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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Antoine (1612 -94) & Marie Angelique Arnauld (1591-1661)

Antoine (1612 -94) & Marie Angelique Arnauld (1591-1661)

Antoine was a French philosopher, mathematician and a leading theologian of the Jansenist movement ( See notes). He studied law and theology at Sorbonne. In 1641 he was ordained as a priest and deeply associated himself with the Jansenist movement at the convent at Port-Royal. His book De la frequente communion (1641) caused a storm - it attracted controversy by being against frequent communion. For 20 years he was forced to withdraw from public life and the faculty at the Sorbonne. He spent a lot of his time writing. He died, aged 82, in Brussels. His complete works -37 volumes in 42 parts was published between 1775-81. Boilrau wrote a famous epitaph The most learned man who ever wrote. Antoine was also regarded as being one of the most important mathematicians of his time His sister Marie Angelique Arnauld became abbess at Port-Royal.( See note) Source Wikipedia
1662 Act of Uniformity and the Great Ejection

1662 Act of Uniformity and the Great Ejection

The Act of Uniformity prescribed the form of public prayers, administration of sacraments and other rites of the Established Church of England according to the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. The Great Ejection meant ministers, who refused to follow the act, were forced out of their position. 2000+ Puritan ministers were ejected out of the C OF E and were now called nonconformists. The Act of Uniformity is one of 4 crucial pieces of legislation known as the Clarendon Code. Source Wikipedia
Aphrahat (280-c345) writer of  Demonstrations

Aphrahat (280-c345) writer of Demonstrations

Aphrahat was a Syriac Christian author of the third century. His ancestors were from the Persian /Sasanian Empire. All of his known works, the *Demonstrations * come from later in his life - 336-344. Aphrahat is the Syriac version of the Persian name Frahat, which today would be Farhad. The author, known as the Persian sage, also took the name Jacob at his baptism. There is a suggestion that he became a bishop Read about order and subjects of the 23 Demonstrations.
Isobel Kuhn (1901-1957) missionary  to Lisu people of China

Isobel Kuhn (1901-1957) missionary to Lisu people of China

Isobel Selina Miller Kuhn - Belle - was a Canadian Christian missionary to the Lisu people of Yunnan Province, China and northern Thailand. She served with the China Inland Mission, along with her husband John , as a Bible translator, church planter, Bible teacher, evangelist and author of 9 books about her experiences. Rainy Seasons Bible Schools was opened by Isobel. During the dry season her ‘pupils’ worked hard on the land. When the floods came they were able to study. From 1930-1954 Isobel and John were missionaries in China. Their missionary work was put on hold from 1950-2 because of the Chinese communist revolution. In 1954 Isobel was diagnosed with cancer and she concentrated on writing her books. Her first book By Searching is an autobiography of her early life in a Christian home and her eventual conversion, aged 20, to being a born again Christian. ISBN 978-0853639111 Irene Howat in her book Gold from Dark Mines looks at Isobel 's searching and 5 other well known Christians and their build-up to their conversions. Isobel died on March 20th 1957 with her John at her side. Her funeral was held at Wheaton College Church. When I get to heaven they aren’t going to see much of me but my heels, for I’ll be hanging over the golden wall keeping an eye on the Lisu church! Isobel Kuhn (Note Her father was a roentgenologist - a person who uses x-rays in the diagnosis of illness an disease.) Sources Wikipedia 4 excellent pages of notes Gold From Dark Mines Irene Howat ch7 p173-p203 (ISBN 1 -85792-943-8)
Johann Arndt (1555-1621)   German Lutheran theologian

Johann Arndt (1555-1621) German Lutheran theologian

Johann wrote several influential books on devotional Christianity. He is seen as a forerunner of Pietism (intensity of religious devotion) a movement within Lutherism that gained strength in the late 17th century. His fame rests on his writings. He wrote several influential books. His principal piece of work was *Wahres Christentum * -True Christianity His best known work is Paraadiesgartlein aller christlichen Tugenden(1612)* He was held in very high repute by German Pietists. The importance of Johann’s influence on the early Pietists is that some scholars even called him the true founder of the movement. In 2022 he was added to the Episcopal Church liturgical calendar. His feast day is 11th May which he shares with Jacob Boehme.
St.  Cecilia - patron saint of Music. Feast day November 22nd

