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Engage Education

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We supply engaging and practical educational resources across a variety of settings. On our experienced team we have Primary teachers, Secondary teachers, TEFL teachers, Senior Management and Specialist Leaders of Education. Together, we aim to spread our knowledge and enthusiasm to other professionals and pupils around the world.




We supply engaging and practical educational resources across a variety of settings. On our experienced team we have Primary teachers, Secondary teachers, TEFL teachers, Senior Management and Specialist Leaders of Education. Together, we aim to spread our knowledge and enthusiasm to other professionals and pupils around the world.
Christmas: Functional Skills English Writing - Entry Level 2 (5 Writing Activities)

Christmas: Functional Skills English Writing - Entry Level 2 (5 Writing Activities)

This is a Functional Skills English writing resource for Entry Level 2. It contains five different writing tasks. In the first task students are asked to complete an application form for a job in Santa’s grotto. In the second task they are to write an advert to inform people about a charity Christmas dinner that they are hosting. In the third activity they write a letter to a friend to tell them about a Christmas party that they went to. In the fourth activity students are asked to complete an online order from so that they can buy a present that they have chosen. In the final activity students review a product online that they have bought for Christmas. This resource improves pupils Functional Skills writing skills and prepares them for exams. It can be used as a series of stand alone activities to be performed in class, as extension activities or as homework.
Writing Multiple Sentences: Capital Letters + Full Stops (Activities, Extension Work, Homework)

Writing Multiple Sentences: Capital Letters + Full Stops (Activities, Extension Work, Homework)

In these resources, pupils are given visuals and some words and are asked to use them to create some simple sentences. They are expected to use capital letters and full stops correctly and to choose additional High Frequency words and spell them independently. They are asked to repeat this process with different visuals and words a variety of times. This is the first step in preparing pupils to write a short text independently. The images help more visual learners and the given words provide ideas for what to write about and structure. These resources can be used as a class activity, as extension work or as homework. There are two resources to use when you choose this download.
Writing A Christmas Dinner Invitation: English Functional Skills

Writing A Christmas Dinner Invitation: English Functional Skills

This resource asks students to write a Christmas dinner invitation. There is a task sheet giving instructions and a colourful template on which to write the invitations. These tasks are differentiated two ways, one for a written invitation and one for an invitation in the form of a poster. There is also an extension task based on what people around the world eat for Christmas dinner. This resource works well with our 'Who Would You Treat To A Special Christmas Dinner?" lessons. Please check out our other Functional Skills English Christmas resources too.
What Are Nouns? (Activities, Extension Work, Homework)

What Are Nouns? (Activities, Extension Work, Homework)

This resource explains what nouns are and gives pupils examples of nouns. They are then asked to write down different nouns that they can see in given images and in their present location. This activity can be used as a class activity, as extension work or as homework.
Bonfire Night: Functional Skills English Speaking + Listening - Entry Level 2 (Guy Fawkes)

Bonfire Night: Functional Skills English Speaking + Listening - Entry Level 2 (Guy Fawkes)

This resource consists of a revision exercise for a Functional Skills Entry Level 2 assessment. It is for staff use, providing a topic for a discussion and a checklist to assess whether pupils have passed the test or not. Although this assessment follows the theme of Bonfire Night, it can easily be edited for any topic and used multiple times. There are two pages for this resource, one for teachers to assess multiple pupils and one for assessing one pupil which can be placed in this pupil’s file. Please look at our other Functional Skills Bonfire Nights/Guy Fawkes resources ranging from Entry Level 1 to Level 1 and including reading, writing and speaking and listening activities.
Bonfire Night: Functional Skills English Speaking + Listening - Entry Level 3 (Guy Fawkes)

Bonfire Night: Functional Skills English Speaking + Listening - Entry Level 3 (Guy Fawkes)

This resource consists of a revision exercise for a Functional Skills Entry Level 3 assessment. It is for staff use, providing a topic for a discussion and a checklist to assess whether pupils have passed the test or not. Although this assessment follows the theme of Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes, it can easily be edited for any topic and used multiple times. There are two pages for this resource, one for teachers to assess multiple pupils and one for assessing one pupil which can be placed in this pupil’s file. Please look at our other Functional Skills Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes resources ranging from Entry Level 1 to Level 1 and including reading, writing and speaking and listening activities
Remembrance Day: GCSE Language Paper 1 Reading Revision Activity

