This presentation is made in order to review the theme “Furniture” and grammar point “Prepositions of place”! The students have to listen to the song and guess where the monkey is. The second game is scrabble where the pupils have to find words related to the furniture. These game can be useful for ESL young learners as well for native speakers.
Daily routine and time. Power point game.
The students have to listen to audio and then click on the alarm clock with the correct time. The power point can be opened in any computer or MAC.
C' est une dipositive faite pour réviser le point grammatical Les prépositions de lieu . Elle contient deux jeux et s'addresse au jeune public du niveau élémentaire. Cette ppt contient le son et l'animation.
This powerpoint is made in order to review grammar point Singular or Plural nouns. The students have to choose the correct verb in plural or singular form. The ppt is made in format of game “Crossing the river”.
The game is made for intemediate level students.
Opposites. Powerpoint game. Magic tricks.
The students have to find the opposite word. There are 21 pairs of opposites:
big/ small
tight/ loose
long/ short
dirty/ clean
The ppt contains sound and animation which is available at any PC or MAC. This game is funny and useful for elementary level students.
Rhyming riddles about musical instruments.
The students have to guess 20 rhyming riddles about musical instruments.
This worksheet is useful for elementary or intermediate level students.
This ppt is made in order to recognize the ways of transportation. The students have to listen to the song and then click on the correct type of transport. This ppt is useful for elementary level students and can be used on the computer or interactive whiteboard.
This is a set of printable alphabet games made for **back to school. **
The set includes:
Find the words (4 games)
Connect the dots (2 games)
Pirate’s alphabet
Colour the picture
Alphabet puzzle (2 games)
These worksheets are useful for elementary level students. Answer keys are included.
They are listening activities about the grammar point “Order of adjectives”. They students have to listen the description of the object and guess it. The second activity is the song. The students have to put the adjectives in the correct order. This ppt is made for intermediate level students.
Bingo game. French numbers. Listening game.
This game is created in order to review French numbers ( 0-100). The students have to listen 5 numbers and then they have to click on the correct number. This game is made for intermediate level students.
Animals concert. Musical instruments. Listening game.
The students have to listen to the sound and then try to guess the animal and the musical instrument which is playing. There are 20 animals playing different musical instruments. This funny game is useful for elementary level students and can be opened in any PC or MAC.
Musical instruments. Audio vocabulary.
There are 46 words to listen to the correct pronunciation. You can also use flashcards with musical instruments as a printable worksheet. The ppt can be opened at any PC or MAC.