St. Cecilia - patron saint of Music. Feast day November 22nd

St. Cecilia lived during the 3rd century AD in Rome, Italy. She is one of the most famous Roman martyrs of the early church and historically most discussed. When she was forced to marry her husband Valerian, a pagan nobleman, she sat apart singing to God - for that she was later declared the saint of musicians. She retained her virginity by telling her husband that an angel of the Lord was watching over her. The husband asked to see the angel. She told him to be baptised by Pope Urban I. After the baptism he saw an angel standing beside her. She suffered martyrdom along with her husband and his brother Tiburtius, at the hands of prefect Turcius Almachius in the reign of emperor Marcus Aurelius between 176-180 AD. The legend about her death is that she was struck on the neck by a sword three times and lived for three days. She asked the pope to turn her home into a church. She was later beheaded. Her body when moved in 1599 from the Catacomb of Callixtus to the church of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere was found to be still incurrupt, seemingly to be a sleep. Over the years a lot of music has been dedicated to her name by many famous composers - see list enclosed. *A Song for St. Cecilia’s Day * by John Dryden included My source for information was Wikipedia - a very well thought out source. Point of information Cecilia can also be spelt Cecity
Oxford Martyrs  1555 Latimer & Ridley

Oxford Martyrs 1555 Latimer & Ridley

Hugh Latimer and Hicholas Ridley were burnt at the stake in Oxford on 16th October 1555 during the reign of Queen Mary ( 1553-8). In 1534 the Act of Supremacy was passed in England. It made Henry V111 head of the English Church instead of the Roman Catholic Pope in Rome. It was the beginning of the English Reformation. There was a rapid advance towards Protestantism after the accession of King Edward V1 Henry V111 was followed by Edward V1 1547-53,and Lady Jane Grey 1553 both protestants. Mary (1553-1558) was Roman Catholic and wanted the church in England to return to Roman Catholicism. Those in high places who opposed her were arrested for treason and some were martyred for heresy - refusing to subscribe to certain articles of faith such as the existence of purgatory an the need to venerate saints. Hugh Latimer had become the bishop of Worcester in 1535. Forced to resign his see in 1539. He popularized the idea of the reformation Nicholas Ridley was appointed bishop of Rochester. In 1550 he became bishop of London. he denied the doctrine of transubstantiation - that Christ’s natural body is present in the bread of the Eucharist after consecration.blood. The trial happened at the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin. They were imprisoned at the former Bocardo Prison. They were burnt at the stake just outside the city walls to the north, where Broad Street is now located. Latimer , at the stake is said to have immortalized himself by exhorting his fellow victim Ridley with these words - we shall this day light a candle, by God’s grace, in England as I trust shall never be put out If you visit Oxford a cross on Oxford’s Broad Street marks the site of the execution. Thomas Cramner - see more information available under his name. Act of Supremacy - see more information under Henry V111 and Act of Supremacy Sources used Britannica Online Encyclopedia History Today Wikipedeia
Christian Festival Starters

Christian Festival Starters

Classes often have a 'starter' for the day. This can be How many words can you find in _________ On a special Christian festival why not take the name(s) as the starter. This could be looked at 4 ways:- 1. Creating a list. 2. Placing the words in a 3x3 or 4x4 square. 3. Creating a simple crossword with clues. 4. The teacher/parent creating a crossword for the children to solve using the answers given. The starter would be a combining of R.E. with an English spelling exercise.
John Newton  Amazing Grace  24th July

John Newton Amazing Grace 24th July

John Newton loved to go to sea. He had a very eventful early life. He went to sea with his father aged only 11. Aged 18 he was press ganged by the Royal Navy. He became the ‘slave’ of Princess Peye. He eventually became a captain of three slave ships. Whilst a slave trader, on 10th March, 1745, following a very sever storm where his boat nearly sank ,he had a spiritual conversion.He started to read his Bible. He left the slave trade behind in 1755 and became the tide surveyor (tax collector) for the Port of Liverpool. He began to study to become a clergyman. Persistence paid off and eventually in 1764 to become a deacon. William Cowper, the poet, attended his church and together they wrote many hymns - Amazing Grace was one of them. He encouraged the young William Wilberforce to stay in politics. He waited 34 years before he wrote a pamphlet ‘Thoughts Upon the Slave Trade’. He sent a copy to every MP He died in 1807 knowing the British Passage of the Slave Trade act had been passed by parliament. I have included a copy of Amazing Grace, a list of the books he wrote and a word search (answers provided) . The slave trader who became the slave abolitionist and hymn writer. He was also the author of many Christian books.
Children in Need 2018

