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One stop Assembly Shop

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(based on 24 reviews)

Fed up of dull, boring assemblies? Tired of scrolling through news websites each week looking for inspiration? Yes me too... I believe in short (10 minute max) punchy assemblies that have an impact. The slides are designed to have key points on only offering clean visuals and no clutter for students. The 'how to' guide will enable you to deliver these simple effective messages and importantly save you time!




Fed up of dull, boring assemblies? Tired of scrolling through news websites each week looking for inspiration? Yes me too... I believe in short (10 minute max) punchy assemblies that have an impact. The slides are designed to have key points on only offering clean visuals and no clutter for students. The 'how to' guide will enable you to deliver these simple effective messages and importantly save you time!
Penguins, yes penguins - Mutual respect and cooperation assembly

Penguins, yes penguins - Mutual respect and cooperation assembly

Tolerance/ Mutual respect/ Working together/ Cooperation/ Maturity/ Common goal/ Assembly ideas/ Primary/ Secondary This 10- 15 assembly on Penguins emphasises tolerance, cooperation and mutual respect as it shows how Penguins use a ‘huddle’ to survive some of the toughest conditions on the planet. The assembly is all about having ‘common goals’ within a school/ year group and working togther to achieve them. The pack includes: Full assembly with video link and in depth notes Hyperlink to video A ‘how to deliver’ featuring a synposis, help with delivering and customisation idea. Thanks for looking
'Be the Iguana'  - Never give up assembly

'Be the Iguana' - Never give up assembly

Perserverance/ Don’t give up/ Keep going/ Never give up/ Overcoming barriers/ Assembly ideas/ Primary/ Secondary This 10-15 minute assembly is about never giving up and the idea of perserverance. It has a truely remarkable video which will have your students on the edge of their seat chanting ‘Be the Iguana’. The assembly also and addresses the idea of the negative language the students tend to use when they feel they are not instantly good at a skill i.e. ‘I can’t do that’ The pack contains: A full powerpoint Link to hyperlink (on slide) A ‘how to’ word document containing a synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Please do review if you enjoyed using the assembly. Thanks for looking.
Punctuality: 3 minutes late - Interactive Assembly

Punctuality: 3 minutes late - Interactive Assembly

Punctuality/ Being puntual/ Lateness/ Time management/ Assembly ideas/ Primary/ Secondary This 10 -15 minute assembly follows the Mathematics behind if a student is only 3 minutes late to each lesson and staggeringly how this add ups across a full academic year. It also looks at the most common UK excuses and gives an overview of how punctuality is viewed in other cultures. All schools will have students that struggle to get to lessons on time and this can be used to approach the subject in a very factual way. The pack Includes: Full assembly with Mathematics worked out Hyperlink to video on ‘why punctuality is important’ A ‘how to use’ guide including a synopsis, delivery help and customisation ideas Thank you for looking
Ambition - Assembly

Ambition - Assembly

Ambition/ Goals/ Future/ Secondary/ Primary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Students often associate ambition with ‘power’ or ‘wealth’. This assembly looks at what ambition actually is and states examples ranging from Alexander the Great to Dolly Parton. It looks at where ambition comes from and characteristics of ambitious people. It then finishes by asking the students to think about their futures and any ambitions they might have. The pack contains: Full power point A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking!
New Years resolutions assembly

New Years resolutions assembly

New Year/ Resolutions/ Fresh start/ 2022/ Primary/ Secondary/ Assembly ideas/ Whole school This 10-15 minute assembly looks at unusual new years traditions around the world and focusses on the Maths behind new years resolutions. This assembly also looks at how to ensure your students are one of only 8% of people that manage to keep resolutions for the full 12 months! The pack contains: Full powerpoint with notes A ‘how to use’ guide with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking
Christmas Traditions around the world -  Assembly

Christmas Traditions around the world - Assembly

Christmas/ Tradition/ Around the world/ 25th December/ Assembly ideas/ Primary/ Secondary This 10-15 minute assembly looks at how countries celebrate Christmas around the world and all the weird and wonderful traditions that take place during the build up. The assembly enables the students to guess he country for which each tradition belongs (which are still done to this day) and finishes with a fun filled Christmas quiz. The pack contains: Full powerpoint A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking
Importance of being organised (with top tips) - Assembly

Importance of being organised (with top tips) - Assembly

Organisation/ Top tips/ Time management/ Work-life balance/ Free time/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas/ Primary/ Secondary This 10-15 minute assembly is aimed at ensuring the students understand the importance of being organised, how this could positively change their work/ life balance (give them more free time) and provides them top tips from a professional organiser (hyper link to video in slide). This pack contains: Full power point with notes Hyperlink to video A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, delivery help and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking.
'What if...' - Taking chances assembly

'What if...' - Taking chances assembly

Taking chances/ Trying new things/ New start/ Working hard/ Giving things a go/ Assembly ideas/ Primary/ Secondary This 10-15 minute assembly is about the importance of taking chances and making the most of your opportunities in and out of school. It challenges students to think about the statement ‘what if…’ and how missed opportunties could cost them in more ways than they realise. The pack contains: Full powerpoint with notes Hyperlink to video A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking
Curiosity, did it kill the cat? - Assembly

Curiosity, did it kill the cat? - Assembly

Asking why?/ Curiosity/ Questioning/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Did it really kill the cat? This assembly looks at what curiosity actually is and where the expression came from. It looks at the positive impact curiosity can have on things such as achievement, happiness and empathy and more visceral things like survival. The assembly finishes with a few tips on how the students can satisfy their curiosity without it turning into a competition of who can ask the most questions. The pack contains: Full power point A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking
Christmas - Being thankful Assembly