Remembrance Day: GCSE Language Paper 1 Reading Revision Activity

This resource consists of a literary text about life in the trenches and a soldier charging into no man’s land. The soldier has clearly lost his mind and appears to welcome death. However, during the charge his desire to live returns and this is reflected in the way the text is written. There are 4 different types of reading questions/activities for this text. The first asks the pupils to find five things mentioned in the text that show that life was hard for soldiers in the trenches. The second asks pupils to explain what part of the narrator the writer wants the reader to think was left in no man’s land when he first charged there (his mind). This is a 5 point question. The third activity gives the pupils a passage from the text and asks them to find 4 literary techniques used by the writer and to give an example of these techniques that they find in the passage. 8 points are offered for this activity, 1 for each literary technique and 1 for correct examples of these techniques found in the passage. The final question is for 10 points. It states, “The writer successfully changes both the atmosphere of the text and the main character’s mind-set in this passage.” It then asks the pupil how much they agree with this statement. They are to refer to the language used in the text and the literary techniques used by the writer in their answer.
Private Peaceful: Chapter 6 Lesson (Michael Morpurgo) Activities/Presentation/Extension Work

Private Peaceful: Chapter 6 Lesson (Michael Morpurgo) Activities/Presentation/Extension Work

This resource is designed to be used with Chapter 6 of the novel Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo. This chapter is titled ‘Nearly Five To One’. The main event of this chapter is the disappearance of Big Joe. This resource contains a powerpoint presentation that is used to recap on the novel’s previous chapters, to check the pupils’ comprehension of this chapter and to generate a discussion on how the pupils think the characters have developed in the story so far, and/or how their opinion of them has changed. This resource also includes some worksheets. These contain a lesson(s) plan, 2 activities and some extension work. The first activity asks pupils to write about how they think the characters have developed in the story so far, and/or how their opinion of them has changed . The second is a functional skills task which asks pupils to write an advertisement for a newspaper asking people to help search for Big Joe. The extension asks pupils to complete a table for 5 characters from the story by adding as many suitable adjectives as they can t describe them. They are asked to use a thesaurus to do this. This resource should take at least two lessons to complete, but it could be used for more depending on how much time you allow for the discussions. The extension work could also be used as a whole class activity or as homework. Please look at our other Private Peaceful lessons in this series.
Functional Skills English: Christmas Bundle (Entry Level 1 to Level 1)

Functional Skills English: Christmas Bundle (Entry Level 1 to Level 1)

11 Resources
This bundle consists of Functional Skills English resources linked to the theme of Christmas. In this bundle, there are reading, writing and speaking + listening resources for Entry Level 1, Entry Level 2, Entry Level 3 and Level 1 Functional Skills. It includes: 9 reading texts with comprehension questions 10 speaking + listening activities 13 writing activities The Christmas themes and activities are engaging, making the functional fun. The resources can be used as stand-alone activities, exam revision, homework or for pupil assessment.
Medium Term Plan For Fantastic Mr Fox

Medium Term Plan For Fantastic Mr Fox

This is a medium term plan for Fantastic Mr Fox. It contains possible activities for writing, reading and speaking + listening that could be taught with the novel. It states the novels themes and it begins with some text explaining the rationale behind the teaching of literature in a school setting.
Private Peaceful - Chapter 7 Lesson (Michael Morpurgo)

Private Peaceful - Chapter 7 Lesson (Michael Morpurgo)

This resource is designed to be used with Chapter 7 of the novel Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo. This chapter is titled ‘Twenty-Eight Minutes Past One’. The is the final chapter set in the home village as they Peaceful boys leave for war at the end of the chapter. It is also the final chapter in which Molly, Mother Peaceful and The Colonel play a central role so they are a focus of this lesson. This resource contains a powerpoint presentation that is used to complete a pre-reading discussion, to check the pupils’ comprehension of this chapter and to generate a discussion whether the pupils think Molly, Mother Peaceful and The Colonel are ‘good’ characters or not. As a teacher, you can decide if you want ‘good’ to mean good in terms of their morals or if you want it to mean effective as a character. This resource also includes some worksheets. These contain a lesson(s) plan, 3 activities and some extension work. The first activity asks pupils to work in a group/pair and to discuss who are their favourite 3 characters and why. They can record their ideas on the worksheet for this activity . The second activity asks the pupils to write whether they think Molly, Mother Peaceful and The Colonel are ‘good’ characters and give reasons for their answers. This activity follows on from the class discussion on the powerpoint presentation. This third activity is an extended writing task which asks the pupils to write a character description of Molly, Mother Peaceful or The Colonel. They are given some tips on what they could include before they write. In the extension activity, pupils are given 10 actions that characters in the novel have done so far. They are asked to use a thesaurus to find suitable adverbs to describe how the characters do these actions. This resource should take at least two lessons to complete, but it could be used for more depending on how much time you allow for the discussions. The extension work could also be used as a whole class activity or as homework. Please look at our other Private Peaceful lessons in this series.
Bonfire Night: English Functional Skills Entry Level 2 Reading (Guy Fawkes)

Bonfire Night: English Functional Skills Entry Level 2 Reading (Guy Fawkes)

This is an Entry Level 2 Functional Skills English reading resource. It consists of 3 non-fiction reading texts with comprehension questions. The first text gives advice on how to safely make a bonfire, the second is an advertisement for a Guy Fawkes fireworks display and the third is an informative text about different ‘fire’ celebrations around the world. These texts can be used as class activities, exam revision or as homework. Please look at our other Functional Skills Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes resources.
EYFS Observation Form + Characteristics Of Effective Learning  - Early Years Foundation Stage

EYFS Observation Form + Characteristics Of Effective Learning - Early Years Foundation Stage

This all encompassing observation form covers all bases. It includes each area and aspect of learning as detailed in the EYFS Profile as well as the characteristics of effective learning. It has a space for you to write detailed observations of the individual child and has a number of key questions for the adult to develop and embed learning. Finally there is a box to record the child’s next steps. Characteristics of effective learning are denoted by 3 cartoon characters - Dora the Explorer, Tree Fu Tom and Peter Rabbit. However you could change these images to suit your style or chosen characters.
Writing In Sentences: Punctuation + Language (Homework + Extension Work)

Writing In Sentences: Punctuation + Language (Homework + Extension Work)

11 Resources
This is a series of resources that help pupils develop their initial writing skills. It begins with pupils writing simple sentences which include capital letters and full stops and leads to them writing full independent paragraphs using higher level language and punctuation. These resources can be used as class activities, as extension work or as homework. The resources include activities dealing with: Writing 1 simple sentence Writing 2 simple sentences Writing multiple sentences Writing a paragraph Capital letters Full stops Question marks Exclamation marks Commas in a list Punctuating speech Using ‘and’ Using ‘but’ ‘and’ v ‘but’ Using ‘when’ Using ‘because’ Using ‘so’ Using adjectives Using adverbs Nouns Using varied sentence openings Many of the resources in this bundle have more than one download included.
Writing A Sentence: Pupil Activity For Writing A Simple Sentence (Activity/Extension Work/Homework)

Writing A Sentence: Pupil Activity For Writing A Simple Sentence (Activity/Extension Work/Homework)

In these resources, pupils are given visuals and some words and are asked to use them to create a simple sentence. They are expected to use capital letters and full stops correctly and to choose additional High Frequency words and spell them independently. They are asked to repeat this process with different visuals and words a variety of times. This is the first step in preparing pupils to write sentences. The images help more visual learners and the given words provide ideas for what to write about and structure. These resources can be used as a class activity, as extension work or as homework. There are two resources to use when you choose this download.
Punctuating Sentences: Capital Letters + Full Stops (Activities, Extension Work, Homework)

Punctuating Sentences: Capital Letters + Full Stops (Activities, Extension Work, Homework)

There are six writing resources in the pack that are aimed at helping pupils to punctuate sentences correctly using capital letters and full stops. It ranges from them being giving simple sentences with no punctuation that they have to edit, to the pupils writing a short well punctuated paragraph independently. The resources include strong visual images that provide a stimulus for all pupils and are also especially beneficial for more visual learners. These resources can be used as class activities, as extension work or as homework.
Bonfire Night: Functional Skills English Writing Entry Level 2 (Guy Fawkes)

Bonfire Night: Functional Skills English Writing Entry Level 2 (Guy Fawkes)

This is a Functional Skills Entry Level 2 English writing resource. There are two writing tasks. In the first task, the students have to apply for permission to hold a firework display. In the second task, they have to write an article for a newspaper informing the public about a Bonfire Night that they are holding. These resources can be used as a stand-alone exam revision exercise or in a series of lessons involving Guy Fawkes Night or other celebrations. Before writing, the pupils may benefit from researching different types of fireworks and how to make the displays safe.
Private Peaceful - Chapter 5 Lesson (Worksheets and Powerpoint Presentation)

Private Peaceful - Chapter 5 Lesson (Worksheets and Powerpoint Presentation)

This resource is designed to be used with Chapter 5 of the novel Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo. This chapter is titled ‘Twenty-Four Minutes Past Twelve’. The main events of this chapter include the discovery of Charlie and Molly’s secret relationship and The Colonel shooting Bertha. It contains a powerpoint presentation that is used to recap on the novel’s previous chapters, to check the pupils’ comprehension of this chapter and to generate a discussion on the different character’s thoughts and opinions on the main events of this chapter. This resource also includes some worksheets. These contain a lesson(s) plan, 2 activities and some extension work. The first activity asks pupils to write their own opinion of the events of the chapter. The second asks them to write a text describing how they think various characters feel about the chapter’s events. The extension work presents the pupils with a letter from Charlie to Molly which they have to correct and improve by adding adjectives. This resource should take at least two lessons to complete, but it could be used for more depending on how much time you allow for the discussions. The extension work could also be used as a whole class activity or as homework.