being respectful or not.
When is banter actually bullying?
Online Bullying.
What can we do to stop bullying?
Information about Odd Socks Day.
Reflection and act of worship (prayer) included to be accessible for both community and church schools.
An editable google slides assembly presentation based around Anti-Bullying Week 2024 and its theme of Choosing Respect…
Suitable for KS1. We have a separate KS2 version.
Detailed notes for each slide included to help deliver the assembly presentation. Visuals and Widgits used to be simple and help SEND and EAL children access. Extension ideas included in notes to create writing activities based on personal reflection. Opportunities for thinking and partner discussion as well as sharing thoughts, ideas and personal experiences with the assembly or group.
Slides include:
What is Anti-Bullying Week 2024?
What are Anti-Bullying Week’s aims?
When is Anti-Bullying Week 2024?
What is bullying?
What is respect?
What does respect look like?
Scenarios where the children need to decide if people are being respectful or not.
What can we do to stop bullying?
Information about Odd Socks Day.
Reflection and act of worship (prayer) included to be accessible for both community and church schools.
Introducing our meticulously crafted teaching unit that draws inspiration from the powerful narrative of Francesca Sanna’s “The Journey”. This 5-week writing unit is designed to captivate students while fostering a deep understanding of the refugee experience.
Key Features:
Developed in line with Power of Reading Plans
Comprises plans, slides, resources, and differentiated activities
Fully adaptable to align with your unique teaching approach
“The Journey” is Francesca Sanna’s debut picture book that beautifully encapsulates the experiences of refugees from diverse backgrounds. The narrative is straightforward and easy to comprehend, while the stunning illustrations depict the varied landscapes and emotional trajectories of a family seeking refuge. While ending on a note of hope, the book underscores the persistent uncertainty that many refugees face.
Primary Goals of this Teaching Sequence:
Enrich students’ comprehension and appreciation of the struggles encountered by refugees.
Cultivate empathy.
Delve into the concept of universal human rights and freedoms.
Spanning roughly 26 sessions, this teaching sequence offers a wealth of opportunities for educators to impart advanced reading and writing skills through a poignant and challenging text. The striking illustrations invite reader engagement and reflection on intricate themes, facilitating a thorough exploration of sensitive content and inspiring genuine, creative responses.
Please ensure all students are emotionally equipped to engage with this text due to its sensitive nature. Teachers should take into account their students’ prior experiences and use this insight to gauge the depth of exploration into the themes presented.
An editable google slides assembly presentation based around Black History Month 2024. The key theme for Black History Month 2024 is ‘Reclaiming Narratives’ which has been focussed on in the presentation.
Suitable for KS1 & KS2. Key figures in American and British black history are celebrated by learning their stories. Some are commonly known (e.g. MLKjr) and some are lesser known to British children (e.g.Ignatius Sancho). Detailed notes for each slide included to help deliver the assembly presentation. Visuals and Wigits used to be simple and help SEND and EAL children access. Could be used as a classroom lesson to develop more discussion, knowledge, stories and complete writing activity.
Slides include:
What is Black History Month?
Simple quiz for children to guess who the important person is, with a fact page about each one.
Facts about Benjamin Zephaniah and opportunity for writing a poem based on his poem ‘The British’.
Reflection and act of worship (prayer) included to be accessible for both community and church schools.
An editable google slides assembly presentation based around Remembrance Day.
Suitable for KS1 & KS2.
Detailed notes for each slide included to help deliver the assembly presentation. Visuals and Wigits used to be simple and help SEND and EAL children access. Extension ideas included in notes to create writing activities based on personal reflection. Opportunities for thinking and partner discussion as well as sharing thoughts, ideas and personal experiences with the assembly or group.
Slides include:
What is Remembrance Day?
When is Remembrance Day and why was it created?
Why is Remembrance Day celebrated?
How is Remembrance Day celebrated?
Two minute silence information
Poppy Appeal Slide
In Flanders Field Poem
Reflection and act of worship (prayer) included to be accessible for both community and church schools.
An editable google slides assembly presentation based around the festival of Diwali.
Suitable for KS1 & KS2.
Detailed notes for each slide included to help deliver the assembly presentation. Visuals and Wigits used to be simple and help SEND and EAL children access. Extension ideas included in notes to create writing activities based on personal reflection. Opportunities for thinking and partner discussion as well as sharing thoughts, ideas and personal experiences with the assembly or group.
Slides include:
What is Diwali?
When is Diwali?
Why is Diwali celebrated?
How is Diwali celebrated?
What is eaten on Diwali?
The Story of Rama and Sita with original images
Reflection and act of worship (prayer) included to be accessible for both community and church schools.
An editable google slides assembly presentation based around Harvest Festival.
Suitable for KS1 & KS2.
Detailed notes for each slide included to help deliver the assembly presentation. Visuals and Wigits used to be simple and help SEND and EAL children access. Extension ideas included in notes to create writing activities based on personal reflection. Opportunities for thinking and partner discussion as well as sharing thoughts, ideas and personal experiences with the assembly or group.
Slides include:
What is World Mental Health Day?
What is mental health
Scenarios on whether is positive mental health or negative.
How our school is our workplace.
Reflection and act of worship (prayer) included to be accessible for both community and church schools.