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Shade in the 4 x tables
A quick and easy starter/ plenary activty to help students to practice and recognise their 4 x tables
Year 1 Subject Vocabulary Cards
This resource contains vocabulary cards for the following national curriculum subjects for year 1:
All of the vocabulary the children will be exposed to and learning throughout the year are included, in line with the Primary National Curriculum.
The vocabulary cards could be used within a working wall/ display in the classroom. The children can be exposed to the words they will be learning about (also helping with the speilings of the words)
They could also be used as an activity for the children for them to find out what the words mean.
Rounding to the nearest 10
A quick exercise to allow children to review and practice rounding to the nearest 10 (including using word problems).
Months of the year colouring pages
A4 months of the year colouring pages. Each page has a month in the middle of the page. Around the month, the child could write or draw what they associate with that month, e.g. in January, they may draw a picture of a snowflake. A fun and simple actiivty to help with learning the months of the year.
Ten Frames 1-10
Colour in the ten frames to match the digit.
English to French Vocabulary cards and activity sheets
English and French vocabulary cards for the days of the week, months of the year and numbers 1-20. Match the English to the French. Also comes with activity sheets to clarify understanding.
All about me
5 different templates to introduce a topic of ‘all about me’
CVC word splat game- short 'o' sound
30 CVC words with the short ‘o’ sound e.g. fog
Help children to learn these words with a fun game.
Read out the word and children have to find the word as quickly as possible
Subtract a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number
Check for understanding for your students
Subtract a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number
Months of the year mats
Trace the letters to spell out the months of the year
Comparing numbers: Greater or Less than 20
Sort the numbers into the correct column based on if they are greater or less than 20.
Make a pattern: Using shapes
Make a pattern using any of the different shapes.
Number Activity sheets 1-10
Number formation
Number recognition
Numbers 1-10
I can order numbers 1-10
Cut and stick the numbers 1-10 in the correct order.
Trace and write the letters of the alphabet (Upper case)
Practice latter formation. Lower case a-z
Trace and write the letters
Addition to 20 Splat game
Help children learn their addition facts to 20 with a quick and easy game.
Version 1: Read out the digit cards 11-20 and children ‘splat’ the question cards which give the answer to the card you have read out e.g. 12 = 11 + 1
Version 2: Read out the question card e.g. 11 + 1 and children have to ‘splat’ the digit card e.g. 12
Number boards 1-10
10 colourful and visual boards to show different reprenentations of the numbers 1-10. A visual tool for an early mathematics display or can be used for children individually to support their understanding of number.
Sort by colour activity
Sort the objects by their colour.
Expressive arts and design.
Supports understanding of colour.
Could be used as a ‘colour’ display
Spring and Summer word searches
5 x spring word searches
5 x summer word searches
I can count on in ones
Match the digit to the number of apples in the tree