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Geography, History & Whole School CPD
PyeongChang Winter Olympics 2018 Workbook

PyeongChang Winter Olympics 2018 Workbook

Various research and fun activities about the 2018 Winter Olympics. 1hour+ - great for end of term or cover lessons. Includes; Research on South Korea; population, flag, different host countries, mascots etc.
2018 World Cup - makes A5 booklet

2018 World Cup - makes A5 booklet

Various activities relating to both the World Cup and the host country. Activities include word searches, country research, past host countries, flag information, mascots etc.
AQA GCSE Geography Ecosystems 3.1.2 Eight Flipped Homework Resources

AQA GCSE Geography Ecosystems 3.1.2 Eight Flipped Homework Resources

Eight flipped homework resources. Each homework features one resounding question from this topic. The sheet is laid out like a cartoon strip and has a weblink and QR code to a video or resource. Students are asked for definitions, notes, a GCSE-style question etc. This is a great flipped resource OR revision tool.
LOCKDOWN GEOG. KS3 5 wk unit; The U.K.

LOCKDOWN GEOG. KS3 5 wk unit; The U.K.

5 writable pdf “workbooks” including video links. This topic is “The U.K.” and coverd both physical and human geography topics. Each wee contains roughly 1hrs online work. Resources are easy to download onto any device and can be either printed or completed/submitted online.
Bell Work - all about...

Bell Work - all about...

36 slides. Each has a different place, person, quote etc. with 3 quick research questions. Great as a "Bell Work" activity if your school has a BYOD policy