Christmas - Being thankful Assembly

Christmas/ Being thankful/ Thinking of others/ Primary/ Secondary/ Assembly ideas This 10 -15 minute assembly looks at being thankful for small but significant things around Christmas time. It champions spending time with loved ones and being thankful for what you have rather than what you hope to get. It also looks at the staggering cost of ‘Christmas’ the UK and looks at the issues around overspending during the festive period. The pack contains: Full powerpoint A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking
World Bee day (20th May) - Assembly

World Bee day (20th May) - Assembly

Bees/ Honey/ Eco system/ Endangered/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly Enjoy honey and bad puns? This is the assembly for you! The assembly looks at the importance of bees to our ecosystem and just how much we rely on these little insects. It also offers a quiz upon entry and some truly amazing facts! It talks through all the ways bees are vital to our survival and how your students can make a small difference to help the decline of the bee. There is also a video on the life in the day of a bee. Would be ideal way to introduce any conservation projects you are running as a class/ whole school. The pack contains: Full powerpoint with video link A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking
Self-belief - Assembly

Self-belief - Assembly

Self-belief/ Self-worth/ Give up/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Lots of students seem to really struggle with their self-worth and self-belief, this seems to be down to the simplest of task in a lesson where you hear ‘I’ll never get this’ or ‘I’ve given up’. The assembly looks at what self-belief is, why it worth and how students can improve it. It asks them to be self-reflective of where they currently are and ends with a nice easy take away message. The pack contains: Full power point with hyper link A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking.
Transition Year 6 into 7 - Assembly

Transition Year 6 into 7 - Assembly

Transition/ Year 6/ Secondary school/ First day/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school Undoubtably the transition from Year 6-7 can be an incredibly overwhelming and ‘scary’ time for students. This assembly aims to reassure all students by normalising the fear of the unknown and offers practical advice for making the transition as smooth as possible. The assembly also offers plenty of chances for the students to mingle and start the process of learning to communicate effectively with other students (and hopefully develop some positive first impressions). The pack contains: Full power point with notes and hyperlink A word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking
Courage to fail - Assembly

Courage to fail - Assembly

Courage/ Failing/ Fear of failure/ Character/ Primary/ Secondary/ Assembly ideas This assembly is all about enabling students to have the courage to fail. It looks at four famous names that experienced significant failure before becoming successful and asks students to think hard about a time they have failed and how the reacted – and importantly what they learnt from the experience. The assembly finishes by talking about the ability to have a the ‘Courage to fail’ The pack contains: A full powerpoint with notes A ‘how to use’ help document with - synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking.
Health 'body and mind' assembly

Health 'body and mind' assembly

Healthy body/ Healthy mind/ Diet/ Sleep/ Exercise/ Limiting stress/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas/ Secondary/ Primary This 10 -15 minute assembly looks at the Science behind some well known theories and offers practical advise to ensure they can be as healthy as possible and the major benefits of this. It also looks at the link between the body and mind and why both need and deserve to be in top condition. The pack contains: Full powerpoint A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking
Valentines day (14th February) assembly

Valentines day (14th February) assembly

Je T’aime/ St Valentine/ Valentines day/ 14th February/ Primary/ Secondary/ Assembly ideas This 10-15 minute assembly looks Valentines day and the gruesome story behind it. It also looks at some unusual Valentines tradition around the world and gives a simple message of ensuring we tell the people important to us how much they mean – it does not have to be using extravagant gifts, a simple ‘Thank you’ has just as much weighting. The pack contains: Full powerpoint A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thank you for looking.
Survival - Teamwork in Nature assembly

Survival - Teamwork in Nature assembly

Nature/ Cooperation/ Teamwork/ Working together/ Survival/ Primary/ Secondary/ Assembly ideas The idea behind this 10-15 minute assembly is to show the students how some animals/ insects rely on teamwork to survive. It looks at how clownfish, wild dogs, geese, bees and orcas work in harmony for the success of the species. There is also a slide upon entry which asks students to identify some unusual collective nouns. The pack contains: Full powerpoint A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking
'Hygge' -  Mental health and wellbeing assembly

'Hygge' - Mental health and wellbeing assembly

Mental health/ Relaxation/ Happiest country in the world/ Finland/ Assembly ideas/ Primary/ Secondary This 10-15 minute assembly is based on the yearly ranking of the ‘Happiest country in the world’ which is currently Finland and the concept of ‘Hygge’ - a cultural concept of coziness and relaxation adpoted by Scandanavian countries. ‘Hygge’ aims to promote a positive mind set and the importance of taking time to appreciate friends and family. The assembly contains: A full powerpoint with notes A how to use document with synopsis, delivery help and customisation ideas. Thank for looking.
Self esteem 'Poker chips' - Assembly

Self esteem 'Poker chips' - Assembly

Poker chips/ self esteem/ confidence/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas This assembly is all based around self esteem. It looks at what it is, how we build it and if everyone has it in equal measures. The assembly uses poker chips as an analogy to look at Student A (high self esteem - lots of poker chips each day) and Student B (low self esteem- very few poker chips) and how their days could differ significantly and importantly how small insignificant issues to some people can really have a profound affect on others. The assembly finishes with some tough questions for the students to ask themselves. The pack contains: Full powerpoint A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking.
Armed forces day (25th June) - Assembly

Armed forces day (25th June) - Assembly

Armed forces day/ 25th June/ Military/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas This assembly is all about celebrating the selflessness and courage of the individuals serving and who have served in the Armed forces. It looks at some Armed forces ‘jargon’ and talks about why we celebrate this day and the plethora of people directly and indirectly involved with the Armed forces. Its finishes looking at the perks and sacrifices of a career in the Armed forces and how your students can be a small part of it. The pack contains: Full powerpoint with video links A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking