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Parts of a Fish: Google Slides Drag & Drop Worksheet+ PPT Version
Parts of a Fish: Google Slides Drag & Drop Worksheet + PPT Version
Parts of a Fish: Digital Worksheets: Drag & Drop: Distance Learning
Interactive Digital Worksheet- Drag and Drop activity on Parts of a fish. Please watch the preview video before purchasing to understand how this product works.
The preview video also provides the answer key for this product
2 Parts
*Drag and Drop Parts of a Fish
Write the Part of the Fish in the Box*
The worksheets can be used for distance learning and google slides/classroom or on computers/interactive whiteboard in the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT in the normal/edit page view - to drag & drop and write. (Do NOT view 'PRESENT ’ mode)
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the worksheets within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkpartsofabirdDW”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
2 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Parts of a Fish, Dorsal Fish, Anal Fin, Pectoral Fin, Anatomy of a fish
Parts of a Bird: Google Slides Drag & Drop + PPT Version
Parts of a Bird: Google Slides Drag and Drop + PPT version
Interactive Digital Worksheet- Drag and Drop activity on Parts of a bird. Please watch the preview video before purchasing to understand this product.
3 Parts
Drag and Drop Parts of a Bird
Write the Part of the Bird in the Box
Drag and Drop the matching definition to each bodypart
The worksheets can be used for distance learning and google classroom or within the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT in the normal page view drag & drop and write. (Do NOT view 'PRESENT ’ mode)
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the worksheets within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkpartsofabirdDW”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
3 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Parts of a Bird, Drag and Drop
Types Of Frictional Forces: Google Slides, Distance Learning + PPT + 3 Worksheet
Types Of Frictional Forces: Google Slides, Distance Learning + PPT + 3 Worksheets
Interactive presentation & interactive quiz on Types of frictional forces. Please watch the preview video
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION on types of frictional forces. It can be used for distance learning and google classroom or within the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
3 Worksheets also included in ZIP file ‘Types of forces’, ‘Types of frictional forces’ and ‘Pull and Push forces’. These are a word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinktypesoffrictionalforces”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
37 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Forces, Frictions, Newton, Sliding Friction, Rolling Friction, Fluid Friction, Static Friction, Types of Friction
The Moon, Space: Google Slides, Distance Learning + PPT + 3 Worksheets
The Moon: Interactive Google Slides, Distance Learning + 3 Worksheets
Interactive presentation & quiz on The Moon. Please view the powerpoint preview
It can be used for distance learning and google classroom or on a interactive smartboard in the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
3 Worksheets also included in ZIP file ‘Label phases of the Moon’, ‘Solar Eclipse’ & ‘Lunar Eclipse’ These are word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkTheMoon”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
39 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: The Moon,Distance Learning, Phases of the Moon, Remote Learning
Different Types Of Forces: Google Slides, Distance Learning + PPT + Worksheet
Different Types Of Forces: Interactive Google Slides + PPT + Worksheet (DL)
Interactive presentation & quiz on different types of forces. Please view the powerpoint preview
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION on different types of forces . It can be used for distance learning and google classroom or within the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
Worksheet also included in ZIP file ‘Different types of forces’ .This is a word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkdifferenttypesofforces”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
34 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Applied Force, Gravitational Force, Magnetic Force, Frictional Force
Animals found in the Ocean: Distance Learning, Google Slides + PPT+ 4 Worksheets
Animals found in the Ocean: Google Slides+ PPT+ 4 Worksheets (Distance Learning)
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION QUIZ on animals found in the ocean. It can be used for distance learning or within the classroom.
Please view the PREVIEW video before purchasing to better understand this product
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
4 Worksheets also included in ZIP file (These are word.docx files and will need to be printed out)
‘Animals found in the ocean’
‘Label the world’s oceans’
‘Different types of fish’
‘Different types of shark’
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkanimalsfoundintheocean”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
41 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Ocean, Animals, Ecosystem, Habitiat, Shark, Whale, Clownfish, Octopus, Dolphin, Seas
Flowering & Non-Flowering Plants: Google Slides, Distance Learning + Worksheet
Flowering & Non-Flowering Plants: Interactive Google Slides + PPT + Worksheet (DL)
Interactive presentation & quiz on Flowering and Non-Flowering plants. Please view the powerpoint preview
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION on Flowering and non-flowering plants . It can be used for distance learning and google classroom or on a interactive smartboard in the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
1 Worksheets also included in ZIP file ‘Flowering and non-flowering plants’. This is a word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkfloweringandnonfloweringplants”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
42 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Comets & Asteroids, Space: Google Slides, Distance Learning + PPT + 2 Worksheets
Comets & Asteroids: Google Classroom + PPT + 2 Worksheets (Distance Learning)
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION QUIZ on Comets, Asteroids, Meteroids & Meteors. It can be used for distance learning or within the classroom.