Children in Need 2018

This coming week-end is Children in Need. I have put together a Phrase and Vocabulary sheet for Children in Need 2018 plus a poetry aid sheet with some ideas. I have also ‘doctored’ a sheet about staying up to watch television which the older children might to try.
Saint Chad (634-673) Feast Day March 2nd

Saint Chad (634-673) Feast Day March 2nd

Saint Chad was a prominent Anglo Saxon Churchmen who became abbot of several monasteries. Bishop of Northumbrians and subsequently Bishop of Mercia and the Lindsey people. He was the brother of Cedd who also became a saint. Theodore, the new archbishop of Canterbury, was impressed by Saint Chad’s humility. The Venerable Bede said that the two years Chad worked as bishop in Mercia were decisive in christianising Mercia. Apparently he walked nearly everywhere but was eventually persuaded by Theodore to travel on horseback. Read about how seven days before he died a guest visited him to fore warn him. Saint Chad died during a plague. I have included information about the Metropolitan Cathedral and Basilica of St. Chad in Birmingham. Saint Chad is the patron saint of the Catholic archdiocese of Birmingham. Sources used The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander & catholicireland. Note wikipedia has a great deal of information about him.
Venerable Bede   ( c 672-735)     Feast Day 27th May

Venerable Bede ( c 672-735) Feast Day 27th May

The Venerable Bede was born in about 672AD and lived to the age of about 62. At the age of 7 he was entrusted into the care of Benedict Biscop who in 674AD founded the the monastery of St. Peter at Wearmouth. The monastery moved to Jarrow in 682AD where Bede spent the rest of his life. Aged 19 he became a deacon, aged 30 he was promoted to priest. The Venerable Bede, also known as Saint Bede, is widely regarded as the greatest of all the Anglo-Saxon scholars. He wrote around 40 books dealing with theology, history. observations on nature, music and poetry. His most famous work is * Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum translated from the Old English means *The Ecclesiastical History of the English People. It was completed in 731 AD and was the first work of history in which the AD system of dating was used. It is still a key source for the understanding of early British history and Christianity. He died in his cell on May 27th, 735AD The inscription on his shrine read Hac sunt fossa Bedae venerablis assa Here are buried the bones of the venerable Bede. He was the first of a long line of great English Historians. Sources used BBC British History * The Church’s Year* by Charles Alexander
Saint Benedict ( c.480-c.550)  Feast Day 11th July

Saint Benedict ( c.480-c.550) Feast Day 11th July

The only recognized authority for the facts of Saint Benedict life is book 2 of the Dialogues of Saint Gregory 1. He was born of a noble family of Nursia and sent to Rome to be educated. Shocked by the behaviour of Rome he ‘retired’ as a young man to Enfide ((modern Affile) to live as a hermit. He isolated himself in a mountain cave and he daily hauled food up . The food was provided by the monk Romanus. When the fame of his sanctity spread he was encouraged to become an abbot at one of the monasteries. Here, because of his asceticism (self denial) and tales of being a miracle worker, he attracted disciples. He set up 12 monasteries around the place. He then abandoned the area - stories of jealousy and an attempt on his life. He moved to southern Italy, towards Naples and established the famous abbey of Monte Cassino. It was here that he wrote his famous * Rule of Saint Benedict* which contained precepts for his monks. Although known by his name it was influenced by the writings of John Cassian, and showed close affinity with the Rule of the Master. Even if this is the case Michael David Knowles in ‘Britannica Online Encyclopedia’ says *It was the Rule of St, Benedict, derived from various and disparate sources , that provided for the monastic way of life a directory at once practical and spiritual that continued to force after 1500 years. It was further developed to offer hospitality, medical, educational and agricultural skills to the world. Apparently Saint Benedict was never a priest. * He is a patron saint of Europe. Sources used Britannica Online Encyclopedia wikipedia Encyclopedia of Saints by Howard Loxton
Spring, Harvest and Autumn

Spring, Harvest and Autumn

I have put together Vocabularies, Poetry Aids and clip art pictures for 'best copy about Spring, Harvest and Autumn Clip Art work is the work of David Woodroffe, an established illustrator. For Winter and Summer work look under those headings.
Father Trevor Huddleston      (1913-1998)

Father Trevor Huddleston (1913-1998)

Father Ernest Urban Trevor Huddleston was an English Anglican bishop, He was the Bishop of Stepney in London before becoming the second Archbishop of the Province of the Indian Ocean. He is best known for his anti-apartheid activism (1956-96) and his book Naught for Your Comfort. He became president of the Anti-Apartheid Movement in 1981. Trevor was born in Bedford, England. He was educated at Lancing College (1927-31), Christ Church Oxford and at Wells Theological College. On Michaelmas. 27th September 1936, he was ordained a deacon. 1937 ordained a priest. Clifford Woodward, Bishop of Bristol presided over both. He served as a curate at St. Mark’s Swindon for 2 years. In 1939 he joined the Community of the Resurrection (CR), an Anglican religious order. September 1940 he sailed to Cape Town. 1941 he took his vows. In 1943 he went to the CR mission station at Rosettenville (Johannesburg, South Africa). His task was to continue the work of Raymond Raynes. Raymond had been nursed back to health by Trevor and recognized him as his successor. Over the next 13 years in Sophiatown he developed into a much loved priest and anti-apartheid activist. His nickname was Makhalipile (dauntless one). In 1949 elected Provincial of CR In 1955 the African national Congress (ANC) bestowed upon him the rare Isitwandwe award in recognition of his anti-apartheid activities. He was particularly concerned about the Nationalist Governments decision to bulldoze Sophiatown. He established the African Children’s Feeding scheme, which still exists. He also raised money for the Orlando Swimming Pools - the only place black children could swim until post 1994. Many South Africans lives were changed by Trevor. He was close to O. R. Tambo, ANC President during his years in exile (1962-90). Together they hosted many conferences, protests and actions. He met a young, ill Desmond Tutu when visiting a hospital. In 1955 he was asked by CR to return to England. He returned in 1956 and published Naught for Your Comfort which was based on his personal experiences in South African anti-apartheid. He worked as the master of novices at CR’s Mirfield house in West Yorkshire for 2 year. He then worked at the Prior in London. 26th June 1959 he and Julius Nyerere(JN) addressed the founding meeting of the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM). He became vice-president (1961-81). Became Bishop of Masasi (Tanzania) where he worked and reorganized the mission schools to be run by the independent government of JN.(1960-8). Back in the UK he became Bishop of Stepney. In 1978, after 10 years in England, he was appointed Bishop of Mauritius and Archbishop of of the Province of the Indian Ocean. April elected president of AAM ( 1981-94) 1995 Patron for Action for Southern Africa (ASA) replaced AAM Knighted 1998 Bishop Trevor of Sophiatown died at Mirfield, West Yorkshire on 20th April 1998. His ashes were taken to Sophiatown. AAM S.A. History Online
Black UK  Inspirations

