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Jack the Ripper and Victorian Crime and Punishment

Jack the Ripper and Victorian Crime and Punishment

Lesson includes a worksheet to be completed with a carousel activity to find clues and information about the victims and suspects for Jack the Ripper. Also includes a script to learn about the suspects by being interviewed by police. Also includes slides about crime and punishment in the Victorian era more generally including transportation and prisons.
How did British society change under the Romans?

How did British society change under the Romans?

A lesson looking at how British society changed under the Romans focusing on how Britain became Christian and how Britain became multicultural. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition, questions, a video, a worksheet and a match the definition plenary
Roman Health and Hygiene

Roman Health and Hygiene

A lesson looking at Roman Health and Hygiene including sewers, public baths and toilets and aquaducts. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition , video, carousel activity, PEEL paragraph writing and a plenary sheet.
Roman Settlements

Roman Settlements

A lesson about Roman settlements in Britain including a recap starter, a worksheet on Roman towns, an extension on Roman houses, a video and a role play activity on Roman roads.
Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper

Two lessons covering all the victims of Jack and Ripper, the events of their deaths and possible suspects. Includes a video, teacher exposition and an opportunity for students to debate who they think the most likely suspect was.
Viking Settlements

Viking Settlements

A lesson about Viking settlements in Britain including a recap starter, video, worksheet and teacher exposition on Coppergate.
Edexcel Nazi Germany Exam Technique

Edexcel Nazi Germany Exam Technique

This booklet covers the exam techniques for question 3a and 3d on the Nazi Germany Edexcel paper. It firstly covers the how useful are the sources B and C question and has a model answer on women in Nazi Germany, a structure strips and some tips to help with a question on how Hitler became Chancellor and a practice question on growth of support of the Nazi party 1924-1928. It then looks at the How far do you agree with interpretation 2 question. Again it as a model answer on women in Nazi Germany, a structure strips and some tips to help with a question on how Hitler became Chancellor and a practice question on growth of support of the Nazi party 1924-1928.
Edexcel Nazi Germany Exam Technique Booklet

Edexcel Nazi Germany Exam Technique Booklet

This booklet covers the exam techniques for question 3a and 3d on the Nazi Germany Edexcel paper. It firstly covers the how useful are the sources B and C question and has a model answer on the Hitler Youth, a structure strip and some tips to help with a question on the growth of the Nazi party 1929-1932 and a practice question on women in Nazi Germany. It then looks at the How far do you agree with interpretation 2 question. Again it has a model answer on the Hitler Youth, a structure strip and some tips to help with a question on the growth of the Nazi party 1929-1932 and a practice question on women in Nazi Germany.
How do steam engines work?

How do steam engines work?

A lesson looking at the invention of the steam engine and James Watt including a recap starter, video, labeling activity and sorting activity with water and steam power.
Who were the Luddites?

Who were the Luddites?

A lesson looking at the Luddites during the Industrial Revolution including a recap starter, videos and a worksheet.
The Romans leave Britain

The Romans leave Britain

A lesson about why the Romans left Britain including a recap starter, teacher exposition, a fill in the gap activity and a true or false activity.
Why did the Vikings come to Britain

Why did the Vikings come to Britain

A lesson looking at why the Vikings came to Britain including a recap starter, a drawing and labeling activity of a Viking longship, a push and pull factors sorting activity and a true or false activity.
Diseases during the Industrial Revolution

Diseases during the Industrial Revolution

A lesson looking at diseases that were common during the Industrial revolution including typhoid, tuberculosis, cholera and smallpox. Includes teacher exposition and questions, a table sorting activity, video and a written task.
Effects of the steam engine

Effects of the steam engine

A lesson looking at both the positive and negative effects of the steam engine, especially focusing on trains. Includes a recap starter, work sheet and video.
Crime and Punishment during the Industrial Revolution

Crime and Punishment during the Industrial Revolution

A lesson looking at how the police force started during the Industrial Revolution including Robert Peel and looking at how prisons improved and Elizabeth Fry. Includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and questions, video and plenary quiz.
Why did the Romans invade Britain

Why did the Romans invade Britain

A lesson looking at why the Romans invaded Britain including a recap starter, a video and multiple activities. Looks at the economic, political and social reasons.
Why were canals so important?

Why were canals so important?

A lesson looking at the invention and importance of canals during the Industrial Revolution including key individuals such as James Brindley, the Duke of Bridgewater and Josiah Wedgewood. Includes a recap starter, teacher exposition and questions and a video.
What was black gold?

What was black gold?

A lesson looking into why coal was important during the Industrial Revolution and the jobs and dangers in a coal mine. Includes a recap starter, teacher exposition and questions and videos.