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Y8 / Y9 / New GCSE Spanish - Las películas y las series
Complete lesson on movies and series. This could be used with strong Y8 students, Y9 students and even for the new GCSE Spanish if it is less scaffolded.
Lesson includes:
Objectives in TL to translate in pairs, individually, groups, etc.
Starter based on the key vocabulary around movies and films.
Sentence Builder to complement the key vocabulary with opinions and reasons.
Listening task with transcription and audio files included.
Ping Pong translation (Speaking task to practice dictation in pairs). Students practice speaking, pronunciation, listening, dictation, reading and writing.
Reading task with two steps (Scan Reading and Reading for detail task).
Speaking task based on a survey - students ask each other in TL and speak in TL and record their answers in English (use sentence builder for those who need support.)
Handouts, Presentation and Audio Files included.

A - Level Spanish - 4 in 1 #1 La Política: Listening & Reading Gap Fill, Synonyms and Translation
This resource includes different activities. The main ones are:
Reading Exam Skill Gap Fill
4 Sections on Synonyms based on the same text.
Translation Spanish to English.
Additional task (you could use the text with your students as a listening. Audio attached with the resource.
Short text about politics for AS & A - Level students to practice their vocabulary and exam skills.
Answers provided.
I really appreciate feedback so I would be happy to hear what you think and if you would like more resources like this.

A - Level Spanish - 4 in 1 #2 Las Redes: Listening & Reading Gap Fill, Synonyms and Translation
This resource includes different activities. The main ones are:
Reading Exam Skill Gap Fill
4 Sections on Synonyms based on the same text.
Translation Spanish to English.
Additional task (you could use the text with your students as a listening. Audio attached with the resource.
Short text about Social media and its use in society for AS & A - Level students to practice their vocabulary and exam skills.
Answers provided.
I really appreciate feedback so I would be happy to hear what you think and if you would like more resources like this.

A - Level Spanish-4 in 1 #3 Stuart Christie: Listening & Reading Gap Fill, Synonyms and Translation
Text based in Stuart Christie and it is link to the topic of monarquías y dictaduras.
This resource includes different activities. The main ones are:
Reading Exam Skill Gap Fill
4 Sections on Synonyms based on the same text.
Translation Spanish to English.
Additional task (you could use the text with your students as a listening. Audio attached with the resource.
Answers provided.

Y8 / Y9 Spanish - La apariencia física
Complete lesson on the topic of physical appearance.
This lesson includes the whole presentation with all answers provided and audio files for the listening. I created this lesson to be online friendly so handout is not and task involved dragging answers through the slides rather than write but this only takes a minute to tweak and adapt.
Match up task with the key verbs to talk/write about physical appearance.
Helpsheet with basic verbs and key vocabulary about physical appearance.
Objectives in TL for students to translate into English.
Family tree to revise the family members.
Reading task with 4 texts for students to find as much information as possible (this could be done more or less student-centred depeding on the class.)
Listening task (audio files and transcript included).
Independent writing task for students to write about their physical appearance and do some basic descriptions on family members (this could be more or less scaffolded with the help of the texts used previously in the lesson.)

Y8 / Y9 French - Les matières
Complete lessson on the topic of school subjects and opinions.
Starter to get familiarised with the subjects / Recap.
Additional inferring on l’ / le / la / les (gender, number or followed by vowel.)
Objectives in TL for students to translate.
Sentence builder for students to complete and add reasons and opinions when writing / talking about subjects.
Mini whiteboard follow-up activity: French to English / English to French / Guided French dictation (remove scaffolding when required.)
Listening task (remove instructions from slide 7 to show hints for students if they need them). Audio file included.
Reading comprehension task.
Speaking activity (noughts and crosses) - This could also be used as a translation race or more like a teacher centred task in which students translate the sentences they are shown/asked to translate.
Design your own timetable in French.
Optional task - model the reading comprehension text to create your own text in French about lessons you have (add opinions and reasons).

Y8 / Y9 French - La journée scolaire
Complete lesson on the topic of school day.
This lesson includes the whole presentation with all answers provided and audio files for the listening. I created this lesson to be online friendly so handout is not provided this time and you will have to make your own.
Match up task with the key verbs to talk/write about routines.
Objectives in TL for students to translate into English.
Reading task (3 levels of reading):True / False + Put the routines in order following the text + Find the words of phrases in the text.
Listening task (audio files and transcript included).
Translation task (this could be tweaked and be used as a comprehension task, used online so students can drag the emojis or simply draw as they understand/process the texts.)
Independent writing task for students to write about their school day / routine and recycle the topic of school, subjects, etc.

