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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
John Osteen   (1921-1999)   Lakewood Church, Houston

John Osteen (1921-1999) Lakewood Church, Houston

John Hillery Osteen was an American pastor and founding pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas from its beginning in 1959 until his death in 1999. His television program , John Osteen, ran for 16 years and was broadcast to millions in the USA and nearly 50 countries weekly. John was born in Paris, Texas. He earned a BA, MA and DrD. degrees from John brown, Northern Baptist Seminary (NBTS) and Oral Roberts University. According to his biography it was not until 1939 that he began to think seriously about God. Shortly before his 18th birthday he was ordained by a church affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. He served in various churches during the 1940s . He married and divorced his first wife, Emma Jean Shaffer, while at Central Baptist Church (CBC), Baytown, Texas. 17th September1954 he married Dolores ‘Dodie’ Pilgrim. Their first child Lisa had severe health problems. As a result John’s theological beliefs began to shift and he had ecstatic religious experiences based on what he called ‘baptism of the Holy Spirit’. In 1955 he resigned from his pastorate at CBC. He moved to Hibbard Memorial Baptist Church, Houston Texas but left in 1958 On Mother’s Day,10th May, 1959, he and Dodie started Lakewood Baptist Church in a ‘dusty, abandoned feed store’. The church dropped ‘Baptist’ from its name and became nondenominational. In the mid 1980s John launched the Lakewood Bible Institute (LBI). He served as LBI’s president until its closure in the late 1980s. John and Dodie developed Lakewood into a body of approximately 15,000 members with active ministries in televangelism, conferences, missionary support and food distribution He was author of over 50 books, edited 2 magazines ‘Praise’ and ‘Manna’ and numerous teaching materials and audio tapes. Dodie wrote* Healed of Cancer* - the story of her miraculous healing from metastaic cancer of the liver after being ‘given up’ by the doctors. Dodie’s genuine warmth and compassion is one reason Lakewood is called* An Oasis in a troubled world.* He hosted the weekly 'John Osteen’ television and his son Joel was his television producer. For 16 years they reached millions in the USA and beyond. Before John’s death in 1999 he had become known as a ‘pastor’s pastor’ and was constantly busy leading conferences and seminars at home and abroad. He had established a great reputation as a fiery preacher, impassioned evangelist and author. He died, unexpectedly, on 23rd January, 1999 aged 77. Lakewood, 2011, was the USA’s nation’s largest megachurch. Today, their youngest son Joel. the ‘smiling preacher’, with wife Victoria, are senior pastors. Lakewood’ Church has regularly 52,000 attendee. Media broadcast has expanded into 200 million households in the USA and an audience on 6 continents, thanks to television and other media. They are sharing the message of hope found in Jesus with a new generation. Sources used Gospel Channel Lakewood Church History Wikipedia
The Seven Signs/Miracles found in St. John's Gospel

The Seven Signs/Miracles found in St. John's Gospel

I recently started to read in a theological book that there was a lot of significance in the fact that the Gospel of St. John has only seven signs or miracles. I have printed out, in full, the seven signs/miracles, so the pupils can study them in detail. The significance can be read about on Google. I have used the Message Bible for the passages I have copied.
Bible Word Searches (10 + answers)

Bible Word Searches (10 + answers)

I have created 10 Bible word searches. 4 on the Old Testament, 4 on the New Testament, 1 about Animals and Birds and 1 about Plants and Trees. There are three word searches about the books of the Old Testament and one about Moses and the ten plagues. For the New Testament there are word searches about the 12 disciples and the books in the New Testament . I created only two word searches to go with St. Paul's three missionary journeys because two and three look very similar. Answers are included.
Father Christmas Letter 2018

Father Christmas Letter 2018

I have created four useful sheets for the children when they write to Father Christmas. Sheet 1 is an outline for the letter. Sheet 2 is a vocabulary of useful words. Sheet 3 is the list of Brostrick’s top twenty toys if they are looking for names of presents to ask for. Sheet for is a clip art sheet for writing their letter on. I went on Google and found an address from the Post Office for writing letters to Father Christmas this year.
Animal Story Ideas Pets to Farm Animals

Animal Story Ideas Pets to Farm Animals

I have put together some Phrase, Vocabularies and Poetry Aids about pets and farm animals. The work about Looking after a Miptor was originally a SATS question. There is some A5 clip art for 'best ’ copy which can be enlarged to A4.
Luke the Evangelist, October 18th

