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Year 1 Autumn Term Planning Literacy Numeracy

Year 1 Autumn Term Planning Literacy Numeracy

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Planning for the Autumn term for year 1. You get 160 mb of material so good value imo. I taught mainly in Catholic schools so has a Catholic bent. But as we live in a multicultural society, this should be no problem. You get planning for: creative curriculum Literacy Numeracy P.E. (some) Science (some) R.E. (Advent etc) Loads of great lessons to ease your Sunday afternoons. Just cut and paste into your school template.
Year 4 Planning Spring Term Numeracy Literacy KS2

Year 4 Planning Spring Term Numeracy Literacy KS2

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Planning for the Spring term for year 4. You get 160 mb of material so good value imo. I taught mainly in Catholic schools so has a Catholic bent. But as we live in a multicultural society, this should be no problem. You get planning for: creative curriculum Literacy Numeracy P.E. (some) Science (some) R.E. (Christmas, Lent etc) Loads of great lessons to ease your Sunday afternoons. Just cut and paste into your school template.
Bundle 11+ Verbal Reasoning Decoding Vol 1 & Vol 2 Maths KS2

Bundle 11+ Verbal Reasoning Decoding Vol 1 & Vol 2 Maths KS2

2 Resources
Bundle. Two sets of Verbal Reasoning worksheets. Vol one and vol 2. I have designed 100 worksheets on decoding numbers for the 11+ non verbal reasoning questions. There are 100 worksheets provided on a cd. Decoding is an important aspect of the 11+ exams. Ideal for parents, pupils and tutors. Answer sheets provided. The Decoding worksheet helps to reinforce spelling and problem solving skills for students. The letters of each word are replaced with other letters or numbers based on a pattern. Students must translate the words and spell them correctly. You can see an answer sheet in my picture with the answers in red. Vol 2 has 100 more sheets
Back To School  Kensuke's Kingdom Year 4 to 6 Planning and worksheets

Back To School Kensuke's Kingdom Year 4 to 6 Planning and worksheets

I’m now retired from teaching after decades in the classroom. I’d like to help the younger generation. One aspect I don’t miss in Sundays. Trying to fill in planning grids that were rarely used or looked at. What a nightmare! So I’ve put together my teaching plans etc from the various schools I was in. The zip contains loads. I’ve put a sample in the ordinary download to give you a flavour It’s mainly to do with Kensuke’s Kingdom. But there’s othet stuff too included for free. There’s stuff on Dolphin Boy, Butterfly boy etc. Feel free to adapt for your planning grid. Sample planning : Recount one event from holiday. Note features and language patterns to list. Chronological, time connectives, 1st person, past tense, personal views. Write a recount for the Easter holiday. Individual revision task. Focus on organization and links using temporal connective phrases. Personal views. Introduce ch 1 for Kensuke’s Kingdom. Record initial response with prediction. Select examples to show Michael’s feelings. List reasons for and against yourself and family setting off on a round the world sail, Justify relating to evidence selected from the text. Red: format provided Gr/Or: list reasons from two places Bl/Y: form contrasting sentences… begin with, “even though…” Read ch 2. In pairs. How does Mom feel about the trip and Dad’s ideas? What is the alternative? 1. Why has Michael decided now to tell his story? 2. Who are the members of Michael’s family? 3. What do the family do together on the weekends? Can you describe how it makes them feel? 4. Why do the family stop sailing? 5. What is the atmosphere like in the house? 6. What happened to Michael’s best friend? 7. What happens to Michael’s father and why? 8. What do you think happens next? 9. Describe the father when they meet up again. What sort of mood is he in? Read chapter three. List examples of each character’s feelings. How do Mom and Dad’s feelings compare. When Michael and his family first set sail, how many miles a day do they want to do? How many miles a day do they actually do? What game do Michael’s parents play? What do they eat? What creatures do they see off the coast of Africa? In November they went to Brazil. Where did they stop? What did Michael do in Brazil? What did they do on Christmas Day? Describe, in your own words, the incident with Stella Artois. Record the incident with Stella as a personal diary entry. Refer to events in the chapter. HA: personal style to include worries for the future. MA: Organise into paragraphs with links LA: use ed-ing-ly openers. You get 8.7 mb of stuff so that’s good value imo. In it are lesson plans, powerpoints, questions etc. Enjoy your Sundays!
Easter Resources Powerpoints Lessons PDFs Catholic Flavour Lots of Resources

Easter Resources Powerpoints Lessons PDFs Catholic Flavour Lots of Resources

I’ve combined all my planning from the schools I taught in. I was in a few schools in the U.K., quite a few of them Catholic. There is a massive amount of planning for you to sift through. Years range all the way through from 4 year olds to 11 year olds. There’s some great powerpoints, lesson plans, sheets, even a play or two. You’ll have to sift through them as I am enjoying my retirement too much to do that! You get over 250 mb of stuff (300 plus files)
Back to School Year 3 Maths English Plans 19 English weeks  18 English weeks

