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Nature and Nurture

Nature and Nurture

Ppt looking at the nature/nurture debate through focussing on feral children. Activities and youtube link.
Social stratification

Social stratification

PPT looking at gender, age and ethnic stratification in the UK. Tasks linked to examples of stratification and information on what our government does to prevent inequality.
Media Effects

Media Effects

Learning outcomes: 1)To be able to explain the hypodermic syringe and uses and gratification model s using case study examples 2) Analyse the link between violence and the mass media 3) To be able to explain what effect the media has on its audiences
Ethnicity and Education

Ethnicity and Education

Powerpoint with essay plan and worksheet looking at the reasons for differential achievement between ethnic groups.


PPT looking at the reasons for the change in the divorce rate. It focuses on changes in the law compared with changes in society. Tasks included and video link included.
Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment UK. Powerpoint looking at the different preventions and punishments and the relative merits of each. Individual and group activities and youtube links.
Ethnicity and Crime

Ethnicity and Crime

Ethnicity and Crime. Powerpoint presentation with activities and youtube links. Focuses on the Stephen Lawrence case and why Afro-Caribbeans are over-represented in the prison population. Worksheet with reasons for criminality which should be cut out to show why Afro-Caribbeans are over-represented. Could also be used as a group memory task.