Let’s go - a book for gestalt language processors. Autism, early intervention.
Mitigable gestalt - let’s go + words/phrases.
Suitable for all stages but particularly suitable for stage 2!
I see a farm: a book for gestalt language processors. Autism, early intervention.
A variety of mitigible gestalts!
Suitable for all stages but particularly for stages 1 + 2
It’s time for - a book for gestalt language processors. Autism, early intervention.
Mitigable gestalt - let’s go + words/phrases.
Suitable for all stages but particularly suitable for stage 2!
Lunch Time at School Social Story - autism, lunch, early intervention
Discusses lunch time at school, eating your own lunch, asking for foods you would like and explaining when you don’t like your food.
Includes activity sheet.
SPED, special education, autism, communication, road safety, early intervention, Special Education, Speech Therapy, Social Emotional Learning.
Using the toilet social story - autism, toilet training, early intervention
Includes reward chart
SPED, special education, autism, communication, road safety, early intervention, Special Education, Speech Therapy, Social Emotional Learning.
Crossing the Road
SPED, special education, autism, communication, road safety, early intervention, Special Education, Speech Therapy, Social Emotional Learning.
Social Story to teach children how to cross the road safely and learn the rules of the road.
Are yummy - a book for gestalt language processors. Autism, early intervention.
Mitigible gestalt - let’s go + words/phrases.
Suitable for all stages but particularly suitable for stage 2!
Food vocabulary!
SPED, special education, autism, communication, sharing, early intervention, Special Education, Speech Therapy, Social Emotional Learning.
Discusses asking for help in school - gives options to ask verbally or non verbally.
Includes printable help cards.
I WOULD LIKE… A book for Gestalt Language Processors.
Autism. Speech Therapy. Early Intervention.
**‘I WOULD LIKE’ **is an important phrase for communication and helping children to communicate their needs. This story helps gestalt language processors to learn the phrase and apply it to everyday life.
Mitigable gestalt - I WOULD LIKE + words/phrases.
Uses visual symbol for ‘I WOULD LIKE’ to help with understanding.
Suitable for all stages but particularly for stages 1 + 2
Can be printed as used as a book or shown on a screen as part of a lesson.
Don’t worry - a book for gestalt language processors. Autism, early intervention.
Mitigable gestalt - don’t worry + words/phrases.
Suitable for all stages but particularly for stages 1 + 2
I love - a book for gestalt language processors. Autism, early intervention.
Mitigable gestalt - let’s go + words/phrases.
Suitable for all stages but particularly suitable for stage 2!
Dinner Time Social Story
SPED, special education, autism, communication, sharing, early intervention, Special Education, Speech Therapy, Social Emotional Learning.
Discusses dinner time, eating your own food, not taking other people’s food, asking for foods you would like, explaining when you don’t like your food.
Includes 2 activity sheets.
Let’s eat - a book for gestalt language processors. Autism, early intervention.
Mitigible gestalt - let’s go + words/phrases.
Suitable for all stages but particularly suitable for stage 2!
Food vocabulary!
restorative practice justice, challenging behavior management, classroom behavior, classroom management, neuro-inclusive, anger management, behavior tracking, sensory sensitivities/needs, autism, neurodiversity-affirming
Expectation Contracts - A collaborative, neurodiversity-affirming approach using restorative practice!
Expectation Contracts:
Open communication around expectations and choices in a positive way.
They help children to discover new ways to solve problems.
They present the expectations in a clear, visual way which children can easily understand
Take children’s opinions into account.
They offer predictability, consistency and a sense of control.
Provide the child with the opportunity to become more responsible and aware of their choices.
For use in school and at home.
Example contract
15 contracts
EMOTIONAL REGULATION RESOURCES - Helps children learn to identify, communicate, and regulate/mange their emotions.
Social Emotional Learning. SEL, ASD, Special Education, Autism, Speech Therapy, Kindergarten, neurodiversity, neuro-inclusive.
Emer is a neurodivergent elephant with sensory sensitivities who changes color depending on her emotions. She focuses on teaching children four of the basic emotions; happy, sad, angry and scared. The Emotional Regulation Resources provide you with materials for helping children identify their emotions, communicate and regulate them.
1 ‘Today I am Feeling’ Chart
3 ‘How can you feel better’ Worksheets - angry, sad, scared.
3 Individual Feelings Scales - angry, sad scared - allows children to focus on regulating one feeling at a time.
4 Lollipop Stick Elephants - covers all four emotions. Once made can be used for drama and learning through play.
Triangle Regulation Chart - focuses on trying to feel better.
5 ‘How do you feel’ Circle Chart - 4 charts + make Emer and me template.
Emotions Word Cards - happy, sad, angry and scared.
3 Individual Feelings Scales
Guidance on how to use Better Bag for regulation.
11 pages Resources Guide
Hope they are helpful! Any feedback would be great!
Teaches children to understand emotions through Arts and Crafts.
Social Emotional Learning, Gestalt language, SEL, ASD, Special Education, neurodiversity-affirming, neuro-inclusive, Early Intervention, Autism, Speech Therapy, Kindergarten.
Emer is a neurodivergent elephant that changes color depending on her emotions. She focuses on teaching children four of the basic emotions; happy, sad, angry and scared.
The arts and crafts are designed to allow children to practice their emotional understanding while being creative and using drama to explore their feelings.
4 Make a Mask - happy, sad, angry and scared. Once made can be used for drama and learning through play.
5 Color in Easy Jigsaws - Covers all four emotions.
5 Mazes - Help Emer find her way.
11 Coloring Pages - covers all four emotions.
3 Scissors Skills Worksheets
4 Lollipop Stick Elephants - covers all four emotions. Once made can be used for drama and learning through play.
Hope you enjoy our product! We’d love any feedback!
SEL, social emotional, SPED, autism, SPED, speech therapy, special education, school counselling, school psychology, autism, neurodiversity, neuroaffirmative.
A lot of neurodiverse/autistic children and young people engage in masking in school, with certain people or in certain places. This can be harmful long term.
Includes activity sheets
What is masking?
How do people mask?
Types of masking.
How it can be harmful.
Safe places/people to unmask with.
SEL, social emotional, SPED, autism, SPED, speech therapy, special education, school counselling, school psychology, autism, neurodiversity, neuroaffirmative, special interests, intense interests.
Autistic people have a monotropic thinking style which means that their entire attention is given to one task or interest. This explains why autistic people are so passionate about their interests/hobbies and also explains why transitions/change can be difficult and why filtering out sensory stimuli can be tricky.
Includes activity sheets
What is Monotropism?
What is polytropism?
The benefits and disadvantages of Monotropism.
How other people can help me.
Helps children to understand and learn the process of going to bed and reduces anxiety.
Bedtime Social Story
Discusses going to bed, when to go to bed, following a schedule and taking the steps needed to go to bed.
Visual To-Do List:
Visual bedtime to-do lists can support your child and help to teach them how to get ready for bed independently. They also help to reduce anxiety around the process and give the child clear guidance on what steps need to be taken in which order.
Pre-made to-do list
Editable to-do list