Luke the Evangelist, October 18th

We celebrate St. Luke, the evangelist, on October 18th. I have found a picture and written a a brief history of St. Luke. I have included the collect for the day. There is also a short crossword and word search -answers provided.
John Wycliffe

John Wycliffe

John Wycliffe was the first to translate, or inspire, the Bible being translated into English. He, with his associates, John Purvey and Nicholas Hereford, set about the task between 1381-1384. At the time it was regarded as heresy. The Roman Catholic church in the UK did not want it translated into the common vernacular so that the general public could read it - it would have meant the church losing some of its power and influence. John Wycliffe escaped being burnt at the stake during his life time but in 1428 his body was disinterred and burned. I have included most of the article from Visionmedia - it covers all I wanted to write. I found on Utube that there are useful clips to use about his life under the title Church History in 3 minutes. There is also a lot of information on Wikipedia
John Calvin (1509-1564)  and Calvanism

John Calvin (1509-1564) and Calvanism

John Calvin was the Reformations supreme Bible teacher. Young John had originally planned a life of of quiet scholarship but a ‘sudden conversion’- his phrase- at age of 20 led him to want God’s will rather than his own. Born a French man he found himself exiled in Geneva, Switzerland for most of his adult life. With maximum public exposure he became a preacher and teacher of the Bible, pastor. reformer, theologian and universal Christian counselor. In the book *Great Leaders of the Christian Church James I. Packer lays a very sound foundation. He writes about Calvin the man, his will. sudden conversion and called to Geneva and Calvinism in Europe (See notes). He also covers John’s Geneva, theology and knowledge of God. John developed hie theology in his biblical commentaries as well as his sermons and treaties but the most concise expression of his views are found in his magnum opus * Institutes of the Christian Religion* It was and is Protestantism’ s classic statement. Over the years the book grew! Edition 1 was 6 chapters (1536), edition 2 - 3 times larger (1539), edition 3 added new material (1543) and finally edition 4 - consisted of 4 books of 80 chapters each (1559) Book 1 God the Creator, bk.2 Redeemer in Christ. Bk.3 Receiving the Grace of Christ through the Holy Spirit bk.4 Society of Christ or the Church The theology of John Calvin has been more influential in both the development of the system of belief now known as Calvinism and in Protestant thought more generally. Anchored in Geneva John became an international figure in his own life time. The modern world can hardly be understood without some knowledge of Calvinism. Sources used wikipedia Great Leaders of the Christian Church edited by Woodbridge Christianity Today What is calvinism? by John Piper Note The wikipedia site has a fantastic amount of information about John and Calvanism.
Thomas Becket  (1118-1173)

Thomas Becket (1118-1173)

Thomas Becket is one of the most famous men in English History. Henry11 asked, ‘Who will rid me of this traitor?’ Four of his knights took at his word and went to Canterbury Cathedral and in front of the high altar murdered Thomas. Henry 11 and Thomas had been friends. Henry 11 had appointed him to be his royal chancellor. He performed his duties very capably and became the king’s trusted servant and friend. On the death of of Archbishop Theobald of Canterbury Henry11 appointed Thomas his successor. He believed Thomas would serve the state as well as the church. On appointment Thomas changed his allegiance and his life style. He abandoned his worldly materialistic ways and became a saintly soul living a disciplined , pious and austere life. He steadfastly resisted all efforts to impose the royal will on the church. Discord developed over how the church and state dealt with clerics convicted of crimes. Following a quarrel Thomas, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was forced into exile in France (1164-1170). On his return to England in 1170 he met with his death. Henry11 when he heard the news was distraught - what he had said in anger he now regretted. Henry was forced to do penance because there was such an outpouring of rage from the public Thomas was sainted in 1173 and became the most popular saint in English History. His Legacy is enormous. In the ‘Canterbury Tales’ by Chaucer a group of pilgrims are on their way to worship at his shrine. (Read Legacy) Sources used Great Leaders of the Christian Church - Woodbridge contribution from Robert G. Clouse wipedia BBC History
Saint / King   Edward the Confessor (c.1003-1066)

Saint / King Edward the Confessor (c.1003-1066)