Y8 / Y9 / GCSE Spanish - Las Tapas
Lesson on Tapas
Slide 1: Starter vocabulary on foods - Translation of a menu (not necessarily the most authentic Spanish menu but mainly words for students to get familiarised)
Slide 2: Answers/feedback to slide 1.
Slide 3: Comprehension questions on Video/Listening on tapas (links to the videos are at the bottom of the slides on the section of notes - there are 2 videos, one in Spanish (audio) and one in English (with English subtitles when they speak Spanish) from DW News.
Slide 4: Answers to slide 3
Slide 5: Social and historical context about tapas. Cultural and historical approach about the origins of tapas.
Slide 6: Listening task in which students will have to listen to the orders for each table and match them with the images (might need clarification on some images and food: champiñones, tortilla, etc.) (Audio included)
Slide 7: Feedback on previous task with transcription.
Slides 8 to 14: Scaffolded reading task based on a text in which students have to find relevant vocabulary, answer comprehension questions and highlight verbs in the present, past and future.
Slide 15: Template for reading task for students to complete.
Slide 16: Writing or designing option: write a paragraph based on previous task or design your own menu in Spanish.
Handout included.

Y8/ Y9 / New GCSE French - Les Fêtes
This is a lesson that could work well with students of Y9 or for new students of GCSE French, also could be used with some groups of Y8 if it is scaffolded properly. The lesson focuses on a cultural approach to festivals and include the following festivals with videos to expand on knowledge:
Fête du Citron
La Fête de la Musique
Fête Nationale
Le Festival de Cannes
La Tour de France
Skills that could be practised with this lesson: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Dictation and Translation in addition to listening and reading with French subtitles to each of the videos (apart from the Fête du Citron - it has no audio, it is simply video and some background music.)
Breakdown of the lesson:
Match up activity as a starter with the festival and images.
Objectives to translate and introduce the topic of festivals.
Additional cultural task to get students to watch videos and annotate information in English or French (activate subtitles) (see footnote on slide.)
Sentence builder for students to complete and use later with miniwhiteboard or any other writing tasks.
Listening task to recycle later for a reading task (audio files included.)
Gapfill task based on Festival de Cannes + Translation task.
Trapdoor activity to practice speaking and listening.
Writing task that can be recycled as a translation task or simply as a warm up to introduce an independent writing task (you will need dice for this.)
Handout, Presentation and Audios attached.

Y8 / Y9 / GCSE Spanish - La Navidad
This resource includes a lesson about Spanish Christmas celebrations and traditions:
La Navidad
La Nochebuena
La Cabalgata
El Día de los Santos Inocentes
La Lotería de Navidad (El Gordo)
El Año Nuevo
Los Reyes Magos
Matching up task to get familiarised with the celebration.
Matching up task with images to get to know some of the important elements of Spanish Christmas.
Listening and reading task based on La Lotería del Gordo.
Reading comprehension, gap fill and parallel translation based on La Nochebuena, La Navidad y El Día de los Santos Inocentes respectively.
Translation labyrinth task based on La Nochevieja.
Activity based on watching a video about La Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos.
Translation builder task based on El Día de Reyes.
Additional task with a video of Caga Tió (based of Catalan Christmas).
The video does not have subtitles in English but shows all the information required, it might be helpful to pause and facilitate some of the information for the students.
Audio File for la Lotería de Navidad is attached as another file.
Presentation and handout included.
The videos for the activities are attached on the heading of the slides, press ctrl + left click to access them.

Y8/Y9 French: La maison, les pièces et les meubles
This bundle contains the lessons, audio files, handouts for the following individual resources:
Y8/Y9 French - Les pièces et les meubles.
Y8/Y9 French - La maisons et les pièces.
See individual resources for more information and detailed description.

Y8 / Y9 / (new) GCSE French (Les amis et la personnalité)
This is a lesson that could work well with students of Y9 or for new students of GCSE French, also could be used with some groups of Y8 if it is scaffolded properly. The lesson offers different opportunities for scaffolding.
Skills that could be practised with this lesson: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Dictation and Translation.
Breakdown of the lesson:
Objectives to translate and introduce the topic of Friends and Personality.
Starter based on personality vocabulary with an additional Sentence Builder that students need to complete themselves that includes vocabulary about:
Family members (done for them)
Character and Personality description
Miniwhiteboard task with choice for practice:
Translation from French to English
Translation from English to French
Listening task to recycle later for a reading task.
Dictation from French to French (transcribing) (new skill for GCSE 2024)
Reading comprehension based on 4 texts that students previously listened to.
Trapdoor activity to practice speaking and listening.
4 short listening texts** (with audios included)**
Handout, Presentation and Audios attached.
Linked to previous lesson: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13115908

