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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430) Feast Day  August 28th

Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430) Feast Day August 28th

Augustine of Hippo is one of the 4 Doctors of the church. He was one of the most intelligent men who ever lived He was born in Numidi (now Algeria) in 354. His parents were Saint Monica and Patricius, a pagan. His father, on his death bed became a Christian and died in 373 when Augustine was just 19. Augustine was rebellious and his mother prayed for 17 years before he became converted. He was educated in Cathage, then went to Rome, followed by moving to Milan where he taught rhetoric. For 10 years he was interested in Manichaeism (see notes). In Milan he listened to the sermons of Saint Ambrose. To his mother’s joy he was converted and baptised. He was 33. He and Saint Ambrose probably composed the * Te Deum.* The year was 387 when Saint Monica died. She had spent many years praying for her son before he was converted. In her last two years she saw her prayers wonderfully answered. Saint Monica died in Ostia as she and her son gazed at the sea and discoursed about the joys of the blessed. He returned to Africa. H e spent several years in communal living, teaching, meditating, fasting and praying. He ended up becoming a priest and went to Hippo as an assistant to bishop Valerius and established a monastic community. On the bishop’s death he became bishop - Augustine of Hippo. He began to write. Many of his books, all in Latin, are still available to read. Confessions and City of God are his most famous books. Confessions looks at his childhood and conversion. (See list of books) He died in 430 ,aged 76, when his city was being besieged by Vandals who had invaded the Roman Empire. Saint Augustine is considered by many to be the greatest teacher of Christian Truth after Saint Paul - writer of the epistles in the New Testament. I have included a list of his books his ideas, plus definitions for Manichaeism and Filique Gold from Dark Mines by Irene Howart ch1 pages 7-44 Sources Wikipedia and The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander Encyclopedia of Saints by Howard Loxton


A vocabulary and poetry aid about Fog. Illustrations by David Woodroffe.
Amy Carmichael    1867-1951

Amy Carmichael 1867-1951

Amy Carmichael was a girl from Belfast. She , with her two brothers, helped an elderly lady carry a heavy bundle. Aged 18 she, not her brothers, had a revelation, similar to Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus. ‘That day she talked to God, and settled once and for all the pattern of her future life.’ *They found the Secret *by V. Raymond Edman. She was the first missionary appointed under the Keswick .convention. She went initially to Japan, then Ceylon and then spent 55 consecutive years in Southern India. In Japan she learnt the importance of simple dress sense and appearance. In India she always dressed in saris never in western clothing. She felt the calling to save both girls and boys being used in the temples.The children were being sold to ‘marry’ the Brahmin temple priest. She first took girls then boys. The refuge was called DOHNAVUR. With other Indian women she created a hostel and hospital for children. Through her tireless effort laws were put in place to protect the children After an accident, when she broke her leg and ankle, she was confined to bed as an invalid for 20 years. She then began to write - 37 books in total Thing as they are, Meal in a barrel, Gold Cord, Though the Mountains Shake - to name just four. Amy also wrote a great deal of Christian poetry. In 2017 , 150 years after her birth, Roger Carswell, a member of the Association of Evangelists, wrote the article I have photocopied.
Jonathan Goforth

Jonathan Goforth

Jonathan Goforth,the** flaming preacher**, a Canadian and his wife Rosalind,from England, spent 46 years criss-crossing China in order to preach, teach and make disciples. The Goforths were sent to pioneer the North Henan mission in 1888. They were there during the Boxing War in 1900. Jonathan nearly lost his life - he survived having his head, neck and back being hacked by a long bladed sword when he acted as spokes person for his group. He was very fortunate not to lose his life .They returned to Canada, for a year, for him to convalesce. 1906 Jonathan, whilst preaching, felt he had to reconcile a difference with a Christian colleague. He stopped and promised the Lord he would solve the problem. Instantly the atmosphere changed- people became receptive, the meeting opened in prayer - confessions and repentance spread through the tearful congregation Wherever they ministered unbelievers became Christians. Local people were trained to evangelise, teach the Bible and make disciples. When they left they had 61 full-time Chinese evangelists and Bible teachers, two resident mission stations and 1000s of baptised and disciple converts. My sources for this information are Wikipedia and Ambassadors for Christ. There is an excellent biography of Rosalind Goforth on the wholesome words.org/missions site
St. Catherine  of Alexandria ( c 287 AD - 305 AD ) Feast Day November 25th

St. Catherine of Alexandria ( c 287 AD - 305 AD ) Feast Day November 25th

Saint Catherine of Alexandria is one of the most popular Christian martyrs. Her feast day is November the 25th. She is also remembered on November 5th, Firework Night, because one of the fireworks - the Catherine Wheel - has been named after her. Very little is actually known about her. She is not mentioned in writing, until the 9th century, so it is only through memory and traditional stories, that we know anything about her. It is believed she was born of noble birth, probably a princess. She became a Christian aged 14 years old following amoving vision of Mary and the infant Jesus. She spoke to emperor Maxentius about his cruelty to Christians. Initially, rather than her executed, he summoned 50 orators and philosophers to debate with her. She was so eloquent in her defence of her faith that several pagans were converted. Unable to intimidate her to give up her faith he ordered her to be tortured and imprisoned. He decided to have a killed. She was tied to a water wheel fitted with spikes. Somehow she survived this form of torture. Eventually he had her beheaded. I have included pictures of Saint Catherine and listed meaning of her name. Sources used The Church’s Year, britannica, catholic org/saints and nameberry.
George Jeffreys and the Elim Pentecostal Church

George Jeffreys and the Elim Pentecostal Church

Elim Pentecostal Church have just celebrated 100 years. Their founder, George Jeffreys, a Welshman, was an evangelist with a Welsh Congregational background. At the age of 15 he gave his life to Christ. George, along with his brother Stephen and others, started a Christian revival movement. It started in a small way but soon 1000s of people came to their conventions and camp meetings and many were saved. In 1962 George spoke to Reinhard Bonnke. just before he left for south Africa.He invited him in for tea and prayed for the 22 year old, passing on his 'mantle'. Elim Pentecostal Church have brought out a book, a DVD and a Music CD to celebrate. They also have a very good web site simply called Elim - Our History.
Fire and Fireworks!!

Fire and Fireworks!!

Over the years I have encouraged children to write about fires with a different emphasis at times. The first two sheets were created following a strike by the fireman and the army were using their green goddess fire engines - current event. The short story was written by me. Six of the sheets have a strong history connection - the Fire of London and the Gun Powder plot during the reign of the Stuarts. The two sheets on fire in the countryside deal with the every day problem of fires which can occur on very hot days in the summer. Three poem aids are included. The first two deal with fires the third deals with fireworks. Over the years I had a number of interesting poems to read.
Animal Story Ideas  Domestic to Wild

Animal Story Ideas Domestic to Wild

The first two sheets Researching Information and Animal Cycle can help children put together material before they begin to write a story. I have put together a number of phrase/vocabulary/poetry sheets(16 )to encourage children to write about animals- one of their favourite topics to write about. There are some A5 Clip art pictures, which could be enlarged, for their best ‘copy’. There are also five word searches/crosswords.to
George Muller   March 10th

George Muller March 10th

George Muller is remembered for the tremendous work he did with orphans in the nineteenth century in Bristol. He, with his first wife Mary, were responsible for looking after over 10,000 orphans. If he needed anything he took it to the Lord in prayer. He never solicited for donations but money or food or drink, or what ever was needed ‘happened’ following prayer. He was also responsible for 117 Christian schools and the educating of 120,00 children. Aged 70 he began a 17 year period of missionary travel with his new wife, Susannah, which took him across the five continents. This was in pre-aviation times and he covered some 200,000 miles. Incredible He returned to England in 1892. He died on 10th March 1898 in New Orphan House no.3. George Muller had originally came over to England in 1825 to work for the London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews but due to ill health early on they went their separate ways. Their loss was Bristol orphans gain.
St. Joseph of Arimathea   March 17th

St. Joseph of Arimathea March 17th

Saint Joseph of Arimathea feast day falls on the same day as Saint Patrick in some countries. Joseph was the one who went to Pontious Pilate, the Roman governor, to ask for the body of Jesus after his crucifixion. He with Nicodmus placed His body in a new tomb. I have typed out in full all the passages where Joseph is mentioned in each of the four Gospels He is mentioned in the Apocryphal (hidden) Gospels saying he went on a preaching mission to Gaul which lasted nearly thirt years. Legends about Joseph and Glastonbury were written in the Middle Ages…
Medieval England  3 books

