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Wayne Woods' Shop

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Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.




Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.
The Industrial Revolution Comes to Australia

The Industrial Revolution Comes to Australia

Worksheet to accompany the 11-minute documentary produced by the Sovereign Hill Museums Association, The Industrial Revolution Comes to Australia. It specifically examines how the Industrial Revolution impacted the lives of men and women at the Sovereign Hill gold-mining community in the 1850s. But this is a great example of how and why the* Industrial Revolution* was late in reaching Australia, but when it did, the extent of its impact on all aspects of life. This resource is part of a unit of work on The Industrial Revolution. Stage 5 NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
Australian Prisoners of War. Topic 1: A Short History

Australian Prisoners of War. Topic 1: A Short History

Worksheet to accompany the 11-minute documentary, Australian Prisoners of War. Topic 1: A Short History, produced by the Commonwealth of Australia Department of Veterans Affairs. Excellent overview to Australian POWs in international conflicts in the Twentieth Century. Only touches on internment of people of German, Japanese and Italian descent and foreign military personnel captured in war in Australian camps. This activity is part of a unit of work for Stage 5 students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Depth Study 3: Australians at War - World War II.
How did Hitler rise to power?

How did Hitler rise to power?

Worksheet and answers to accompany the 5-minute animated documentary by Ted Ed, How did Hitler Rise to Power? The video covers the impact of the Treaty of Versailles, post-war social and political issues in Germany, the impact of the Depression, the increasing power of the Nazi Party and the implementation of extremist policies following the Enabling Act, 1933.
Penal Colonies Australia

Penal Colonies Australia

Worksheet to accompany the 4-minute Simple History animated documentary, Penal Colonies Australia. The video covers reasons for establishment of penal colonies after 1776, reasons for transportation, convict work, female convicts, clothing, discipline and brutality, secondary penal settlements and rights of people upon completing their servitude. The worksheet is designed for Stage 3 students of the NSW History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Answers are provided.
Visual literacy in French language

Visual literacy in French language

Teaching visual literacy is everyone's responsibility! This poster was designed as part of a cross-curriculum promotional campaign to teach staff in all faculties in a New England NSW high school about visual literacy being a component of literacy in every area of the curriculum and to also provide students with an example of how a visual image can be deconstructed to find the hidden messages. this poster is an example of how the techniques of visual literacy can be used in French language classes. It applies an excellent template developed by the English teacher's Association of NSW to a comic.
What weapons were used by the Vikings?

What weapons were used by the Vikings?

This is a source-based activity consisting of drawings, primary and secondary documentary evidence and a photograph of an archaeological find. Students examine the evidence to answer short-response questions. the last activity is to write a half-page report on the weapons Viking used in battle. This activity is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 4 Depth Study 4: The Western and Islamic World The Vikings
Genre: Historical Fiction

Genre: Historical Fiction

This activity looks at the characteristics of Historical Fiction and asks students to find examples of character, setting, conflict and world building from the novel, Playing Beatie Bow.
Walking in his/her shoes - Australia 1900-1914

Walking in his/her shoes - Australia 1900-1914

Can your students walk in the shoes of someone from the topic Making a Nation: Australia 1900-1914? This is an empathetic task requires students to write a diary entry of an immigrant arriving in Fremantle in 1912 , to express his/her knowledge of Australia in the period 1900-1912 and his/her hopes for a new life on a country farm. There is a marking guide provided.
Why did the Vikings settle Iceland?

Why did the Vikings settle Iceland?

All migrations come down to push factors from the old country and pull factors to the new. It is the same with the Norwegian Vikings migrating to Iceland. This source-based task provides students with a variety of primary and secondary materials with which students can make their own decisions regarding why the Vikings settled Iceland. This task is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 4 Depth Study 4: The Western and Islamic World The Vikings
Tomorrow When the War Began - Character profile: Lee

Tomorrow When the War Began - Character profile: Lee

Lee is the outsider, migrant parents, musical, educated and thoughtful. Yet he finds a place in the resistance to the invading army who have taken the people of Wirrawee hostage. This resource provides quotes about his looks and personality and asks students to assess his background to determine his effectiveness as a teenage guerrilla fighter.
Spanish Conquest of the Americas Word Search

Spanish Conquest of the Americas Word Search

Word Search for the topic Spanish Conquest of the Americas 1492-1572 CE. Designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 4 Depth Study 6: Expanding Contacts 6c: Spanish Conquest of the Americas 1492-1572 CE
Tomorrow When the War Began - The Back Story

Tomorrow When the War Began - The Back Story

The back story of Bertram Christie is woven into the main story and gradually uncovered by the teenagers. They change their opinion of the man from being a murderer to being a war hero who acted in compassion. This back story challenges the protagonists (and the reader) to question the values and understandings of the world before the war. It suggests that maybe killing in war is not the same as killing during times of peace. This resource provides some of the quotes concerning the Hermit and focus questions .