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Maths: Probability

Maths: Probability

This resource explains what probability is then explains the language used for probability e.g. Certain, likely, impossible etc. It gives a few examples which encourage the children to use this language. It then goes on to show how we can use fractions, decimals and percentages to show probability and it provides a few examples of this.
Persuasive Letter Writing - Can I Get a New Pet

Persuasive Letter Writing - Can I Get a New Pet

This lesson explains the purpose and audience of a persuasive text. It then teaches different persuasive strategies. It includes a writing task which is to persuade a family member to get you a new pet. It also contains a modeled letter which can be used as an example for learners.
Weight - Grams and Kilograms

Weight - Grams and Kilograms

This resources looks at converting grams and kilograms. It starts off by giving visual representation of what a gram and kilogram is to help learners. It then explains the process of converting grams and kilograms by multiplying or dividing by 1000. Then it gives different conversion explains using decimal notation. The resource uses a place value grid to model this clearly for learners. The resource then finishes with 10 example questions to assess learner understanding.
Spooky Creative Writing Bundle

Spooky Creative Writing Bundle

2 Resources
This bundle helps learners create spooky characters and settings using descriptive language and figurative language. Once learners have learned how to create a spooky character/setting, they could have a go at writing a full spooky story using the Roll a Story resource.
Homophone Snap

Homophone Snap

A resource for helping pupils recognise and become more familiar with common homophones.
Christmas Quizzes

Christmas Quizzes

This resources contains 7 short quizzes which can be used as short starters or completed as a large quiz. The different quizzes it contains are: Christmas Film Characters (contains characters from modern and older films) Christmas anagrams Christmas Surveys (Similar to family fueds - pupils have to pick what they think the most popular answer is) Christmas song lyrics - pupils have to name the song the lyrics come from. Christmas Around the World - a challenging trivia quiz about Christmas traditions around the world. This could be simplified by giving pupils multiple choice. Merry Christmas in Different languages - pupils have to match the greeting to the language it is written in. Christmas True or False - a short T or F quiz I have also included an answer sheet if this required. It is marked out of 88 and allows pupils to keep track of their scores as they go and they can add totals up at the end.
Celebrating Reading Days/Week Activities

Celebrating Reading Days/Week Activities

This resource contains a variety of quizzes or activities that can be used to encourage learners to read more, share about what they read and introduce them to more authors or books. It contains. Become an illustrator Lesson and Worksheet. In this activity, pupils will see the blurb of a book but not the front cover. Based on what they read, they have to decide what front cover they should design to illustrate. It contains four different blurbs and a worksheet with four blank book covers. Who Am I? Book character quiz. Book Speed Dating Worksheet. Learners would each have a book on their table and when told they must move to another table. They then have a short time to skim and scan the book then review on their speed dating worksheet. Who is my author quiz. Pupils must match the front cover to the author of the book. Book activities. This resource contains five different activities that can be completed in class or independently as a home learning activity.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

This resource helps learners understand the different gifts of the Holy Spirit by explaining each gift in child friendly language and using symbols to represent each gift. It contains a short matching worksheet and a variety of games that can be accessed by clicking on or scanning QR codes.
Decimal Tenths Powerpoint

Decimal Tenths Powerpoint

This powerpoint contains a variety of different sections that can be grouped together into one lesson or be taught as independent concepts. This resources covers: Converting from fraction to decimals Ordering decimals Place value of decimals up to tenths Placing decimal tenths on a number line
Daily Starter Display Slides Upper Primary/KS2/KS3

Daily Starter Display Slides Upper Primary/KS2/KS3

Fifteen weeks of activities until end of November. Excellent for soft starts in the morning or for filler activities. Activities that all learners can engage with as covers a range of topics from: General Knowledge Problem solving Geography Lateral Thinking Vocab development Spelling Current themes Puzzles/Riddles Answer scheme included for easy marking.
L'Halloween - Halloween French Vocab Resource

L'Halloween - Halloween French Vocab Resource

This resource teaches some key Halloween French vocabulary. It then contains links to 6 different games via QR codes. Pupils can play the games independently by scanning the QR code or the games can be played as a whole class on an interactive whiteboard by clicking on the QR codes (they are hyperlinks). There are also 6 follow up worksheets that learners can choose from.
Halloween Acrostic Poem Writing Pack

Halloween Acrostic Poem Writing Pack

This is a full lesson on creating a Halloween acrostic poem. This pack includes: Teaching slides - with modelled text. Planning page Word Bank (both for display & printable) 6 x printable poem templates which can be coloured for display.
Autumn/ Diwali Mandala Design & Colouring Art

Autumn/ Diwali Mandala Design & Colouring Art

This is a fun and relaxing art activity which can be tailored to suit all learners. This resource includes: Teaching slides which explain what mandala art is and gives a step by step guide on how to create the art using the guideline template. However this resource could be made more challenging by getting learners to draw out the guidelines using a ruler protractor (a blank template is attached also) Two different leaf designs with guidelines or completely blank for learners to draw their own. For learners who may find the design challenging then I have included six colouring mandala worksheets using the same leaf designs.
French Beginners Resource Pack

French Beginners Resource Pack

This pack includes 64 page teaching slides on 6 different lessons. Lesson 1: Greetings and Introductions Lesson 2: Greetings & Introductions Lesson 3: Numbers & Ages Lesson 4: Colours Lesson 5: Weather Lesson 6: My Family Within the slides, there are vocab for learners to revise and copy and some activities which can be completed as a whole class. This resource also includes 10 pages of different worksheets that can be used to supplement the slides.