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P2 Images, compression and file size

P2 Images, compression and file size

Keywords: Image, quality, file size, download time, compression A series of activities that use a familiar image to get across the relationship between file size and image quality. It also supports learners to consider the effect of compression on image quality. It was intended to use the powerpoint show as a starter and follow it up with the file size worksheet, then the compression worksheet. Originally designed for unit P2 of 21st Century Science. Right click the web link to download the powerpoint show.
Objects in Space sort cards

Objects in Space sort cards

Key words: Universe, Galaxy, Solar system, Sun, planet, asteroid, constellation. This is a sort card activity and powerpoint show to support the task. It gets students thinking about objects in space. The powerpoint show comes in two forms, with or without the word constellation. The addition of the constellation card adds a real opportunity for cognitive conflict and helps iron out a preconception of what a constellation is. Right click the web links to download the powerpoint shows.
Measuring with oscilloscopes

Measuring with oscilloscopes

Keywords: p.d., voltage, potential difference, frequency, time period, time base, measurement This resource has a powerpoint show with worked examples of how to calculate p.d., frequency etc. using an oscilloscope. It is supported by graded intended learning outcomes and an independent learning task, which set as home learning has resulted in students being extremely creative. Right click the web links to download the powerpoint shows.
Bunsen burner flames

Bunsen burner flames

This is a powerpoint show and pdf giving the reactions taking place and constituents of Bunsen burner flames of three different colours. Right click the web link to download the powerpoint show.
Electron arrangements for ions

Electron arrangements for ions

Keywords: ionic, ions, electron, shell, energy level, orbitals, rings, periodic table. This resource contains an animated powerpoint show and two sheets. These can be used as a revision tool or as an independent learning resource to help students explore and spot patterns in ion formation in the periodic table. Please note that there is a similar resource showing the electron arrangement for the first 20 elements Right click the web links to download the powerpoint shows.
Electron arrangement worksheet

Electron arrangement worksheet

This resource contains a worksheet and answer sheet for showing the electron arrangements of the first 20 elements. A premium resource is also available that shows an animated PowerPoint slideshow and has a variety of different sheets with various levels of scaffolding to support learners. This can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12957111
Models of the atom - Comparison

Models of the atom - Comparison

This activity aims to clarify thinking around the models of the atom that scientists use, and why we have more than one model. A slideshow that compares different models of the atom, the timeline of discovery and summarises the uses of each model. Key words: Model, Plum-pudding, Rutherford, Dalton, nuclear.
The Carbon Cycle - Extracting info from a text

The Carbon Cycle - Extracting info from a text

Keywords: Carbon cycle, photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, combustion. An activity sheet and guidance sheet (with answers highlighted) in which students extract information from a text and then use this to identify the processes in the carbon cycle and ultimately construct a diagram from these. These can then be compared to one published in a textbook to allow students to make corrections. This works exceptionally well as a peer assessed activity.
Reactivity of metals timeline (starter)

Reactivity of metals timeline (starter)

Keywords: metal, reactivity, extraction A short activity (starter?) to encourage higher order thinking and identify relationship between reactivity of metals and their date of first extraction. Please note that this was originally published a number of years ago as part of the North Yorkshire Success for All project of which I was part and had the pleasure of working with an excellent team of teachers on resource development. Included is the original briefing sheet and a powerpoint slideshow
Engaging 'hats' model of electric circuits

Engaging 'hats' model of electric circuits

Keywords: circuit, model, current, charge, electron, hats This is an engaging model for students to participate in modelling electric circuits. It is aimed at KS3, but has been used successfully with KS4 and KS5. It helps students build a coherent model to explain circuits, although alternative models help explain energy transfers and potential difference (voltage) better. Please note that this was originally published a number of years ago as part of the North Yorkshire Success for All project. A premium PowerPoint slideshow that provides a visual model of the motion of charges in the circuit is also available at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12613884
C4 Electron structure & ionic bonding revision

C4 Electron structure & ionic bonding revision

Keywords: structure, bonding, electron, energy levels, shells, orbitals, rings, periodic table, patterns. Notes: This is a revision summary sheet that has questions about structure and bonding relating to electron arrangements and ion formation. Please note that this resource was originally designed for unit C4 of OCR 21st Century Science, but is applicable to other specifications. An answer sheet has now been addedl.
Engaging model of ionic and covalent bonding

Engaging model of ionic and covalent bonding

Keywords: bonding, model, electrons, ionic, covalent. Notes: This engaging activity makes use of very affordable and easily available ball pool balls to support whole class teaching and group work. It models what happens to the electrons during ionic and covalent bonding. Please note that this was originally published a number of years ago as part of the North Yorkshire Success for All project of which I was part and had the pleasure of working with an excellent team of teachers on resource development. Right click the web links to download the powerpoint shows.