Medieval England 3 books

Whilst browsing in TKMax I came across three excellent books about the Medieval England. Chronicles of the Middle Ages ISBN 978 1 908177 89 6 price £11.99. pub 2015 The book has been created by Book House. book -house.co.uk There are 96+pages to this colourful, interesting informative book . Certain pages open up to give you a 4 page display. I have included the index and a picture of a knight. How to be a knight by Sir Geoffrey de Lance ISBN 9781840119282 price 12.99 pub 2006 The book has been created by Templaf templatco.co.uk It is a 3D book with 12 beautifully illustrated double pages packed with information. Knights by Simon Adams ISBN 9781844420117 price £14.99 pub The book has been created by Carlton books It is a strong 3D book with 14 double pages beautifully illustrated packed with information. A number of years ago, whilst teaching in a Middle school, I created some work sheets -list shown - see Medieval England.
Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)  Feast day 29/30th of April

Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) Feast day 29/30th of April

Catherine of Siena is one of the outstanding figures of Medieval Catholicism She was the youngest of 25 children. She was a nun and a mystic. She was both clever and good so even popes sought her advice. She is remembered for her role in encouraging the Pope Urban V to return to Rome and for her letters. She never actually learnt how to write- dictated letters to secretaries. She died at the young age of 33 through exhaustion. She remains a greatly respected figure for her spiritual writings and political boldness to ’ speak truth to power ’ - it being exceptional for a women in her time period (Middle Ages) to have such an influence in politics and on world history. There were two tasks she set herself to accomplish. She wanted the Popes to move from Avignon, in France back to Rome so that ancient tradition was restored. Secondly she wanted peace between the pope and the people of Florence. She accomplished both of those aims/tasks. Her ’ Dialogue ’ , 100s’ of letters and dozens of prayers also gives her a prominent place in the history of Italian literacy. Pope Urban V1 celebrated her funeral in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome. She was the first woman to be declared ’ doctor of the church ’ by Pope Paul V1 in 1970. Sources used wikepedia, The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander, Historicas Women and Encyclopedia of Saints by Howard Loxton
Saint Columbo (521-597) - Feast day June 7th  and the Isle of Iona

Saint Columbo (521-597) - Feast day June 7th and the Isle of Iona

Saint Columbo was an Irish priest, who following a dispute in Ireland , moved with 12 friends to the small Isle of Iona off the west coast of Scotland. Iona’s place in history was secured in 563 AD when Saint Colombo arrived with his 12 followers, built a church and established a monastic community. The monks spent their day in pray, teaching, writing - transcribing and illustrating beautiful books, and cultivating the land or fishing. Saint Columbo became the Abbot of Iona and surrounding isles. His wish was that Iona would become a centre of Learning. Hundreds of years later it is still a centre of Christianity. It has an influence far out of all proportion for its size in Scotland, England and mainland Europe. It is a place of pilgrimage, 130,00 come each year. Kings of Scotland, Ireland and Norway are buried there. The original building has gone but by the side of the Abbey entrance a small roof chamber is claimed to be the site of the saint’s tomb. The Lochness monster even gets a mention. Sources -wikipedia and * The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
Paul E. Freed   (1918-1996)             Trans World Radio  (1952-to present day)

Paul E. Freed (1918-1996) Trans World Radio (1952-to present day)

Paul E.Reed was the founder of Trans World Radio (TWR) in1960. In 1931 Radio broadcasting of the Gospel by shortwave radio started in. HCJB Quito in Ecuador went on the aie after careful planning by Clarence W. Jones and Reuben Larson. In 1948 the Far East Broadcasting Company began its initial broadcasting in Manila, the Philippines. On February 22, !954 the Voice of Tangier began broadcasting the gospel on air. Paul E. Reed was at the helm. Paul had travelled reluctantly to Spain having received a burden to reach the Spaniards with the Gospel. (See page 1 of Tower to Eternity- the book he published in 1979 ) After 5 years he learnt that all radio stations were to be nationalised in Morocco. In 1960 TWR was formed and on October 16th TWR began broadcasting from Adolf Hitler’s former bomb proof radio building in Monte Carlo. With his mother’s encouragement and prayers and the miraculous intervention of Radio Monte Carlo who were willing to discuss entering into a contract with the newly named TWR. TWR could now begin to reach out to the world. Read extract from Ambassador for Christ Read * Tower to Eternity , published in 1979, which is Paul’s inspirational history/biography from 1948- 1964 (available from american radio history/history com. /archive -station - 152 pages to read/ down load/buy). He helped to build up a network which stretched around the world. To the extent that 80% of the world could receive broadcasts in 120 languages. 1993 Paul retired from the presidency but continued as chairman of TWR. He died in 1996. His legacy is the Trans Word Radio (TWR) which is a the largest Christian media organization in the world. Currently programmes can be heard in 190 countries in more than 230 languages and dialects. I do not think he regretted to Spain after all. Sources Tower of Eternity by Paul E. Reed * Ambassadors for Christ * contribution by E. Brant Gustavson dacb Dictionary of Christian Biography wikipedia
Sister Annie    -   Annie Skau Berntsen  (1911-1992)

Sister Annie - Annie Skau Berntsen (1911-1992)

Sister Annie was a Norwegian missionary nurse who served in China and Hong Kong. In China she stood out because she was 190cms tall. She became a national hero when she appeared on the Norwegian version of *This is Your Life * in 1985. The Miracle at Midnight heading is the story of when Sister Annie and a friend almost lost their lives. This happened one day in June 1941 in northwest China. They were watching a procession and were asked to take off their hats to show respect to idols. Sister Annie refused and said her God would bring rain before midnight. Half an hour before midnight it rained. Sister Annie’s prayer was answered. By the age of 27 she had joined the Norwegian Missionary Association. In 1938 she arrived in Shaanxi, a province in Northern China where she stayed until the conclusion of the Chinese Civil War in 1950. In 1951 the defeat of the Kuomintang meant all foreign missionaries had to leave and she moved to Hong Kong. Between 1953-5 Sister Annie worked at the Rennie Mill refugee camp. In 1955 Sister Annie worked with Helen Wilson and Hanny Gronlund to found the Haven of Hope Hospital - it is a rehabilitation centre for Chinese refugees.She worked there until her retirement in 1978. In 2015 it celebrated 60 years. In 1963 she was appointed as a First Class Knight of St. Olav. In the 1975 December Time * cover story named her as one of the world’s * living saints* along side Mother Teresa. In 1979 she was rewarded and MBE (Member of the British Empire) for her tireless labours in Hong Kong. I have included a list of the books she wrote. Sources wikipedia and * Ambassadors for Christ* edited by J.D. Woodbridge contributors Avid and Gudveig Meller
Mary McLeod Bethune  (1875-1955 The teacher who tamed the Klan

Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-1955 The teacher who tamed the Klan

Mary was an American educator , stateswoman, philanthropist, humanitarian, womanist and civil rights activist. Whilst she was studying at the Moody Bible Institute she felt clear call to mission service in Africa. She was rejected - no openings for a black missionary in Africa - her major disappointment. She taught for a while in Georgia and then returned to South Carolina. She met and married Albertus Bethune. In 1899 they opened a mission school. In 1904 Mary met a traveling Methodist minister who told her about the terrible conditions in Daytona working on the railways. She was up to the challenge and the same year, on October 4th, she opened a new school. She then, for a few dollars down, bought an abandoned garbage dump and turned it into a school. It became the permanent site for the Daytona Beach Literacy and Industrial School for Negro girls. Within 2 years she had 250 female students. Mary developed extraordinary fund raising skills. John D. Rockefeller, the oil magnate was a major benefactor. As the school grew Mary’s greatest challenge was the Ku Klux Klan In 1920 Mary led a spirited vote registration drive that promoted Klan harassment. The stage was set for showdown between Mary and the Klan on the night before the mayoral election. Mary and her female pupils were ready. (Read ’ Quit running ') The election the next day the black voters waited patiently until all the white voters had cast their votes -the Klan endorsed candidate lost. By 1929 the school had been renamed Bethune-Cookman College. After this she turned her attention to black womens civil groups. (read ’ Civic Groups’ ) Resources used wikipedia Britannica online Encyclopedia Ambassadors for Christ contribution from Harold ivan Smith.
George Frisk (1905-1977) and   Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

