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I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.




I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.
OCR Physics calculations with SHM + PAG10

OCR Physics calculations with SHM + PAG10

A complete lesson covering section 5.3.1 c-e of the OCR Physics specification- equations of Simple harmonic motion and PAG10. It covers the equations for velocity, acceleration and displacement as well as their derivation. It includes lots of students activities Also includes instructions for PAG10 which is an investigation into pendulums. You may also wish to add the sheet from the OCR interchange I aim to reduce photocopying so all activities are in the PPT All answers included
OCR physics circular motion

OCR physics circular motion

A complete lesson covering section 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 of the OCR Physics specification- circular motion It covers circular motion, centripetal force and acceleration and all associated equations. The lesson closes with a practical investigating and analysing circular motion Lots of students activities included All activities in PPT as I aim to reduce photos=copying
OCR Physics free oscillations and damping

OCR Physics free oscillations and damping

A complete lesson covering section 5.3.3 a-e of the OCR Physics specification- free and forced oscillations and damping of SHM. This covers the difference between free and forced oscillations and the effect of resonance. It then looks at damping especially as a means of reducing the effects of resonance for example in earthquakes. Includes a starter, full notes and lots of student independent tasks. I always try to reduce photocopying so all activities are found in the PPT. All answers provided
OCR Chemistry Enthalpy and Entropy

OCR Chemistry Enthalpy and Entropy

4 Resources
A bundle of four lessons that coves section 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 of the OCR specification- enthalpy, entropy and born Haber cycles The lessons cover: Lattice enthalpy Enthalpy cycles Related calculations Enthalpy and entropy Free energy All answers provided I aim to reduce photocopying so all resources are in the PPT
OCR Chemistry enthalpy of solution

OCR Chemistry enthalpy of solution

A complete lesson covering section 5.2.1 c and d of the OCR Chemistry specification- enthalpies of solution. The lesson starts by covering the difference between the first and subsequent electron affinities. It then moves to showing how lattice enthalpies can be used to support calculating enthalpies of solution. It shows his these values can be calculated using practical means as well as theoretically. It closes by looking at the difference between exothermic and endothermic reactions. The lesson follows the explicit instruction model with opportunities for I do, we do and you do All answers are provided. I aim to reduce photocopying so all activities are within the PPT (35 slides in total)
OCR Chemistry Entropy and Free energy

OCR Chemistry Entropy and Free energy

This is a complete lesson covering points 5.2.2 a-f of the OCR Chemistry specification- Entropy and free energy The less starts by introducing the concept of entropy and the effect that changing state, dissolving and producing a gas have on the value. It then looks at calculating entropy changes.It the looks at Gibbs free energy and how this can be calculated including the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions. The lesson follows an explicit instruction model with lots of opportunities for i do, we do, you do All answers included I am to reduce photocopying so all activities are within the PPT (30 slides in total)
OCR Chemistry amino acids, chirality and amides

OCR Chemistry amino acids, chirality and amides

A complete lesson covering section 6.2.2 a, b c and d of the OCR chemistry specification- amino acids, amides and chirality. The lesson starts by looking at the structure of amino acids. It then looks at the reactions of amino acids with bases, other acids and alcohol. This includes practice at drawing the structures of the various products produced. The lesson then moves to amides including the various ways of naming them. The last part of the lesson looks at chirality and the effect of different optical isomers when used in medicine. The lesson includes lots of independent tasks All answers provided I aim to actively reduce photocopying so all activities are within the PPT which is 40 slides long
OCR Chemistry redox reactions + titrations

OCR Chemistry redox reactions + titrations

A complete lesson covering section 5.2.3 a- e of the OCR Chemistry specification - redox reactions and carrying out redox titrations. The lesson opens with a reminder of oxidation numbers from year 12. It then looks at reducing and oxidising agents using an example to reinforce the idea. The lesson then moves onto how half equations can be used to construct overall equations for reactions, again with students led practice. It then looks at using oxidation numbers to complete equations, including when some species are missing from the equation (such as water) . The final part of the lesson looks at redox titrations including both how to carry them out as well as various examples of calculation including calculating purity and using it to work out water of crystalisation. The lesson includes worked examples and student independent practice. I aim to reduce copying so all activities are within the PowerPoint- 36 slides in total
OCR Chemistry condensation polymers

OCR Chemistry condensation polymers

A complete lesson covering section 6.2.3 a-c of the OCR Chemistry specification- condensation polymerisation to form polyesters and polyamides. The lesson starts by recapping addition polymerisation for year 12. It then introduces condensation polymers. The lesson then goes through the formation of polyamides and polyesters using either one monomer or two. The lesson includes multiple opportunities for students to independently practice. The lesson then covers the hydrolysis of polymers to return to the original monomers. The final part of the lesson is practice at working out the original monomer using a digram of the original polymer. The lesson includes lots of independent tasks I aim to reduce photocopying so all activities and answers are in the PowerPoint- a total of 42 slides
OCR Chemistry TLC and gas chromatography

