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Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.




Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.
Daily life under communism

Daily life under communism

Lecture by Anna Funder at the University of Reykjavik, 22 September, 2012, Daily life under communism. Funder gives an insight into her work, Stasiland, including the dissidents and Stasi men that she interviewed and what they revealed about life in East Germany, 1945-1989. This resource includes the YouTube video and worksheet to accompany the video.
Ezine article - Displaying replica bones and skeletons

Ezine article - Displaying replica bones and skeletons

Analysis of ezine article by Sarah Levitt, Displaying replica bones and skeletons published on Honouring the Ancient Dead web site. This resource is part of a unit of work, Treatment and Display of Human Remains for the *NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
Visual literacy in Australian History - diagram

Visual literacy in Australian History - diagram

Poster demonstrating the application of specific aspects of visual literacy ( content, emotional response, medium and form) to a diagram of a Japanese miniature submarine from the topic, Australia in World War II. Second page includes the full scaffolding of a visual literacy response. Designed for Stage 5 students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Depth Study 3: Australians at War - World War II.
Epic History. Alexander the Great Part 4

Epic History. Alexander the Great Part 4

Worksheet to accompany the outstanding Epic History. Alexander the Great Part 4. The video covers Alexanders campaigns in Bactria, Sogdia and Aria to his death and the division of his empire amongst his generals. This resource is designed for Stage 6 Higher School Certificate students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Personalities in their Times. Option G. Greece - Alexander the Great.
Ezine article - Why the World War II invasion of Rabaul has been left out of our national story

Ezine article - Why the World War II invasion of Rabaul has been left out of our national story

Analysis of article by Ian Townsend, Why the World War II invasion of Rabaul has been left out of our national story. The article examines the fate of Australian civilians and military personnel left at Rabaul in East New Britain when the Japanese invaded and occupied the island, 1942 - 1945 and the impact of the atrocities on surviving family members. This resource is part of a unit of work for Stage 5 students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Core Study 3: Australians at War - World War II.
Ezine article - Darwin's finger of shame points at military

Ezine article - Darwin's finger of shame points at military

Analysis of article by Mark Day entitled, Darwin’s finger of shame points at military. The article examines the 1942 Japanese bombings of Darwin and the immediate and long-term impact, including the Commission of Inquiry led by Charles Lowe into what happened and how the federal government could improve on the defence and other services in northern Australia. This resource is part of a unit of work for Stage 5 students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Core Study 3: Australians at War - World War II.
Newspaper article - Ayatollah Khomeini Unwavering Iranian Spiritual Leader

Newspaper article - Ayatollah Khomeini Unwavering Iranian Spiritual Leader

Analysis of article by Raymond H. Anderson, printed in The New York Times, Sunday, June 4, 1989 entitled Ayatollah Rudollah Khomeini, 89, the Unwavering Iranian Spiritual Leader. The article was written the day after his death and examines his life, influences and key events in his leadership of Iran. The resource is part of a unit of work, Iran 1953-1989, NSW Stage 6 Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum, Higher School Certificate course.
Magazine article: Rome's forgotten battle

Magazine article: Rome's forgotten battle

Analysis of article from World Archaeology Magazine, October/November 2017 entitled Rome’s forgotten battle. The article was written by Jesús Torres-Martínes and Manuel Fernández-Götz and examines the archaeological evidence for a battle between the Celtiberian peoples of northern Spain and the Roman army under the leadership of Augustus. The resource is part of a unit of work on Celtic Society or a unit of work on the Augustan Age. NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Preliminary Course Section 1: Investigating Ancient History Case Study: A8 The Celts. Higher School Certificate Course: Historical Periods - Option I: The Augustan Age 44 BC–AD 14
Newspaper article: Pompeii faces doom (again)

Newspaper article: Pompeii faces doom (again)

Article from the Independent newspaper and written by Michael Day entitled* Pompeii faces doom (again): Can a massive EU bail-out save the ancient city from neglect, rain and Mafia meddling?* The article examines the issue of why restoration and conservation work at Pompeii appears poor and delayed. This resource is part of a unit of work for the H.S.C. Core Study: Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii and Herculaneum. NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
What was the Judenrat?  How did they try to protect fellow Jews?

What was the Judenrat? How did they try to protect fellow Jews?

The Judenrat were Jewish Councils, established to maintain order in ghettos and to carry out Nazi policy. Their role is controversial. Whilst they did try (when possible) to protect fellow Jews, they often were merely an instrument of Nazi terror. This source-based activity is designed for students of the NSW K-10 History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 5 Depth Study 6 : The Holocaust
Why did Mosaddeq nationalize the Iranian oil industry in 1951?

Why did Mosaddeq nationalize the Iranian oil industry in 1951?

Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq received approval from the majlis (parliament) to nationalize the Iranian oil industry after Iranian governments to that point had failed to re-negotiate an equitable revenue sharing agreement with British and U.S. oil companies. The decision meant that the considerable revenue now went to the Iranian government and could be spent on local social and economic programs rather than going to the British government and privately owned oil companies. But it was a decision that Britain and the U.S.A. would not take lying down. This source-based activity is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Higher School Certificate course National Studies Option H: Iran 1953-1989
Why did students occupy the U.S. embassy on November 4, 1979?

Why did students occupy the U.S. embassy on November 4, 1979?

The reason most often given for the student occupation of the embassy was that the United States was allowing the Shah to enter the USA, rather than returning him to "face justice" in Iran. But there were other reasons: poor management of the issues by President Jimmy Carter, a history of Iranian resentment against American interference in Iran, (truthful) claims that the embassy was being used for espionage, Ayatollah Khomeini approving the occupation for his own political purposes and the students being radicalised by religious leaders. This source-based task is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Higher school Certificate course National Studies Option H: Iran 1953-1989
What was the immediate impact of Khomeini's return to Iran?

What was the immediate impact of Khomeini's return to Iran?

Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran on February 1, 1979 to widespread popular support. He has immediate problems to deal with: establishment of an effective government and bureaucracy, taking control of the military, arresting and putting on trial members of the Shah's administration, establishment of the Pasdaran (Revolutionary Guard) and dealing with unrest amongst the people including ethnic minorities. This source-based task is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Higher School Certificate course National Studies Option H: Iran 1953-1989