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P Level Maths Assessment - number

P Level Maths Assessment - number

Assessment for Learning. This is my attempt at creating some form of assessment for secondary school pupils who are working on P levels, because i couldn't find anything. I&'ve made it by going through descriptions of the levels and trying to think of tasks. Hope you find it useful. Please if you have anything more suitable please give me a message becasue i&';m desparate for something good.
Limits (upper and lower bounds) Worksheet

Limits (upper and lower bounds) Worksheet

A KS3/GCSE worksheet with a starter main and extension for limits. Starter covers rounding to decimal places and significant figures, the extension is a bit tough but that's what they&'re there for.
Sharing in Ratio PowerPoint - KS3 / GCSE

Sharing in Ratio PowerPoint - KS3 / GCSE

A PowerPoint Activity on sharing in ratios, in particular finding an unknown amount, e.g how much water do you need if water and squash are mixed in the ratio 3:10 and 20ml of squash is used. There is a starter on sharing in ratios and then some examples followed by some questions. Hope you find it useful. Spelling mistake is in the on purpose to help see which students are paying attention (blush)- not really, sorted it now
Cumulative frequency powerpoint with the avengers

Cumulative frequency powerpoint with the avengers

GCSE Statistics. A little powerpoint showing how to create cf tables and graphs which jumps on the avengers band wagon. You need to watch it first because it will require talking over. Shows how to find median, upper and lower quartile and inter quartile range from cf graph. Last slide shows multiple data sets on one set of axis for discussion on comparisons. Might be a nice introduction. Made especially for Jen Hope you find it useful
KS3 / GCSE - Scatter Graphs Powerpoint

KS3 / GCSE - Scatter Graphs Powerpoint

A KS3 / GCSE statistics. A PowerPoint showing how to create scatter graphs and the different types of correlations. Some data at the end to create scatter graphs from. One question accidently gave the wrong sort of correlation, but the discussion that came from it was really good so i kept the mistake in.
KS3 Maths worksheet HCF and LCM

KS3 Maths worksheet HCF and LCM

KS3 maths worksheet for homework or classwork: Highest Common Factor and Lowest Common Multiple. Objective: to be able to find the HCF and LCM of a pair of numbers. Nothing fancy, starter covering factors and multiples and some straight forward HCF and LCM questions then an extention looking at perfect numbers.
Fractions of Amounts Worksheet

Fractions of Amounts Worksheet

A worksheet with starter of dividing and multiplication practice, main is finding fractions of amounts and extention is equivalent fraction investigation. Hope you find it useful
Angle Challenge

Angle Challenge

Students have to find the size of every angle on the sheet, they get a point for each one they find, but loose a point everytime they use a protractor , setting up a nice competition and forcing them to use angle facts they have learnt.
Equivalent fractions worksheet

Equivalent fractions worksheet

Starter has some multiplication and division practice aswell as a fractions of amount question. Main is equivalent fractions and extention pupils have to try to find equivalent fractions for two fractions which will have common denominators to lead into addition of fractions.
Drawing Pie Charts worksheet

Drawing Pie Charts worksheet

KS3 Maths Worksheet. Objective: to be able to draw pie charts by finding fractions with common denominators. A simple drawing pie charts worksheet, using simple fractions with common denominators, good for year 7 maybe or low ability groups.
GCSE Maths: Standard form starter quiz

GCSE Maths: Standard form starter quiz

A quiz where students have to say which is bigger a or b, first with pictures then numbers, finally with numbers in standard form, hopefully highlighting the idea tha tstandard form helps compare and work with very big or very small numbers
Mutually exclusive events quick test

Mutually exclusive events quick test

Ten sets of events on a timer, students have to put an M if they are mutualy exclusive or N if they are not. Answers are at the end for self assessment. Nice and easy to use stick at the start or end of a powerpoint