Please view the PREVIEW video before purchasing to better understand this product
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
2 Worksheets also included in ZIP file ‘Asteroids, Comets & Planets’ and ‘Meteors, Meteorites and Meteoroids’ . These worksheets are Microsoft word files and will need to be printed out
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkcometsandasteroids”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
39 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Asteroids, Comets, NEO’s, Meteor, Meteorites, Extinction events
Tick-Tock The Alligator:Telling The Time: Quarter Past & Quarter To. Interactive
Tick-Tock The Alligator: Telling The Time: Quarter Past (15) & Quarter To (45). Interactive Google Slides + PPT + 2 worksheets. Distance Learning
Interactive Google Slides Quiz/ Powerpoint Presentation on - Telling the time. Quarter past (15) and Quarter To (45). Please watch the preview video to understand how this products work.
40 Questions Total (121 Slides Total)
10 Questions - 15 Quarter Past - Guess the Digital
10 Questions - 15 Quarter Past - Guess The Analog
10 Questions - 45 Quarter To - Guess the Digital
10 Questions - 45 Quarter To - Guess The Analog
This product could be used for distance learning at home, google classroom or within the classroom on a smartboard.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
2 Worksheets also included in ZIP file ‘Telling the time: 15 and 45 Analog to Digital’ + ‘Telling the time: 15 and 45 Digital to Analog’ These are word .docx file and will need to be printed out.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkticktockthealligatortellingthetime15&45”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
121 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Telling The Time, Clocks, Math, Quarter Past, Quarter To, 15, 45 Clock face, Interactive Games
Tick-Tock The Alligator:Telling The Time: 5 minutes & 1 minute. Interactive
Tick-Tock The Alligator:Telling The Time: 5 minutes & 1 minute. Interactive
Interactive Google Slides Quiz/ Powerpoint Presentation on - Telling the time. to five minutes (05) and to 1 minute (01). Please watch the preview video to understand how this products work.
40 Questions Total (121 Slides Total)
10 Questions - 05 Five Minutes - Guess the Digital
10 Questions - 05 Five Minutes - Guess The Analog
10 Questions - 01 Minute - Guess the Digital
10 Questions - 01 Minute - Guess The Analog
This product could be used for distance learning at home, google classroom or within the classroom on a smartboard.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
2 Worksheets also included in ZIP file ‘Telling the time: 05 minute and 1 minute Analog to Digital’ + ‘Telling the time: 05 minutes and 1 minute Digital to Analog’ These are word .docx file and will need to be printed out.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkticktockthealligatortellingthetime05&01”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
121 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Telling The Time, Clocks, Math, Five minutes, One Minutes, 1 minutes, 5 minutes
Magnetism & Magnets: Google Slides, Distance Learning + PPT + 2 Worksheets
Magnetism & Magnets: Google Slides, Distance Learning + PPT + 2 Worksheets
Interactive presentation & interactive quiz on Magnetism & Magnets. Please watch the preview video before purchasing to understand the depth of content and interactivity of this product.
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION on Magnetism and different types of magnets. It can be used for distance learning and google classroom or within the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
2 Worksheets also included in ZIP file ‘Magnets: Will the item stick?’ & ‘Different types of magnets’. This is a word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkmagnetism”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
37 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Magnetism, Magnets, Bar Magnet, Physics, Horseshoe Magnets, Electromagnet
The World's Oceans: Google Slides, Distance Learning + PPT + Worksheet
The World’s Oceans: Google Slides, Distance Learning + PPT + Worksheet
Interactive presentation & interactive quiz on The World’s Oceans. Please watch the preview video before purchasing to understand the depth of content and interactivity of this product.
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION on The World’s Oceans. It can be used for distance learning and google classroom or within the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
Worksheet also included in ZIP file ‘Label the World’s Oceans’. This is a word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinktheworldsoceans”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
42 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, The World’s Oceans, Atlantic, Pacific, Southern Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Geography
Different types of rocks: Google Slides, Distance Learning + 2 Worksheets
Different types of rocks: Google Slides, Distance Learning + 2 Worksheets
Interactive presentation & quiz on Different types of rock. Please watch the preview video
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION on different types of rocks. It can be used for distance learning and google classroom or within the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
2 Worksheets also included in ZIP file ‘Label different types of rock’ & ‘Different types of rock’.This is a word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkdifferenttypesofrocks”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
35 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary, Rocks, formation, The Earth
Plate Tectonics: Plate Boundaries: Google Slides, Distance Learning + Worksheet
Interactive presentation & quiz on plate boundaries. Please view the powerpoint preview
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION on plate boundaries. It can be used for distance learning and google classroom or within the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
Worksheet also included in ZIP file ‘Types of plate boundaries’ .This are word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkplateboundaries”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
34 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Tectonics, Plate Boundaries
The Four Seasons: Google Slides, Distance Learning + Worksheet
The Four Seasons: Google Slides, Distance Learning + Worksheet
Interactive presentation & quiz on The Four Seasons. Please watch the preview video
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION on the four seasons. It can be used for distance learning and google classroom or within the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
Worksheet also included in ZIP file ‘What Season’.This is a word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkthefourseasons”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
37 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, Equinox, Equator
Interactive Plant Cell: Google Slides, Distance Learning + Worksheet
Interactive Plant Cell: Google Slides, Distance Learning + Worksheet
IMPORTANT: Please note the interactivity of this product will only work on a laptop or PC. It will not work on a tablet or smartphone.
Interactive plant cell (click on each part) & Interactive quiz on Parts of a plant cell. Please watch the preview video to understand how this product works
This presentation is more geared towards an interactive whiteboard/smartboard lesson, where students can come up and touch a part of the plant cell.
A linear version of this presentation also exists which may be better for a teacher wanting to talk and present about each part (Please click here to view)
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION on Parts of a plant cell. It can be used for distance learning and google classroom or within the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
Worksheet also included in ZIP file ‘Label parts of a plant cell’ .This is a word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkpartsofaplantcell”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
43 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Parts of a plant, interactive whiteboard, mitochondria, chloroplast, cytoplasm, cell membrane, organelles
My Five Senses: Distance Learning, Google Slides + PPT + 2 Worksheets
My Five Senses: Distance Learning, Google Slides + PPT + 2 Worksheets
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION QUIZ on My Five Senses. It can be used for distance learning or within the classroom.
Please watch the PREVIEW video to get a better understanding of this product.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
2 Worksheets also included in ZIP file ‘My five senses’ + ‘Label my five senses’. These are word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkmyfivesenses”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
41 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, My Five Senses, Tasting, Touching, Hearing, Seeing, Smelling, Ears, Nose, Eyes, Tongue, Hands
The Earth's Landforms: Google Slides, Distance Learning + PPT + Worksheet
The Earth’s Landforms: Interactive Google Slides + PPT + Worksheet (DL)
Interactive presentation & quiz on the Earth’s landforms. Please view the powerpoint preview
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION on the Earth’s landforms . It can be used for distance learning and google classroom or within the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
Worksheet also included in ZIP file ‘Label the world’s major mountain ranges’ .This is a word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkearthslandforms”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
34 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Volcanoes, Mountains, Rivers, Canyons
The Circulatory System: Interactive Google Slides, Distance Learning + Worksheet
The Circulatory System: Interactive Google Slides, Distance Learning + Worksheet
Interactive presentation & quiz on The circulatory system. Please view the powerpoint preview
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION on the circulatory system. It can be used for distance learning and google classroom or on a interactive smartboard in the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
Worksheet also included in ZIP file ‘Label parts of the circulatory system’. This is a word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkcirculatorysystem”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
43 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint
Keywords: The Heart, Arteries, Veins, Red blood cells, Lungs, Capillaries, Distance Learning
The Water Cycle: Interactive Google Slides, Distance Learning + PPT + Worksheet
The Water Cycle: Interactive Google Slides, Distance Learning + PPT + Worksheet
Interactive presentation & quiz on the water cycle. Please view the preview video to understand the depth of content and interactivity of this product
INTERACTIVE GOOGLE SLIDES/POWER POINT PRESENTATION on the water cycle. It can be used for distance learning and google classroom or within the classroom.
Once downloaded: Please view the GOOGLE SLIDES/POWERPOINT IN 'PRESENT ’ mode
Worksheet also included in ZIP file ‘Label parts of the water cycle’ …These are both word files.docx and will need to be printed out.
Fun and Interactive quiz at the end of the presentation.
There is also a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the presentation within the Zip File
Download and Open Zip File
Open the PDF “googleclassroomlinkthewatercycle”
Click on Link and make sure you are signed into your Google account
Make a copy of the presentation and start sharing with your google classroom students!
35 Slides. Can be viewed in both Google slides and Microsoft Powerpoint