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Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.




Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.
3 Primary sources: The Holocaust

3 Primary sources: The Holocaust

This resource includes 3 separate primary sources from eyewitnesses to events in the topic The Holocaust and activities based on the source including who wrote the source, what we know about the writer, how their presence at the historical incidents impacts their writing, whether the information is reliable and the purpose of the writing. The 3 sources are: + Mark Jurkowski describes his experiences in Auschwitz, 1940 CE + Chaim Hirszman witnesses Nazis selecting Jews to live or die, 1942 CE + Martin Luther expresses his anti-Semitic views, 1542 CE Each source and analysis questions are on a single page. This task is designed for NSW students of the History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Stage 5 Depth Study 6: The Holocaust The outcome being developed is: NSW HT5-5 identifies and evaluates the usefulness of sources in the historical inquiry process.
3 Primary sources:  Australian involvement in the Vietnam War

3 Primary sources: Australian involvement in the Vietnam War

This resource includes 3 separate primary sources from eyewitnesses to events in the topic Australian involvement in the Vietnam War and activities based on the source including who wrote the source, what we know about the writer, how their presence at the historical incidents impacts their writing, whether the information is reliable and the purpose of the writing. The 3 sources are: + Allen May recounts a battle with the Viet Cong at Long Tan, 1966 CE + Bob Gibson explains why he enlisted for the Vietnam War, c.1967 CE + Bill White speaks to the Sydney Moratorium Marchers, 1970 CE Each source and analysis questions are on a single page. This task is designed for NSW students of the Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Higher School Certificate Course Peace & Conflict Option A: Conflict in Indochina, 1954-1989. The outcome being developed is: NSW HT4-5 identifies the meaning, purpose and context of historical sources.
What was the role of women in Celtic society?

What was the role of women in Celtic society?

Documentary and archaeological evidence testify to the domestic and familial role of Celtic women, their rights and responsibilities, occasional leadership of tribes, women slaves and their role in religious observance. This source-based activity is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Preliminary HSC course Case studies from Egypt, Greece, Rome, Celtic Europe Topic A8: The Celts
Why did Australians fight in the Second Anglo-Boer War 1899-1901?

Why did Australians fight in the Second Anglo-Boer War 1899-1901?

When the British Empire and the Boer republics of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State the Australian colonies were quick to offer men and materiel to the British Home Office. The motives of Australian colonial politicians centred around support for the British Empire. Australian men, on the other hand, were tempted by a sense of adventure. The Second Boer War was in progress when the Australian birth certificate was issued in 1901. There were few questions raised about the either the morality or legality of the acquisition of the Boer republics. This source-based activity is designed for students of the NSW K-10 History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 5 Depth Study 2: Australia & Asia 2a: Making a Nation - Australia 1900-1914
Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BCE

Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BCE

This bundle covers the requirements of the Stage 6 Higher School Certificate course for the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Historical Periods - Option G: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BCE It includes: Metalanguage Video: The Spartans documentary series Worksheet: The Spartans documentary series Presentation: Leonidas Presentation: Secondary sources + Source-based activity: Horses and hunting. How did the Spartans spend their leisure time? + Source-based activity: What happened at the Hyakinthia Festival? + Source-based activity: Were the helots slaves? + Source-based activity: Was the agoge a school or a military bootcamp? + Source-based activity: What was so unusual about Spartan marriage customs? + Source-based activity: Who was Tyrtaeus? What were the themes of his poetry? + Source-based activity: Why was the krypteia so bloodthirsty? + Source-based activity: Why was the Battle of Leuctra so important? + Source-based activity: Why did the Spartans revere the Menelaion? + Source-based activity: How much freedom was given to Spartan girls? + Source-based activity: What was so important about the Temple of Apollo at Amyklai? + Source-based activity: What happened at the Gymnopediae Festival? + Source-based activity: What contribution did the perioikoi make to Spartan society? + Source-based activity: Was Spartan cultural life Spartan? + Source-based activity: What did Sparta gain in the Messenian Wars? Source-based activity: What was Alkman’s contribution to Spartan literature? Source-based activity: Who was Lycurgus, really? Source-based activity: What was Brasidas’ role in the Peloponnesian War? Source-based activity: What was the role of the Spartan kings? Source-based activity: What happened at the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia? Source-based activity: Was Cleomenes I a great Spartan leader? Source-based activity: What happened at the House of the Bronze Athena? Source-based activity: Why did Spartiates eat at a syssitia? Source-based activity: What happened at the Festival of Karneia? Source-based activity: Why did the Spartans win the First Battle of Mantinea? Source-based activity: What were the main features of the Spartan economy? Source-based activity: What was the Spartan contribution to the Battle of Thermopylae? Source-based activity: Why did the Spartans found a colony at Taras? Source-based activity: Why did the Spartans allow old men to rule the state? + Spartans at the Gates of Fire worksheet + Activity: 3 Primary sources Revision: Who Am I? Word search Sequence the events Exposition assessment task Revision: True or false?
Aboriginal Rights and Freedoms Word Search

Aboriginal Rights and Freedoms Word Search

This word search uses key terms and phrases from the topic Aboriginal Rights and Freedoms. It is designed to be part of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 5 Depth study 4: Rights and Freedoms
The Celts Episode 1: In the Beginning

The Celts Episode 1: In the Beginning

This worksheet accompanies the video The Celts Episode 1: In the Beginning. It focuses on archaeological evidence for Celtic life in Central Europe during the Hallstatt and La Tene periods. There are also worked answers to the questions.
Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheener.  Freedom fighters or murderers?

Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheener. Freedom fighters or murderers?

Dispossessed of their land and all means of survival as a result of the genocidal "Black War" in Van Diemen's Land in the mid-1800s to 1832, warriors Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheener took the only option available to them, they fought back. Their guerrilla campaign resulted in the deaths of British settlers. The men were captured by the British army and transported to Port Phillip Bay (now Melbourne) to be the first men hung in the local prison. Were they freedom fighters or murderers? Unfortunately, our written evidence is entirely British. The Tasmanian Aborigines passed down their histories orally. Can you identify the forces at play: systemic racism, biased sources and dispossession on the scale of the Highland Clearances?
444 Days. The Iranian Hostage Crisis

444 Days. The Iranian Hostage Crisis

The film 444 Days The Iranian Hostage Crisis is a detailed analysis of the 1979-80 event that reveals the political undercurrents around the event. This worksheet assists students to analyse the issues from the film. It is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus. Higher School Certificate course National Studies Option H: Iran 1953-1989
Celtic Society Assessment Task

Celtic Society Assessment Task

This is an assessment task on Celtic Society that includes assessed course outcomes, rubric, marking guideline and student feedback sheet. The task is an essay: Many of the classical writers (Romans and Greeks) believed that the Celts were barbarians, lacking in the refinements of civilisation. Do you agree with them? Use supportive evidence from the sources to help explain your view. The task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Preliminary course Investigating Ancient History – Case Studies List A: Case studies from Egypt, Greece, Rome, Celtic Europe A8. The Celts
Literacy activity: The Assimilation Policy

Literacy activity: The Assimilation Policy

Developing better literacy skills assists History students to read, write and view creatively and critically. This activity provides students with the opportunity to use selective elements of grammar (capital letters, full stops and commas) in a history context. Student worksheet and correct answers are provided. It is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 5 Depth study 4: Rights and Freedoms
Why do Australians celebrate a military defeat?

Why do Australians celebrate a military defeat?

From the dramatic events around the storming of the Gallipoli Peninsula on April 25, 1915 to the public commemorations of today, Anzac Day is the national celebration of a military defeat. Why is the day important to Australians? This source-based activity examines the history of Anzac Day, the construction of memorials across Australia and wider afield, the personality traits held to be the examples set by the Anzacs and the role of Anzac Day in the development of Australia as an independent nation. This activity is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 5 Depth Study 3: Australians at War - World War I
How did the people of Pompeii access water?

How did the people of Pompeii access water?

From the early days of Pompeii its people needed to collect water from local streams. As the population grew and water became a scarcer resource, aqueducts were built, then water storage towers that were then linked to public and private buildings via lead pipes. Maintenance of the water supply system, keeping the water clean and maintaining pressure were key concerns for the city. This source-based activity is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus. Higher School Certificate course Core Study: Cities of Vesuvius - Pompeii & Herculaneum
The Lascaux Cave

The Lascaux Cave

Live too far from the Dordogne to organise a class visit to the Lascaux Cave? Fret no more. Let Lonely World Travel take you on a tour through the Palaeolithic Lascaux Cave complex. This Powerpoint presentation is a great way to introduce students to prehistoric Europe and the problems and issues of conservation and the impact of tourism.
Petra:  City in Stone

Petra: City in Stone

The city of Petra spans the ancient world from the Nabataeans to the Romans. It is an extraordinary archaeological site that will fascinate students and introduce concepts of the nature and purpose of historical sites and various problems and issues associated with sites including conservation, restoration and education.
Why did the US withdraw from Vietnam?

Why did the US withdraw from Vietnam?

US withdrawal from the Vietnam War is attributed to: + Increasing US casualties; + War crimes/atrocities; + The 1968 Tet Offensive; + The Vietnamisation Policy; + Heavy financial costs of the war; + Increasing opposition to the war in the US; + Inability of US troops to counter the guerrilla tactics of North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces; & + Poor morale of US forces compared to the opposing forces. This source-based activity is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus. Higher School Certificate course Peace & Conflict Option A: Conflict in Indochina
Why did Laos become a Communist country?

Why did Laos become a Communist country?

During the Second Vietnam War (between the US/South Vietnam and North Vietnam) there was another war in Indochina: the war between the Royalist Lao forces and the Communist Pathet Lao. Referred to as the 'Secret War" because its existence was kept from the Western public, this war for control of Laos had its own atrocities and heroic acts. This source-based activity is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Peace & Conflict Option A: Conflict in Indochina
Massacre at Myall Creek - Australia on Trial

Massacre at Myall Creek - Australia on Trial

This worksheet accompanies the ABC-TV documentary Australia on Trial - The Myall Creek Massacre (2011). It covers the events around the 1836 massacre and the two court cases in 1837/38 culminating in the verdict when in the hanging of 7 convict stockmen. The agendas of the squatters, Governor Gipps and urban middle-class society are examined. It is probably beyond the scope of the video to investigate the perspectives of the Kamilaroi people and that of the convicts. Neither had power in the 1830s to give their view of the crimes.
Auschwitz. The Forgotten Evidence.

Auschwitz. The Forgotten Evidence.

This worksheet accompanies the documentary, Auschwitz. The Forgotten Evidence. The video was originally shown on the History Channel and is available on You Tube. The video examines the question about why the Allies did not know about what was happening at Auschwitz and when they did, why they did not bomb the facility. The interviews with Holocaust survivors are powerful.