Environmental Psychology Topic 3. In line with Unit 3 (Applied Psychology) from the OCR A Level Specification.
Powerpoint includes background, key terms & definitions, videos, key research summary, additional study summaries and guidance on structure for the evaluate and apply questions within Unit 3 Section B.
Environmental Psychology Topic 6. In line with Unit 3 (Applied Psychology) from the OCR A Level Specification.
Powerpoint includes background, key terms & definitions, video, key research summary, additional study summaries and guidance on structure for the evaluate and apply questions within Unit 3 Section B.
Another activity I use but could not include for GDPR reasons is guess the desk. Take pictures of your colleague’s desks and get students to guess which desk belongs to who.
Environmental Psychology Topic 1. In line with Unit 3 (Applied Psychology) from the OCR A Level Specification.
Powerpoint includes background, discussion tasks, key terms & definitions, key research summary, additional study summaries and guidance on structure for the evaluate and apply questions within Unit 3 Section B.
Criminal Psychology Topic 6. In line with Unit 3 (Applied Psychology) from the OCR A Level Specification.
Powerpoint includes background, key terms & definitions,discussion tasks, videos, key research summary, additional study summaries and guidance on structure for the evaluate and apply questions within Unit 3 Section B.
Criminal Psychology Topic 5. In line with Unit 3 (Applied Psychology) from the OCR A Level Specification.
Powerpoint includes background, key terms & definitions, discussion tasks, video, key research summary, additional study summaries and guidance on structure for the evaluate and apply questions within Unit 3 Section B.
Criminal Psychology Topic 4. In line with Unit 3 (Applied Psychology) from the OCR A Level Specification.
Powerpoint includes background, key terms & definitions, discussion tasks, practical activities, video, key research summary, additional study summaries and guidance on structure for the evaluate and apply questions within Unit 3 Section B.
Environmental Psychology Topic 5. In line with Unit 3 (Applied Psychology) from the OCR A Level Specification.
Powerpoint includes background, discussion task, key research summary, additional study summaries and guidance on structure for the evaluate and apply questions within Unit 3 Section B.
Environmental Psychology Topic 4. In line with Unit 3 (Applied Psychology) from the OCR A Level Specification.
Powerpoint includes background, key terms & definitions, video of good ergonomics, key research summary, additional study summaries and guidance on structure for the evaluate and apply questions within Unit 3 Section B.
Also attached is a pdf of the monitor for students to label as an activity.
Criminal Psychology Topic 3. In line with Unit 3 (Applied Psychology) from the OCR A Level Specification.
Powerpoint includes background, key terms & definitions, key research summary, additional study summaries and guidance on structure for the evaluate and apply questions within Unit 3 Section B.
The Cognitive Area in line with unit 2 of the OCR A level Specification.
The powerpoint includes principles and concepts, explanations of how studies link to the area as well as strengths & weaknesses of the area.
The Individual Differences Area in line with the OCR A level Specification. Part of Unit 2 - Core Studies content.
Powerpoint includes principles, concepts, explanations of why studies lie within the area as well as strengths & weaknesses.
Chaney’s Core Study in line with the OCR A level Specification. Part of Unit 2 - Core Studies content.
Powerpoint includes background, key terms, study summary and evaluation.
Bandura’s Core study in line with unit 2 from the A level OCR specification.
Includes full study summary, evaluation, discussion points and clear examples of matched participants design.
Gould’s Core Study in line with the OCR A level Specification. Part of Unit 2 - Core Studies content.
Powerpoint includes background, key terms, study summary, play along tasks from Yerkes’ intelligence tests and evaluation.
The Developmental Area in line with the OCR A level Specification. Part of Unit 2 - Core Studies content.
Powerpoint includes defining principles, explanations of why studies lie within the area as well as strengths & weaknesses.
OCR A Level Psychology Observation Content. 1 of the 4 Research Methods needed for Unit 1 - Research Methods.
Powerpoint includes answers to the observation starter (also attached), video to test observation skills, discussion activities, key terms and definitions, strengths & weaknesses as well as links to core studies and real life examples.
Reliability & Validity Powerpoint/Lesson. In line with the OCR A level Psychology but most likely relevant for other courses too.
Terms defined:
Internal reliability
External reliability
Split-half reliability
Inter-rater reliability
Test-retest reliability
Construct validity
Concurrent validity
Ecological validity
Population validity
Face Validity
Criterion validity
Powerpoint includes definitions, real life/study examples, identify the type of reliability/validity activities, common misconceptions addressed, exam questions (with structure and example answers) and sort the term/word activity.
Criminal Psychology Topic 2. As part of the OCR A level Specification Unit 3 (Applied Psychology).
Powerpoint includes background to the topic, discussion activities, fingerprint activity, research summaries and practicals/examples as well as structure guidance for evaluation and application questions.
Grant’s Core Study in line with the OCR A level Specification. Part of Unit 2 - Core Studies content.
Powerpoint includes background, key terms, study summary and evaluation.
Levine’s C ore Study in line with the OCR A level Specification. Part of Unit 2 - Core Studies content.
Powerpoint includes background, key terms, study summary and evaluation.