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Why did the Romans invade Britain

Why did the Romans invade Britain

A lesson looking at why the Romans invaded Britain including a recap starter, a video and multiple activities. Looks at the economic, political and social reasons.
Who were the Luddites?

Who were the Luddites?

A lesson looking at the Luddites during the Industrial Revolution including a recap starter, videos and a worksheet.
Viking Settlements

Viking Settlements

A lesson about Viking settlements in Britain including a recap starter, video, worksheet and teacher exposition on Coppergate.
What was black gold?

What was black gold?

A lesson looking into why coal was important during the Industrial Revolution and the jobs and dangers in a coal mine. Includes a recap starter, teacher exposition and questions and videos.
Tudor Fashion

Tudor Fashion

A lesson looking at fashion during the Tudor era. Includes information, a video, some labeling and colouring activities. This was done as a History Club lesson so is mainly discussing and activity based rather than note making.
Tudor Entertainment

Tudor Entertainment

A lesson looking at Tudor entertainment including animals in entertainment such as hunting, the globe theatre,sports, music, banqueting and dancing. Lesson includes informaton, a video, a labeling activity, a colour code and a true or false plenary.
Victorian Entertainment

Victorian Entertainment

A Carousel activity with fact files and table to fill in on Victorian Entertainment. Includes forms of entertaining such as the circus,waxworks, sports, penny gaffs, museums, pleasure gardens and more.
Victorian Crime and Punishment

Victorian Crime and Punishment

A lesson looking at Victorian Crime and Punishment including looking at prison, transportation, the beginings of the police force and case studies of Jack the Ripper and Burke and Hare. Lesson includes information, video and a carousel activity.
Tudor Theatre

Tudor Theatre

A lesson looking at theatre in the Tudor era including the globe theatre. Lesson includes a video, labeling activity and colour code activity.
Tudor Medicine

Tudor Medicine

A lesson looking at the causes and treatments for disease in the Tudor era. Contains information and videos. This done for History club so was mainly discussion based.
Crime and Punishment during the Industrial Revolution

Crime and Punishment during the Industrial Revolution

A lesson looking at crime and punishment (before the start of the police force) looking at the watch, magistrates and constables, capital punishment and transportation. Includes a recap stater, teacher exposition and questions and a source analysis worksheet.
Class during the Industrial Revolution

Class during the Industrial Revolution

A lesson looking at the different social-economic classes during the Victorian era and the social pyramid and including the social reformer Seebohm Rowntree. Inlcudes a recap starter and teacher exposition and questions.
Henry VII Government-AQA Tudors A level

Henry VII Government-AQA Tudors A level

A lesson looking at Henry’s VII’s government including his council, council learned in the law, court and household, parliament and Historiography. Includes a recap starter, teacher exposition and practice exam question.
Tudors- Animals in Entertainment

Tudors- Animals in Entertainment

A lesson looking at how animals were used in entertainment in the Tudor era including hunting, bear baiting, hawking and cock fighting. Includes a carousel activity, poster design activity and a true or false plenary.
Fabulous Feminists

Fabulous Feminists

A collection of fact files of fabulous women throughout History. This was used as a History Club lesson so doesn’t have many activities and is mainly fact files. Includes Margery Kemp, Catherine Parr, Elizabeth I, Mary Wollstonecraft, Jane Austen, Anne Lister, George Elliot, Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale, Ida Bell Wells Barnett, Milicent Fawcett, Elizabeth Garret Anderson, Emmeline Pankhurst, Emily Wilding Davison, Marie Curie, Marlene Dietrich, Rosalind Franklin, Simone Dde Beauvoir, Eleanor Roosevelt, Katherine G Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Berry Frieden, Gloria Steinem, Rosa Parks, Angela Davis, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Malala Yousafzai, Emma Watson, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Louisa Gould, Alex Scott, Serena Williams and Taylor Swift
Jack the Ripper and Victorian Crime and Punishment

Jack the Ripper and Victorian Crime and Punishment

Lesson includes a worksheet to be completed with a carousel activity to find clues and information about the victims and suspects for Jack the Ripper. Also includes a script to learn about the suspects by being interviewed by police. Also includes slides about crime and punishment in the Victorian era more generally including transportation and prisons.
Salem Witch Trials

Salem Witch Trials

A lesson looking at what caused the Salem Witch Trials. Includes a picture starter, information about what happened, a video, theories about what caused the trail and a debate question and puzzle plenary. This lesson was done for History Club so was mainly discussion based rather than note taking.