OCR Chemistry TLC and gas chromatography

A complete lesson covering section 6.2.5 a and b of the OCR chemistry specification- chemical analysis using thin layer chromatography and gas chromatography. The lesson starts by recapping some of the analytical techniques introduced in year 12. The lesson then moves on to TLC chromatography and how this can be used. This includes some exam questions and independent tasks The lesson then moves on to looking at gas chromatography again using lots of independent tasks to support understanding I am to reduce photocopying so all activities are in the PPT (37 slides in total)
AQA trilogy rates of reaction revision

AQA trilogy rates of reaction revision

A complete lesson revising section 5.6 of the AQA trilogy GCSE specification- rates of reaction and equilibrium. The lesson covers a range of retrieval activities including activation energy, the role of catalysts and calculating Mr. The lesson also includes lost of exam practice including questions on the required practicals from rates and examples of the 6 mark style longer answer question. All answers included
AQA GCSE Science electricity revision

AQA GCSE Science electricity revision

A complete lesson revising sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.1 of the AQA trilogy Physics specification- current, potential difference and resistance and series and parallel circuits. The lesson includes lots of retrieval type activities and exam questions The lesson covers: Circuit symbols Types of circuit IV characteristics The resistance of a wire required practical Various calculations Plugs and electrical safety Answers provided and all activities are within the PPT
Assembly on study skills

Assembly on study skills

A PowerPoint for an assembly on study skills. Aimed principally at KS4 and year 9 but could also be helpful with KS3 It is 18 slides long with presenter notes on the majority of slides It starts by discussing why studying is so important before moving onto a series of tips around good study habits (set goals, plan time, location). It then looks at 6 different evidence led strategies including flash cards, interleaving and dual coding The assembly closes by considering the importance of practice but also looking at mental and physical health
Bundle of secondary assemblies

Bundle of secondary assemblies

5 Resources
A bundle of five assemblies aimed at secondary school children: Progress and motivation Legacy of British scientists Courage (originally designed as a lesson but can be used as an assembly) Study skills New begginnings and looking forward All the assemblies come with a PowerPoint and often notes on delivery
AQA Biology translocation

AQA Biology translocation

A complete lesson covering the objectives from AQA Biology and trilogy on translocation in plants. The lesson starts with a retrieval starter covering topics from B1 and B2 It then looks at the transport of sugars using aphids as a hook. It then links this to photosynthesis. This is summed using using some knowledge checking questions and an exam question The lesson then moves on to phloem and their structure comparing them to xylem. There are some questions and a Venn diagram activity. There are then some quick AfL questions followed by an exam question. the lesson closes with an application activity looking at the damage done to trees by herbivores eating their bark All resources and answers provided
AQA Biology Cancer and its causes

AQA Biology Cancer and its causes

A complete lesson covering the objectives from AQA Biology and Trilogy covering cancer and risk factors for non-infectious diseases. The lesson starts with a retrieval starter covering a variety of topics from AQA Biology module 2- organisation. Answers included It then moves onto to look at the two types of tumour and how they differ. Includes a video and a summary activity. The lesson then looks at the different risk factors again with summary activity The lesson then moves on to look at the difference between correlation and cause The lesson closes with some exam questions
AQA GCSE Biology The kidney trilogy

AQA GCSE Biology The kidney trilogy

3 Resources
A bundle of three lessons covering the whole of section of the AQA GCSE Biology specification- the kidney. It covers: Kidney function Removal of waste nitrogen ADH Kidney failure Dialysis and transplant All lessons include a retrieval starter, various activities including exam questions. All answers provided
AQA GCSE Biology ADH and Kidney function

AQA GCSE Biology ADH and Kidney function

A complete lesson covering part of the AQA GCSE Biology specification section ADH and Kidney function. The lesson starts with a retrieval start from previous content in the course. The lesson then looks briefly at glands around the body, before recapping filtration. Then there is an exam question covering kidney function and then a review activity The lesson then moves to look at ADH and the role it plays. The is followed by review questions The lesson closes with a pair of exam questions on ADH and its role in the kidney All answers included
AQA Biology accommodation and eye defects

AQA Biology accommodation and eye defects

A complete lesson covering section of the AQA Biology specification- the eye, its function and defects. Though would suit other awarding bodies GCSE courses. The lesson starts with a retrieval starter covering content from paper 1 of AQA physics GCSE. There are then a few short activities recapping the structure of the brain, the structure of the eye and the function of the eye’s structures. The lesson then looks at the process of accommodation in healthy eyes and how this brings images into focus. Students then answer some summary questions. The lesson then looks at myopia and hyperopia including how they are caused and then the use of lenses to treat them. Students then complete a worksheet (included) summing up the two eye defects and their treatment. The final part of the lesson is a series of exam questions covering the content from the lesson All answers included. A total of 24 slides
Assembly on new beginnings and looking forward

Assembly on new beginnings and looking forward

The assembly starts by explaining what looking forward means in terms of focusing on the future and being open to change. It then looks at new beginnings and offers some examples (e.g. new school year) The assembly then looks at the challenges involved in a new beginning and how they can be overcome. There are then three examples of people who have faced and overcome a new beginning- Serena Williams, Maya Angelou and Benjamin Pritchard The assembly closes with some final thoughts about the inevitability of change and how to grab it The final slide is a quote from Doc Brown from Back to the Future regarding how the future isn’t written yet