Edward the Confessor was a king who later became recognized as a saint He lived in the eleventh century . He died shortly before the Battle of Hasting between King Harold, his successor and William 1, William the conqueror. There are differences of opinion as to whether he was a weak or a strong king. Confessor reflects his reputation as a saint who did not suffer martyrdom. Wikipedia uses the work ’ nickname ’ to reflect the traditional image of him as unworldly and pious. He did reign for 24 years It is said because he was unable to fulfill a vow to go to Rome that he built a monastery. The monastery we call Westminster Abbey. He re-established the Abbey of Westminster on a site of a church built 400 years earlier. It was the first Norman Romanesque church in England. Building began in 1042 and consecrated on 28th December 1065. Edward unfortunately was too ill to attend the ceremony and died the following week - 5th January 1066. Edward was buried at Westminster Abbey. His body was exhumed a number of times and was finally given a centerpiece, in a magnificent tomb, in the new thirteenth century ( present day )Abbey. Edward can be seen on the famous Bayeux Tapestry. Edward the Confessor was for many years the patron saint of England until Saint George, during the time of the Crusades, replaced him. HIs feast day is 13th October. Westminster Abbey was finally completed in 1090 some 25 years after his death. In 1245, during the reign of Henry111, it was demolished and replaced by today’s present building.
Saint John the disciple, apostle & theologian

Saint John the disciple, apostle & theologian

Saint John was one of original twelve disciples Jesus chose to be an apostle. He was probably a disciple of John the Baptist first. John along with the other eleven spent a great deal of time with Jesus. He with older brother James and Simon Peter were part of of an inner circle. He is known as the ‘disciple Jesus loved’ because that is how he describes himself in the gospel of John. After Christ’s resurrection he was ‘number two’ to Peter. They are mentioned together on a number of occasions. He is recognised as the author of the Gospel of John, the epistles of John and the book of Revelation. Revelation begins with him saying he is on the island of Patmos ( ch.1 v.10), where it is believed he was being held prisoner for being a follower of Christ. He may have died a martyr. Sources suggest he lived until he was 90+ I have included, in full, all the Biblical references to John. Plus information from Wikipedia and Britannica
Human Rights Champions

Human Rights Champions

Looking for information about Desmond Tutu I found a list of Champions of Human Rights - 9 champions with a picture of each and some basic information about them which I thought could be useful for Key Stage 2/3 work. These sheets were created under Youth for Human Rights. There are Free resource kits available in many languages. Mahatma Gandhi Cesar Chavez Eleanor Roosevelt Nelson Mandela Dr. Martin Luther King (See separate entry) Desmond Tutu Oscar Arias Sanchez Muhammad Yunus Jose Ramos-Horta I have added Father Trevor Huddlestone (See separate entry) Plus information about anti-apartheid in South Africa
Black British Healthcare Pioneers

Black British Healthcare Pioneers

I came across a list of 10 Black British Healthcare Pioneers I have found extra information about most of them. 4 more have been added which were found during my research. I could not find a picture for all of them. Dr. Charles Drew is the American surgeon who developed techniques to preserve blood plasma. He helped the UK save 1000s of lives during WW11. Mary Seacole travelled independently to the Crimea war where she setup a British hotel to nurse the wounded. John Alcindor refused place in RAMC. He was awarded the Red Cross medal for working with the wounded at London rail stations during WW11. Annie Brewster - ‘Nurse Ophalmic’ - was very skilled with treating patients with eye problems. She was one of the first Afro-Caribbean nurses to work in UK. Harold Arundel Moody - he fought for discrimination to end. Became very influential when appointed to government advisory committee on the welfare of non-Europeans. Leader of the ** League of Coloured Peoples (1931) with the support of the Quakers. Tryphena Anderson - she was the first black person to receive a bursary to train as a health visitor. She late bought and managed a nursing home. Derk Harty - joined NHS, aged 23, as a technician and went on to become technical manager of the biochemistry department of London’s Whipps Cross Hospital. Dr. Fnanklyn Jacobs came to UK in 1974. He co-founded the African Caribbean Medical Society with Lord Pitt and Dr. Eddie Simon. It raises health issues within the black community. Nurse Omo-Oba Adenrele Ademola was a Nigerian princess. She trained as a nurse in London in the 1930s and remained working there through .WW11. Professor Laura Serrant has over 35 years experience of health practice, research. policy development, training and management. At the present time she is on secondment with NHS England as head of evidence and strategy in the nursing directorate. Professor Jacqueline Dunkley- Bent has vast experience in healthcare provision. She is the Chief Midwifery officer in England. Her experience has seen her leading and influencing national maternity standards and guidance. Professor Dame Elizabeth Nneka Anionwu was a British nurse, health care administrator, lecturer and Emeritus Professor of Nursing at University of West London. In 1979 became the UKs first sickle-cell and thalassemia nurse specialist, helping to establish the Brent Sickle Cell and Thalassemia Counselling centre. She retired in 2007. Dr. Titilola Banjoko in 2020 she joined International Rescue Committee (IRC) UK as Chair of the Board of Trustees. She has extensive knowledge of Global Health issues which will be relevant when responding to issues relating to the COVID -19 pandemic. Victor Olufemi Adebowale, Baron Adebowale for 20 years was the CEO of the social care enterprise Turning Point, which helps 77,000 unemployed and/or homeless persons each year. 2001 appointed a people’s peer. He an influential person in housing and the NHS…
Black UK Music 1980s+