Back to School Year 3 Maths English Plans 19 English weeks 18 English weeks

Looking for some inspiration going back to school. 19 English weeks 18 English weeks Plus some humanities planning on China etc Sample Children have white boards. I will describe a person and you must draw them From the twits Roald dahl(Mr Twits). Children share ideas from the first opening paragraph. What made this so visual. LANGUAGE Look at a series of images. Witch, doctor, pirate. Look at the features, are there similarities. Elaborated pictures of people. Famous and non famous. Discussion and focal point. Play head band with the children. They have to describe the person they are holding and the partner has to guess who it is. Expanding on words to describe Steps to Success Mild: To review characters Spicy: To recognise features of a character Hot: To describe your character Extra Hot: How could you describe yourself? Tell me. What sort of questions did you ask eachother? Why? Who spoke about the hair colour. How could we describe this person to someone.
Christmas Planning Year 5 Three weeks worth English Maths

Christmas Planning Year 5 Three weeks worth English Maths

Three weeks of planning. Plus you can use other planning included for free from different years. Example To analyse and create a character and setting description for 23 Degrees 5 Minutes North. I can express verbally what a character may be feeling, thinking or doing I can explain why I think a character may feel, think or do something I can describe a setting using figurative language Starter 5 mins Pen portrait of key characters in 23 Degrees 5 Minutes North: Children mind map/annotate information about the key characters that they know so far around an image of The Adventurer and Professor Erit. They add information about the internal feelings, thoughts and emotions within and the external information such as physical description, or known facts Activity 1 5-10 mins Use key questions and discussion in groups to think about answers to questions such as: When is this story set? Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here? Will I be able to find Professor Erit? How will I find him? Emphasise the importance of chn giving evidence to support their opinion when they give a response to these questions. Activity 10 mins Return to image of the Adventurer and Professor Erit. Using a different coloured pencil, chn should add information about these characters Main 20 mins Give chn an image of the setting and ask them to mind-map descriptive words, phrases or sentences they could use to describe the narrative setting. Model using the different kinds of sentence-types to record a setting description, using the vocabulary recorder in the mind-map. Chn use sentences to build suspense if they can.
John Lennon The Beatles Vietnam War Modern History Planning US UK History

John Lennon The Beatles Vietnam War Modern History Planning US UK History

Nice little unit on modern history. Some nice powerpoints. Sample: Using Notebooks – answer questions. Who was John Lennon? What can you find out about him? Birthday Family Friends Community Music Is he still alive? If not, when, where and how did he die? Why is he famous? Rdg AF 2 WALT investigate the life of John Lennon WILF you can record information carefully about J L. Using questions, investigate life of J L What kind of childhood did John Lennon have? Recall information we know about Lennon so far. Establish that when Lennon was the children’s age it was around 1948/9. He was a teenager in the Mid 1950’s and grew into adulthood in the 1960’s. So his ‘era’ was the 1950’s and beyond. What do you think life was like for a child growing up in the 1950’s? How can we find out what it was like for children of your age at that time? Rdg AF 2 AF 3 WALT select information from books and the internet WILFcompare and contrast life in the 1950’s to life today. Give each group their focus area to research:- School in the 1950’s; Home Life in the 1950’s; Food in the 1950’s; Leisure Activities in the 1950’s; Fashion in the 1950’s Technology in the 1950’s and key questions you want them to find answers to. Children will record their findings on a Compare and Contrast Table the 1950’s v. 2010
Year 4 Literacy Newspapers reports Six weeks short term plans

Year 4 Literacy Newspapers reports Six weeks short term plans

6 weeks short term plans. sample What newspapers and magazines can the pupils name? What are the articles usually about? Discuss the purpose of a newspaper. WALT – know the features of a newspaper text. WILF – good expression Read through the opening paragraph of a newspaper article. Children to discuss the features and the structure of the opening paragraph. Newspaper articles have all of the important information in the opening paragraph. The opening paragraph is not overly descriptive. This information includes who, what, when, where, why and how. (It is written this way because most people do not read an entire newspaper article all the way through. So newspaper writers put the most important information at the beginning). Children wrote learn the opening paragraph of a newspaper article. Firstly as a class, followed by group work. Recap the features of an opening paragraph of an article. SW – target group to discuss the features of the article.
Poetry year 4 Two Weeks of Planning Magic Box Kit wright Material

Poetry year 4 Two Weeks of Planning Magic Box Kit wright Material

Two weeks Planning. the powerpoint is a sample. There’s other files in the planning Great powerpoint on the work of Kit Wright. The magic box really inspires kids. Sampl planning Ask children to remind you about what a simile is and discuss why it is effective to use when writing. Explain that today we will be creating some poems of our own by creating some similes. Write ‘as thin as’ on the board and ask everyone to think of very thin things. Push children to think harder past the more obvious objects. Prompt them if necessary ‘what part of an animal is very thin?’ and so on. Write other prompts such as ‘as tall as, as large as, as hot as’. Draw some circles on the board and write a prompt above them ‘The sun is like…’ See how many other things they can think of that are round like the Sun. Turn the circles into objects they suggest. Now encourage children to extend their ideas further. Explain that today children will be making some simile poems of their own about a monster. List some features of a monster and some adjectives that describe a monster. HA work alone to create a simile poem about a monster. MA supported by KB, use a writing skeleton for their poem which has some features already listed. LA supported by AS, use a writing skeleton for their poem which has the features already listed, make a list of adjectives that might describe a monster. Read through some of children’s poems together. Discuss what similes they have used and the effect it has on their writing, why is it more effective? Can children compare objects? Can they use adjectives? Can they extend their own ideas and thinking? Can they choose effective similes?