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Public Health in the 18th and 19th century- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

Public Health in the 18th and 19th century- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A lesson looking at Public health in the 18th and 19th century as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. The lesson looks at diseases that were common during the Industrial Revolution, Edwin Chadwick, the Great Stink and Joseph Bazalgette and the Public Health Acts. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and note making, videos and a sorting activity.
Penicillin- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

Penicillin- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A lesson looking at the discovery and development of penicillin as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. The lesson looks at Flemming, Florey and Chain and Penicillin’s mass production during the Second World War. The lesson includes a recap quiz, teaching exposition and note taking, video and a worksheet.
NHS- Edexcel Medicie GCSE

NHS- Edexcel Medicie GCSE

A lesson looking at the National Health Service as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. The lessons looks at the services of the NHS including cradle to grave care and high tech treatments. Also looks at the ways government prevents disease such as campaigns, laws and vaccinations. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teaching exposition and note making, videos, a sorting activity and a word fill activity.
DNA- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

DNA- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A lesson looking at how Watson and Crick discovered DNA and its later developments such as the Human Genome Project as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE.
Edward Jenner and Vaccination- Edexcel GCSE

Edward Jenner and Vaccination- Edexcel GCSE

A lesson looking at what small pox is, how Edward Jenner made the first vaccination, opposition to it and how the vaccine was made compulsory and links to public health as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. The lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and note making, videos and source analysis.
Robert Koch- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

Robert Koch- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A lesson looking at Robert Koch and bacteriology and how this was then used to make vaccinations as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and notes, video and worksheet with questions.
Pasteur and Vaccination- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

Pasteur and Vaccination- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A lesson looking at Pasteur and the vaccination for chicken cholera as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and note taking, video and debate question.
Nursing- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

Nursing- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A lesson looking at nursing in the 19th century focusing on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and note making, video, questions and a true or false plenary.
Celts and Iron Age

Celts and Iron Age

A lesson looking at the Celts and Iron age Britain including a recap starter, a video and multiple activities.
Alfred of Wessex

Alfred of Wessex

A lesson looking at Alfred of Wessex and his defeat of the Vikings including a worksheet, storyboard and video
What is iron and how is it made?

What is iron and how is it made?

Lesson looking at the importance of iron during the Industrial Revolution and a step by step of how it was made and a worksheet looking at the Darby family.
How important were trains?

How important were trains?

A lesson looking at the invention and importance of trains during the Industrial revolution including key events such as the opening of the Stockton-Darlington and Liverpool-Manchester railways and key individuals such as Richard Trevithick and George Stephenson. Includes a recap starter, teacher exposition and questions and videos.