Black UK Music 1980s+

This is a mix of rappers, hip hop, garage, grime, singers and songwriters based in the UK. Mis-Teeq were a girl group consisting of Alesha Anjanette Dixon. Su-Elise Nash and Sabrina Washington. A quartet originally with Zena McNally - left in 2000. This trio sang R&B, garage and rap. The 2nd lineup released their debut studio album Lickin’ on Both Sides in October 2001. It reached No3 in UK Album Chart and was certified double platinum . Their biggest hit Scandalous reached No2 in the US Billboard Dance charts. In 2005 they split to follow solo careers. Alesha (b.1978) after winning Strictly Come Dancing in 2007 made successful comeback in 2008 with The Alesha Show which spawned 4 singles. Arlo Parks (b. 2000), real name (rn) Anis Oluwatoyin Estelle Marinho, is a singer-songwriter and poet from West London. She is known for her singles Cola, Black Dog and album Collapsed in Sunbeams. Asher D (b.1982), rn Ashley Walters, is an rapper, songwriter and actor. He joined the group So Solid Crew. He performed as Asher D and acted as lyricist for their No1 hit 21 Seconds. The group split in 2006. He recorded In Memory of a Street Fighter. In 200 8 released The Appetiser with Laurence Ezra. November 2012 released *Your Love. Kamille (b. 1988), rn Camille Angelina Purcell, is an singer, songwriter and record producer. Her songwriting credits have contributed over 3 billion Spotifystreams and over 3 billion YouTube views across official music videos alone. Dave or Santan Dave (b1998), rn David Orobosa Omoreregie, is a rapper, singer, songwriter record producer and actor. He is among the most recognized British rappers. Released* Six Paths* ( 2016). Debut album Pschodrama (2019). Dionne Julia Bromfiled (b 1996) is a singer. songwriter, TV presenter & personality. Debut album Introducing Dionne Broomfield (2009). Ivorian Doll (b. 1997), rn Vanessa Mahi, is a German born English rapper and Internet personality. Rumours. Krept and Konan, rns Casyo Valentine Johnson and Karl Dominic Wilson (father Delroy Wilson).* Young Kingz (2003) The Come up (2018)* Lady Leshurr (b.1988) rn Melesha Katrina O’Garro ais a rapper, singer, songwriter and producer. She is known for her Queen’s Speech series. Released first mixtape aged 14 Nadia Rose (b.1993) is a rapper and songwriter. She studied Music/Management at university. She is Stormzy’s cousin. EP Highly Flammable * (2017). In 2020 collaborated with Melanie C on Fearless* track. Reuben James is a singer, songwriter and pianist. Collaborated with Sam Smith for his 'The Thrill of It All’ 4 million selling album.He explores the boundaries of jazz and pop . Slow Down (2020)* Stormzy (b. 1993) rn Michael Ebenezer Kwadjo Omari Owuo Jr. is a rapper, singer and songwriter. Wicked Skengman (2014) gained him attention in the UK underground music scene. Won Best Grime Act at MOBO awards in 2014/5. Vossi Bop(2019) UK No1 single.
John the Baptist