George Frisk (1905-1977) and Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

George Frisk shortly after his arrival in Borneo commented 'I’ll fly the gospel here ’ watching two hornbills gliding along effortless after they had taken hours to travel, by canoe, only a few hundred yards from their campsite. Born into a godly family in Binghamton , New York 1905 . Aged 8 he attended a circus where he showed a lot of interest in 'Wild Man of Borneo '. He asked his mother if missionaries went there. She replied ’ No '. It planted a seed that he would be the one to take the gospel to them. 16 years later, 1929, he was in Borneo. He had pursued missions and medical studies in college. His first attempts to be accepted for Borneo failed but Christian Missionary Alliance (CMA) accepted his application. His comment amount fly the gospel was said in 1932 after carrying boats around an unnavigable section of a Borneo river. George corresponded with Dr. R. A. Jaffrey, the person who had first encouraged him. Jaffrey was now his field director and he was supportive. George in 1935, on his furlough, obtained his pilot’s license and ‘soloed’. In 1938 the board granted George’s proposal to buy an aircraft. The Beechcraft SE 17B was selected. Floats were installed . The plane was then disassembled, crated and shipped to Borneo. where it was reassembled. Paul Robinson, a pilot, listened to George’s presentation before WW11. After the war he was deemed too old to fly but persuaded the Moody Bible Institute to begin a programme to train students to fly and care for airplanes. James Truxton , another pilot,in 1943 heard George speak. He with George and two others formed Christian Airman’s Missionary Fellowship (CAMF) - now MAF. Six mission aviation programmes were created within a short space of time (Read Missionary Aviation Fellowship paragraphs). George’s vision of 1932 was more than fulfilled. In 2013* Arrivals and Departures* under the title * The Plane Truth* tells the story of George Fisk. In 2017, Geogette , his grand daughter, says thanks for keeping his story alive. George’s vision of using aeroplanes to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ is very much alive. Sources used wikipedia Ambassadors for Christ* contribution from John and Steve Wells Mission Aviation fellowship
The Auca 5

The Auca 5

The story of the Auca 5 is about 5 Christian missionaries who lost their lives hoping to bring Christianity to the Auca tribe in Ecuador. It happened on January 8th 1956. These young men lost their lives but eventually the Auca tribes people came to know Christ. The 5 widows told how they met people who had of heard of their husbands deaths and how it had affected them. The widows and mission agencies received letters from around the world (read paragraph Far reaching impact). All 5 of the widows have met people who have told them the deaths of the men affected their lives. The story has been turned into both a book and a film Through Gates of Splendor . Their daring mission has been recounted over and over again in Christian books and magazines. Incredible all 5 Indians who had killed the 5 missionaries are not only believers in Christ they are also spiritual leaders among their own people.June 11th 1992 they received the New Testament in their own language. ( read paragraph Where it all began). ** From the very day the men died to the present, God has been at work, lives have been changed, and history testifies that the Auca five did not die in vain. Olive Liefield The first set of notes are from Ambassadors for Christ written by Olive Liefield. The second part from wikipedia is a lot of background to the story. Sources Ambassadors for Christ edited by John D. Woodbridge wikipedia
Martin Luther King  (1929- 1968)   Martin Luther King Day  3rd Monday in January

Martin Luther King (1929- 1968) Martin Luther King Day 3rd Monday in January

Martin Luther King was a gifted African- American Preacher and civil rights leader. His sermonic appeals for justice and personal activism helped change the course of American life. His most famous appeal was* I have a dream* speech - a dream for freedom and equality for black people. ( Read I had a dream speech). I have included a brief bibliography of his life written by History . It highlights all the important events of his public life - from his birth to his assassination ( page 1, of 4, lists the highlights). As a preacher his sermons became more Christ centred with a growing emphasis on the cross. He was one of the most compelling speakers of the twentieth century. Michael Duduit in his list of top 10 twentieth preachers in the world ranked Martin 4th. ( Read 4. Martin Luther King, Jr) Martin considered himself a preacher of the gospel rather than a civil rights leader. Fundamentally he was clergyman, a Baptist preacher. He was tragically assassinated in 1968. May his dream one day be fulfilled. I have also included 2 large print pages I used when teaching. Sources History The 10 greatest preachers of the 20th century