Black UK Inspirations

This is my third set of UK notes for those looking for Black History Month work. Adelaide Hall (1901-1993) was an American born, UK based, a multi-talented jazz singer and entertainer. She was a major figure in the Harlem Renaissance. Her career spanned from 1921 to 1993 when she died. Her most famous recording was Creole Love Call with Duke Ellington in 1927. In 2004 Adelaide was mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records for being the most enduring recording artist for having released material over 8 decades. Dr. Benjamin Obadiah Iqbal Zephaniah ( b. 1958) was born and raised in Birmingham, England. His poetry is strongly influenced by the music and poetry of Jamaica and what he calls ‘street politics’ He loved Handworth, but aged 22 he sought a wider mainstream audience. Page One Books, a small publisher in London, published -Pen Rhymes his first book - sold 3 editions. It was in performance that the Dub (Reggae) poet would cause a revolution- injecting new life into the British poetry scene. Over a 22 day period in 1991 he performed on every continent on the planet, He became a children’s poet. *Talking Turkeys was a great success. In 1999 he wrote a ground breaking novel for teenagers Face. Many young writers say that accessibility to his work has inspired them to write. Bernadine Evaristo (b. 1959) is a British author who was born in London to an English mother and Nigerian father. Her writings include short fiction, drama, poetry, essays, literacy criticism and projects for stage and screen. She is a longstanding advocate for the inclusion of writers and artists of colour, setting up many successful Black projects. In 2019 her eighth book, the novel * Girl Woman, Other* won the Booker prize, making her the first black woman and first black person to win it. In June 2020 she became the first woman of colour and the first black British writer to get a No.1 in the UK paperback fiction charts. She received an MBE (2009) and OBE (2020) for services to literature. Francis Morgan Ayodele Thompson (b 1958)- Daley Thompson double Olympic Decathlon Champion (1980 and 1984) . BRITAIN’s GREATEST ALL ROUND ATHLETE. (See notes) Fanny Eaton (1835-1924) was Jamaican born artists model and domestic worker. She is best known as model for the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Joan Armatrading (b.1950) is a British singer-songwriter and guitarist. Her recording career has spanned nearly 50 years. John Edmonstone (1793-c.1833) was the a black enslaved man, probably born in Demerera who later gained freedom. He taught taxidermy at Edinburgh University. Did Charles Darwin study under him? Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912) was an English composer and conductor. Remembered for Song of Hiawatha cantatas. Stuart McPhail Hall (1932-2014) -one of the founding figures of the school now known as British Cultural Studies. Founder 'New Left Review Walter Daniel John Tull (1888-1918) played for Spurs & Rangers. Died in action
Migration of Birds (Map)

Migration of Birds (Map)

Millions of birds migrate from the north to the south in early autumn to avoid the cold weather. I found a map which illustrates what happens. I have included 3 differentiated sheets… Also included some pictures from ‘The Bird Atlas’ written by Barbara Taylor and beautifully illustrated by Richard Orr.
Exploring the Depths of the Ocean

Exploring the Depths of the Ocean

Apparently ocean exploration began around 5000BC! I am going to concentrate on 1930s+ and the creation of the firstbathysphere (from the Greek ’ bathus’ meaning ‘deep’ and ‘sphaira’ meaning ‘sphere’) which was a unique, unpowered, spherical deep-sea submersible which was lowered into the ocean by cable. It was created/designed by American Otis Barton an inventor and actor. Otis and William Beebe ( a naturalist)- made a dive off Bermuda in June 1930. The dive was conducted from the deck of a former British naval ship called the *Ready. They set the first record for deep-sea diving by descending to 600 ft. (180 m). In 1934 they improved the record to 3,028 ft ( 923m). Otis in 1949 set a new world record of 4,500 ft (1,372m) in the Pacific Ocean with the benthoscope (from the Greek ’ benthos’- meaning ‘sea bottom’ and ‘scopein’ to ’ view’). It was designed by Otis and Maurice Nelles. (Jacques-Yves Cousteau (1910-1997) - a French man and co-developer of the Aqua -Lung- deserves a mention because through his 120 television documentaries and 50 books he permitted many through viewers/readers to explore the resources of the oceans.) Jacques Piccard (1922-2008) was a Swiss oceanographer and engineer. He was known for developing submarines for studying ocean currents. In the bathyscaphe Trieste Jacques with his colleagues reached 24,000 feet. Jacques with Lt.Don, of the US Navy, on January 23, 1960 were the first to explore the deepest known part of the world’s ocean, the Challenger Deep, in the Mariana Trench, located in the western North Pacific . The depth measured 35,813 feet (10,916 m) - a more accurate measure later 35,798 ft (10,911 m). Others have followed - James Cameron(2012 first solo descent), Victor Vescovo, Kathryn D.Sullivan and Vanessa 0’Brien (read their stories) The Deepsea Challenger was built in Australia in 2012 - construction was headed by Ron Allum ( Read development). J Sources Encyclopedia of Great Explorers Wikipedia