Wisewire is a marketplace for sharing, creating, exchanging and purchasing high-quality learning resources. We’ve added a selection of our premium resources to TES!
Sign up free on our site to take full advantage of our powerful assignment platform for creating and delivering computer-based assessments to your classroom.
Winner of EDDIE Awards (2016); Tech & Learning Magazine Awards of Excellence (2016)
Wisewire is a marketplace for sharing, creating, exchanging and purchasing high-quality learning resources. We’ve added a selection of our premium resources to TES!
Sign up free on our site to take full advantage of our powerful assignment platform for creating and delivering computer-based assessments to your classroom.
Winner of EDDIE Awards (2016); Tech & Learning Magazine Awards of Excellence (2016)
Assess student understanding of standard L.4.2.A with this quiz. Students answer five questions that test their ability to use correct capitalization.
<strong>This product includes:</strong>
• 5 multiple choice questions
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Assess student understanding of standard L.4.1.E with this quiz. Students answer five questions that test their ability to form and use prepositional phrases.
<strong>This product includes:</strong>
• 5 multiple choice questions
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students’ ability to use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence with this quiz.
<strong>This product includes:</strong>
• 4 multiple choice questions
• 1 fill-in-the-blank question
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students’ ability to use a comma to set off the words yes and no, to set off a tag question from the rest of the sentence, and to indicate direct address with this quiz.
<strong>This product includes:</strong>
• 4 multiple choice questions
• 1 sorting question
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students’ ability to use commas in addresses with this quiz.
<strong>This product includes:</strong>
• 5 multiple choice questions
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students’ ability to capitalize appropriate words in titles with this quiz.
<strong>This product includes:</strong>
• 3 multiple choice questions
• 1 sorting question
• 1 yes/no question
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our playlists are “no prep” Common Core aligned lessons designed for small group work, homework, remediation, or extension around a single standard. This content-rich multimedia lesson integrates original instruction with web-based resources to guide students through the rigors of the aligned standard.
<strong>This product includes:</strong>
• 4 links to instructional videos, audio, or texts
• 5 links to practice quizzes or activities
• 1 assessment that includes three multiple choice questions, one matching question, and one fill-in-the-blank question
• Definitions of key terms, such as future tense and verb
• Examples of verbs in the present tense, past tense, and future tense
• An accompanying Teaching Notes file
<strong>The Teaching Notes file includes:</strong>
• Additional activities and writing prompts to help your students explore the standard
• Links to additional practice quizzes or activities
• An answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (depth of knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students’ ability to produce simple, compound, and complex sentences with this quiz.
<strong>This product includes:</strong>
• 3 multiple choice questions
• 2 matching questions
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students' ability to use various types of phrases and clauses to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to writing or presentations with this quiz.
This product includes:
• 2 multiple choice questions
• 1 sorting question
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students' ability to analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact with this quiz.
This product includes:
• 5 multiple choice questions
• "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe
• An excerpt from "Twelfth Night" by William Shakespeare
• An excerpt from "Bleak House" by Charles Dickens
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students' ability to determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings with this quiz.
This product includes:
• 5 multiple choice questions
• An excerpt from "Let’s Make the Next Generation Tobacco-Free" by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
• "Letter to the Editor in Support of Preserving Local Covered Bridges" by Wisewire
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Assess student understanding of standard L.7.1.C with this quiz. Students answer five questions that test their ability to place phrases and clauses within a sentence, recognizing and correcting misplaced and dangling modifiers.
This product includes:
• 5 multiple choice questions
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students' ability to use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives with this quiz.
This product includes:
• 4 multiple choice questions
• 1 fill-in-the-blank question
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students' ability to interpret figures of speech (e.g., personification) in context with this quiz.
This product includes:
• 5 multiple choice questions
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students' ability to distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions) (e.g., stingy, scrimping, economical, unwasteful, thrifty) with this quiz.
This product includes:
• 3 multiple choice questions
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students' ability to determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases with this quiz.
This product includes:
• 5 multiple choice questions
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Assess student understanding of standard RL.8.7 with this quiz. Students answer three questions that test their ability to analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script and evaluate the choices made by the director or actors.
This product includes:
• 3 multiple choice questions
• An excerpt from "Tarzan of the Apes" by Edgar Rice Burroughs
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students' ability to analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas with this quiz.
This product includes:
• 5 multiple choice questions
• "Bind, Burn, and Bury: Funeral Rites from Different Cultures" by Wisewire
• "Hunger In Our Schools: Breakfast Is A Crucial ‘School Supply’ for Kids In Need" by Tom Nelson
• "Cash, Credit, or Bitcoin" by Wisewire
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students' ability to analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums, determining which details are emphasized in each account with this quiz.
This product includes:
• 3 multiple choice questions
• An excerpt from Annie L. Burton's "Abraham Lincoln"
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students' ability to interpret figures of speech in context with this quiz.
This product includes:
• 5 multiple choice questions
• An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels