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Places of Worship Display Signs
Display signs for common places of worship e.g. Church, Gurdwara, Temple, Mosque etc.
Designed by me.
R.E. Display - Complete Set - Rainbow Pastel theme - Worship Display
focus posters (We are learning… etc)
Places of worship signs,
R.E Bunting,
R.E. lettering,
R.E posters A3
R.E. Key words (flowers)
R.E. key words (standard)
Worship bunting,
Types of religion.
All designed and made by me!
Roald Dahl Quotes for Reading Displays
Eight quotes designed by me for a Roald Dahl display.
PDF download.
Potter Magic Themed Book Corner Display
In this pack there is:
Book corner signs,
Book corner bunting,
Harry P Quotes,
Hogwart’s Song,
Book corner rules.
All designed by me in a magical theme!
Disney Themed Book Corner Display Book Signs
Included in this download:
Book signs for Disney themed areas (Neverland, the Jungle, Pride Rock etc)
Book corner bunting,
Book corner sign,
Disney quotes,
Book corner rules.
All PDF downloads. All designed by me!
Understanding the World EYFS Local Community KS1 Display
In this pack there is A3 and A4 signs for key features in your local area, including:
Railway station,
All types of housing (flat, bungalow etc)
The estate,
The community center,
The police station,
The post office…
There are over 30 signs all designed by me.
Black Dog Book KS1 and KS2 Activities
Activities for Black Dog the book for KS1 and for KS2. Good for world book day!
Pastel Rainbow Peg and Tray Labels
Peg labels and tray labels - all editable on Powerpoint
Classroom Job Application Form
An application form for your class to apply for jobs!
Staff Shout Out Wellbeing Cards PDF
Staff shout out cards - print on card and pin on a notice board!
Handwriting Practice Sheets - All letter families
8 different booklets - each containing a letter family (some are split into two)
Each with lines and words to practice.
Can be used as homework or in class practice.
Science Homework Tasks - Science Projects LKS2 Year 3 and Year 4
Homework Tasks for all the Year 3 and Year 4 objectives.
Three per unit.
Science Homework Tasks for KS1 - Science Project Ideas
Homework Tasks for Every KS1 Objective for Year 1 and Year 2.
Each contains 3 ideas.
Science Pupil Voice Feedback Form
Science Pupil Voice with a face ranking and room to right.
Year 2 Science Retrieval Quiz Knowledge Recap
Recapping Science objectives from Year 1 - 22 different questions
Year 4 Maths Homework Autumn Term - 12 weeks
This is twelve weeks of homework targeted at Year 4 with pink star challenges.
This is a powerpoint download.
MissCLT x
Place Value Number Activity Sheet
MissCLT x
Year 4 Autumn Spelling Words and Homework
Year 4 Autumn Spelling Words and Homework - adapting the Twinkl scheme with different homework tasks and adding a green science word each week.
There are 14 weeks including Year 3/4 speling words, a topic week and Christmas themed week (including Year 3/4 words).
Powerpoint download so can be adapted.
Natural Disaster Art Unit KS2
This is a six week art unit, with the objectives of:
Compare the work of artists from different cultures and make comments on this work,
Use shading to show light and shadow (tornado)
Use a range of brushes to create shape and lines with paint (volcano)
Weave with paper then wool based on a colour palette (earthquakes and wildfires)
Create a piece of pen art following Katsushika Hokusai’s the Great Wave (tsunamis)
This includes examples of work and a title page for books.
Miss CLT
Romans in Britain LKS2 Planning, Title Page and Assessment
I made this for my class - this is a weekly plan for 8 weeks, it including links to websites used and a title page for books.
There is also an assessment I made to match the weekly planning.
I hope some find this useful.
MissCLT x