Y8 / Y9 / (new) GCSE French (La famille)
This is a lesson that could work well with students of Y9 or for new students of GCSE French, also could be used with some groups of Y8 if it is scaffolded properly. The lesson offers different opportunities for scaffolding.
Skills that could be practised with this lesson: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Dictation and Translation.
Breakdown of the lesson:
Objectives to translate and introduce the topic of Family.
Starter based with a Sentence Builder that students need to complete themselves that includes vocabulary about:
Family members
Physical descriptions
Hair and eye colour
Introduction / Recap to adjectival agreement + explanation
Miniwhiteboard task with choice for practice:
Translation from French to English
Translation from English to French
Dictation from French to French (transcribing) (new skill for GCSE 2024)
Reading comprehension based on 3 texts.
2 Sets of battleships to practice Être + Avoir with Physical description (Speaking)
3 short listening texts** (with audios included)**
Translation task based on the previous listening task.
Speaking Noughts and Crosses task.
Handout, Presentation and Audios attached.
You will have to make a handout for the Battleship task and the noughs and crosses.

Y8 / Y9 Spanish (Los Deportes)
This is a lesson that could work well with students of Y8 or Y9 Spanish.
Skills that could be practised with this lesson: Listening, Reading, Writing, Dictation and Translation.
Breakdown of the lesson:
Objectives to translate and introduce the topic of Family.
Cultural approach with two videos about ‘La Pelota Vasca’ to introduce the topic of sports.
Starter with key words and phrases on the present tense to talk about sports.
Sentence Builder that students need to complete themselves that includes vocabulary about:
Adverbs of time (when)
A few reasons
Miniwhiteboard taskS with choice for practice:
Translation from Spanish to English
Translation from English to Spanish
Dictation from Spanish to Spanish (transcribing) (new skill for GCSE 2024)
Reading comprehension based on 2 texts (one of them used previously as a listening exercise).
1 listening task** (with audios included)**

GCSE Spanish - El trabajo voluntario (Lesson)
This is a complete lesson that inludes different listening and reading activities, including translation practice and photo-card practice for their speaking exam.
Enjoy and make them enjoy!

A - Level Spanish: El racismo en los medios de comunicación
This resource includes a Powerpoint dealing with the issues of racism in the media and in literature. Things included:
2 listening tasks using real videos from TV news (link to video + video.)
Differentiated retrieval task covering the negation in Spanish and translation.
Summary listening skills to prompt students writing short sentences.
Grammar gap fill centred on past tenses (preterite, imperfect and present perfect.)

GCSE Spanish - Describing Teachers (Lesson + Handouts)
This lesson could be use in KS3 or KS4 with your students and it is really well differentiated all the way throught. In included exams skills for photo-card practice and it included all the skills to be practiced in the lesson.
This included:
Handouts for most of the activities.
There is no listening clip for slide 12 (if you require it, let me know and I will send it to you via email.)
Please make sure you give me feedback, it really means a lot.
Enjoy and make them enjoy!

GCSE Spanish - La salud y los hábitos (Revision)
This is a revision lesson which includes some activities to go through the topic of Health. The listening exercise could be done in two or three ways. The listening clips are just recordings of me as I tend to read the out loud myself sometimes.
-Listening (audios and transcriptions)
-Reading (true and false & word/phrase search)
-Parallel translation
-Plenary to talk about health and bad/good habits and impacts
-Homework (2 options: Research or Writing a 90/150 words paragraph)
No handout included.

GCSE Spanish: Mi casa y mi barrio (4 skills revision)
This resource might take 1 or 2 lessons depending on the ability of your group and the amount of time you want to spend on each activity. This lesson is meant to be a revision lesson but activities can be adapted or tweaked.
This includes:
-Starter on rooms in the house.
-Listening activity with 5 audio files (included.)
-Speaking activity to drill expressions on houses/rooms.
-Matching activity to revise ways of describing an area/city.
-Guessing game to revise places in town and retrieval on the topic of jobs.
-Reading activity on city/area.
-Plenary to review: Jobs, area, home, rooms in the house, places in town, etc.
Handout included.

A - Level Spanish-4 in 1 #5 Las Tribus: Listening & Reading Gap Fill, Synonyms and Translation
Text based on the topic of Tribes around the world.
This resource includes different activities. The main ones are:
Reading Exam Skill Gap Fill
4 Sections on Synonyms based on the same text.
Translation Spanish to English.
Additional task (you could use the text with your students as a listening. Audio attached with the resource.
Answers provided.
8 Audio files attached to use the text as a listening rather than as a vocabulary gap fill.