John the Baptist

John the Baptist was a cousin of Jesus. He baptised Jesus in the River Jordan. All 4 of the gospels look at the life of John the Baptist - notes used from Luke His parents were Zachariah, a priest, his mother was called Elizabeth. Zachariah was chosen to burn incense in the temple. While in the temple the angel Gabriel appears to tell him that, although he and his wife are quite old, they are going to become parents, and he is told the baby is to be called John… He does not believe and is struck dumb and can only communicate by writing on a slate. Luke ch 1 v 5-22 Elizabeth becomes pregnant and the baby kicks for the first time when Mary, the future mother of Jesus, visits her. Luke ch 1 v 39-56 After John is born his parents take the baby to be circumcised. Zachariah picks up the slate to write ‘John’ and his voice is restored. Luke ch 1 v 57-79 We now move forward approximately 30 years. John, dressed in camel’s hair with a leather belt around his waist, is baptising people in the River Jordan calling on them to repent of their sins, saying he is the foreunner of the one who will baptise with the Holy Spirit. Luke ch 3 v 1-18 Jesus goes to be baptised by John. John reluctantly baptises saying he is unworthy. A dove appears and a voice says You are my son whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke ch 3 v 21/2 John later tells his disciples to follow Jesus, the long awaited Messiah. John speaks out against Herod Antipas’ illegal marriage to Herodias, his brother’s wife and is imprisoned Luke ch 3 v 19-20 Herod holds a party and after seeing. his wife’s daughter Salome dance offers the daughter anything she wants. After speaking with her mother she asks for the head of John on a plate. Reluctantly he agrees, Luke ch 9 v 7-9 I tell you among those born of women, there is no one greater than John. Jesus Luke ch 7 v 27 Sources used The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander The Nativity (Life) of John the Baptist New Living Translation Bible - John the Baptist notes
Enviro. Alternative Fuel

Enviro. Alternative Fuel

I came across these sheets looking at Alternative fuel. They listed 9 alternative fuels for cars- Air Biofuels Electricity Heat Hydrogen Kinetic LPG liquified petroleum gas Nitrogen Steam Another sheet listed 5 innovative alternatives to fossil fuel- Elephant Grass Hydrogen fuel cells Solar paint Wave energy Whisky - (waste from the distilleries)
Nature  - British Birds

Nature - British Birds

I have put together some differentiated work about British Birds. The first 4 sheets are about the early stages of a bird’s life. The 5th sheet is a phrase and vocabulary sheet. There are then 2 illustration sheets followed by a Bird Cycle sheet. Nest Boxes comes from my Debate file - which might prove . I have differentiated my Poetry Aids and put together some simple’ couplets. There are 3 sheets for their final poetry efforts to be neatly written up on. Finally i have included 3 differentiated word searches with answers. Hopefully there is some material you will find useful. All the drawings used were created by David Woodroffe an established illustrator. Source Nature and Seasons by Tony Batchelor
God's different names used in the Bible

God's different names used in the Bible

There are many articles written about the Hebrew word ‘Yahweh/Jehovah’ which in English translates into LORD. I have chosen 3 ( one twice). I found the article by Danielle Bernock particularly interesting. I have repeated the first double page in bolder print .She includes Biblical references. She looks at many of the other words which can be related to God in the scriptures and obviously includes Jesus who is given various wonderful names in both the O.T. and N.T… There are 6-9 definitions for Yahweh/Jehovah . The second set showing 16 names includes pronunciation. . The third set gives both pronunciation plus Biblical verses and references. I hope these prove useful. Source Wikipedia
Exploring - Sailing Around the World

