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Mr Minchins Resources

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Teacher based in Scotland, sharing what I can.




Teacher based in Scotland, sharing what I can.
Crisp Calculations and Other Active Math Lessons

Crisp Calculations and Other Active Math Lessons

These resources are aimed at creating playful learning experiences in primary. The direction of the learning can be led by the pupils, with the teacher using the sheets to guide and nudge towards desired teaching points. Pupils could flexibly work individually, in a pair or in a small group.
Fractions and Percentage Sequence - SDG6 focus

Fractions and Percentage Sequence - SDG6 focus

This is a four part sequence, with quick recall/check-in activities included, aimed at upper primary. Through the lens of Global Goal Number 6, clean water & sanitation, pupils will considered in some depth the challenges faced globally in accessing safe and clean water whilst also learning to identify, calculate and convert fractions and percentages. Many of the activities are designed for pupils to lead their learning, co-constructing SC and deciding upon the ‘how’ when it comes to most methods of calculating and converting. The lessons all follow a CPA approach.
Equations: SDG 15

Equations: SDG 15

This is a 4 lesson unit of work that explores equations and algebra tiles through the Global Goal lens of ‘Life on Land’. The unit exposes pupils to endangered species in Scotland whilst also allowing them to learn facts about the animals through solving equations. Very much designed to follow a CPA approach to numeracy, algebra tiles are highly recommended (if you don’t have them, just chop up lots of yellow and green paper - it’s what I have done!)
Bus Timetables - 4 Lesson Unit SDG11

Bus Timetables - 4 Lesson Unit SDG11

Building on previous unit of time work linked to Global Goals 11, this is 4 lesson unit looking at buses. Lesson 1 Pros and Cons of buses and navigating bus timetables Lesson 2 Create a bus route and calculate how much money a bus can make Lesson 3 Create a bus timetable from specific arrival times Lesson 4 Calculate charging times for electric buses
TEAR Scenario Slides

TEAR Scenario Slides

These slides follow the TEAR framework as advocated by Action Jackson. The idea being that your Thoughts can change your Emotions and ultimately your Actions - which will always end with a Result. This framework is a really useful structure for children to reflect upon when things go wrong (and when they go right too). I find myself talking with children about the emotion part - once they feel an emotion such as anger or frustration, what strategies do they have to try and take a moment, can we work together to find a strategy that might work etc
Workout Fractions

Workout Fractions

A fun IDL lesson mashing maths and PE together, where pupils consolidate their understanding of fractions whilst getting active outside or in the gym hall.
1900-2020 Self-Led History Encyclopedia

1900-2020 Self-Led History Encyclopedia

This is a resource designed to work with 1:1 devices - but could be adapted using the QR codes to print out/show the pertinent information for pupils. The idea is that children pick one QR code, scan it and take notes. They have 20 minutes to fill the main part of the ‘prof forma’ (example found in slides). The final 10 minutes is spent carouselling round other pupils to fill shorter boxes with information about the other two events from the decade. There are regular recall sessions which I would suggest you present as a quick ‘test’ at the start of a session. Over the course of (up to) 12 weeks, the pupils will have created their own encyclopedia of the past 120 years. The events picked aim to allow pupils to form links and see how events develop and the decisions of leaders and populations have consequences that can last many years,
Battleships, Chess & Football Grid References

Battleships, Chess & Football Grid References

These slides are created on Keynote and can be exported from powerpoint to any apple device for pupils to manipulate and learn with all the individual pieces. Battleships works well using the drawing tool, chess is a simple case of drag and drop (get the kids to tell the other player the grid references to help identify which pawn/bishop/knight etc) The football slide can be adapted and used with basketball, hockey, volleyball and more.
Tennis Ball Games

Tennis Ball Games

A selection of individual, pair and team activities that require nothing more than a tennis ball. I have been taking my class outside to play these for 2x20 minute sessions after break and lunch.
Writing: Music Reviews, Upper Primary, SDG 8

Writing: Music Reviews, Upper Primary, SDG 8

This 4 week unit of work looks at music review writing. It starts with identifying key features and structure, before moving on to subject specific vocabularly and relevant imagery. Pupils have lots of choice throughout and I’d highly recommend you edit the musical artists to those that your class are interested in.
French Role Play - 5 lessons

French Role Play - 5 lessons

Each lesson follows this structure Role Play in English Classroom is setup into market/café/bus etc Children develop roles and play Identifying key phrases Key English vocab then picked out and scribed on board French vocab then taught and compared to English Script Writing (1:1 devices? Go to settings and change your keyboard to French!) Write script – usually no more than 8 lines of dialogue Pair up to revise Role Play Come back together as a class to role play once again However, this time in French
Global Goal Scene Creators

Global Goal Scene Creators

Folding a square piece of paper into four and chopping on line to the centre, you can create small backdrops for peg dolls or other characters. Using the scene descriptors included in this pack (which all link to the Global Goals) pupils can scan for key information, before drawing onto their paper to create a vivid scene.
Digital Literacy Progressions (P1-P7)

Digital Literacy Progressions (P1-P7)

This is a digital literacy progression for any school using iPads. All outcomes are linked to the benchmarks and it is designed to allow for a great deal of flexibility and teacher autonomy. 4 core apps that come pre loaded with any iPad are used to furnish children with choice and core skills in how they are able to present their learning (video, poster, presentation, document) Plenty and ideas and links to other areas of the curriculum included. Each stage is provided with two tracking sheets, one which is quite prescriptive for teachers who lack confidence with tech and another that gives a lot more choice and scope for teachers to use other apps to achieve the same benchmarks.
Area and Perimeter SDG8

Area and Perimeter SDG8

This resource is designed for upper primary pupils but could be adapted for those either side. Exploring Area and Perimeter through a Global Goals lens of ‘Decent Work’ pupils can involve themselves in practical activities that link to a variety of trades involved in construction. There are 4 lessons in total in this mini sequence but the tasks could be easily extended to provide consolidation and further personalisation
Double Digit Multiplication SDG7 Clean Energy

Double Digit Multiplication SDG7 Clean Energy

This sequence of three lessons allows pupils in upper primary to consolidate their double digit multiplication skills with grid, vertical multiplication and arrays. Through the lens of Clean Energy pupils can explore the benefits of clean energy whilst also considering the challenges involved in rolling sustainable power out across the world.
Spiderman Day - Global Goals

Spiderman Day - Global Goals

A Spiderman themed day of learning all linked to the Global Goals. Easily adapted for most primary stages, pupils cover a wide spread of curricular areas (literacy, numeracy, HWB, science and STEM) Create a play sandbox and help spiderman save the day. Write a newspaper article. Calculate how much it cost to make the spidey suit. Workout with spiderman and consider what muscles you are exercising. Discover the incredible science behind spider silk and see how scientists continue to try and learn from nature. Finally, become a true group of Avengers and work as a team to create a web of string to save a bus from plunging into the sea.
Low Floor, High Ceiling Maths

Low Floor, High Ceiling Maths

Low floor, high ceiling math tasks are designed to cut down workload and champion pupils in leading their learning. I usually start with a practical, hands on role play task before doing a little bit of input, followed by around 20 minutes independent work off the slide. Percentages - get the lost property out, have pupils price it up with post it notes and then task them with reducing the items by 50% Barbers - get A4 paper, cut it into ten strips (almost to the end of the paper) and attach to the back of chairs. Hand scissors to pupils and watch them cut, style, curl, taper and add extensions! Area - get the blocks out, give them a rough blueprint with measurements and let them build the foundations with rulers for accuracy