Exploring - Sailing Around the World

The beginning on the 16th century saw explorers setting off around the world in search of trade and plunder. Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521), a Portugese explorer, is referred to being the first explorer to navigate around the earth. He never made it! He was killed on Mactan island in the Philippines. First Joao Lopes Carvalho became their leader. Then Juan Sebastian Elcano took over and successfully completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth on the *Victoria. Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596) an English explorer, sea captain, privateer, slave trader, naval officer and politician, completed the circumnavigation of the world in a single expedition from 1577-80. Received knighthood from Elizabeth 1 in 1581. He went on to become vice-admiral , second in command during the Spanish Armada in 1588 Spain branded him a pirate Sir Thomas Cavendish (1560-1592) was an English explorer and privateer known as The Navigator. Like Drake he raided the Spanish towns and ships in the Pacific and completed a circumnavigation of the globe. His major prize was the 600 ton Manila galleon Santa Ana which made him very rich - Elizabeth1 knighted him on his return. (read the notes). He died at sea while on his second global trip. William Dampier (1651-1715) was an English explorer, privateer, navigator and naturalist. He was the first person to do it 3 times. He was the first Englishman to explore parts of Australia. He was among the first to identify names of new plants, animals, foods and cooking techniques for a European audience .(read his Legacy) George Anson,1st Baron Anson ( 1697-1762) was a Royal Navy officer who rose to the rank of First Lord of the Admiralty (1757-62). He under took his global trip during the War of Jenkins’ Ear. As admiral he carried out many reforms including tightening discipline throughout the Navy. Vice-Admiral John Byron (nickname Foul Weather Jack) (1723-1786) a British Navy officer. He sailed with George Anson but his ship was wrecked in Chile. It was not until 1764-6 as a commodore of his own squadron, did he complete the globe trip.officer. Louis Antoine de Bougainville, was a French admiral and explorer who did a circumnavigation of the globe in a scientific expedition in 1763 which included the first recoded settlement on the Falkland islands. Charles Wilkes (1798- 1877) - an American naval officer, ship’s captain and explorer led the United States Exploring Expedition (1838-42), which completely encircled the globe, it was the last all-sail naval mission to do so. Sources Encyclopedia of Great Explorers. wikipedia
Exploring - British Female Explorers and Travellers

Exploring - British Female Explorers and Travellers

16 British females who were explorers and /or travellers. Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope (1776-1839) was one of the most famous travellers of her age - she visited many countries in the near and Middle East including Egypt and Syria. Isabella Lucy Bird FRGS (1831-1904) born in England. From early childhood she was so frail an open air life was recommended. Aged 16 she began her writing career. In 1854 she went to the USA. In 1872 to Australia and moved on to Hawaii and climbed 2 mountains. In 1873 she covered 800 miles on horseback in the Rockies. In 1880 she went to Asia, Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore and Malaya.In 1889 went to India. 1891 to Persia and Armenia - explored the Karun river. 1904 visited Morocco. She died in Edinburgh on 7 October 1904. Elizabeth Sarah Mazuchelli (1832-1914) English traveller and writer. She is said to be the first western woman to see Mount Everest. Mabel Virginia Anna Bent (1847-1929) spent 2 decades travelling, collecting and researching remote regions of the eastern Mediterranean,Asia Minor, Africa and Arabia. Mary Henrietta Kingsley (1862-1900 was a writer and explorer.She travelled throughout West Africa and helped shape the European perception of both African cultures and British colonialism in Africa. her 2 books gained her respect and prestige with her peers. Annette Mary Budgett Meakin (1867-1959) was the first English woman to travel to Japan on board the Trans-Siberian railway. Gertrude Emily Benham (1867- 1938) was a explorer who hiked and climbed mountains across the world. . She climbed mountains on almost every continent, her boots are displayed in Plymouth’s Museum. Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell CBE (1868-1926)was a traveller, writer, and an archaeologist. She travelled, explored and mapped Syria-Palestine, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor and Arabia. Gabrielle Maud Vassal (1880- 1959) was a naturalist. With her husband in 1903 she moved to Vietnam and later to French colonies in Africa. For a period of 30 years she supplied numerous specimens from Vietnam, Gabon and the Congo to the Natural History Museum in London. Charlotte Mansfield (1881-1936) known for her planned 1909 ‘Cape to Cairo’ journey which she never completed - she only reached as far as Lake Tanganyika before returning to South Africa. Enid Gordon- Gallien (1885-1931) was an adventurer and pilot who was awarded the Back Award in 1930 for her expedition in Tanganyika. Grace Marguerite Hay Drummond-Hay (1895-1946) the first woman to travel around the world by air in a zeppelin. Beryl Markham (1902-1986) she was the first person to fly solo ,non-stop across the Atlantic from GB to N.America. Beryl Smeeton (1905-1979)and her husband Miles tried everything! (see list) Felicity Ann Dawn Aston MBE FRGS (born 1977) she has raced across both the Arctic and Antarctic. First to ski solo across the Antarctic (2011). Laura Bingham (born 1993) best known for leading the first descent of the Essenquibo River in Guyana