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Durgamata's Shop

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A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
Blog for July/August 2013

Blog for July/August 2013

1 kittens, Joy Weekend 2 Ipswich weekend inc photos Indian Independence Day. Third = Facing History Seminar (re Holocaust) Blogs from 20th August to 4th September - the Spiritual Festival in New York. a bit unusual. 6th Sep - back home kittens celibacy and God Realisation. 7th (with pics) of my spiritual Teacher. 9th - reflections on wealth and oneness. 11th Birmingham Expedition and chocolate. 13th house-share tensions. Posters for the Concert 25th catch up on postering news and an interview 2nd Oct. Postering + people in Birmingham 11th Oct (from 4th) preparing for the concert
Religious Education Blog

Religious Education Blog

21st Feb is about my son singing on ATN Bangla Television I am so proud and happy. What a joy and a privilege to be able to have such a son and a link to such an inspiring event. 25th - 28th about my struggles to teach the lad I work with and my new priority for progress. 14th March includes catch up about a difficult week and 15-16 a paragraph about walking and breathing meditation from a book I am reading by Satish Kumar 25 April - 2nd May back from New York, Alex and Birmingham.
Blog beginning 25th January, 2013

Blog beginning 25th January, 2013

continuing blog. The first two files include photos of the kitties. The on on 25th also includes some reflections on the meaning and significance of birthdays. 30th is about presentation skill training and my workshop next week. 1st has some sheets for next weeks workshop.the scanned texts (which come from the Interfaith video/slide-show) are loaded separately + original slide-Show they go with. - see http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Reflections-On-Life-part-2-InterFaith-with-music-6079804/ for original plus music
Blog beginning 20th December 2012

Blog beginning 20th December 2012

I try to share the things that are interesting, things that make me think about life - not just the outer details of my days. Because I do have an active spiritual life and practise meditation daily, this may bring a slightly different and more interesting perspective to things. But I also share some of my weaknesses and the battles I fight. I have been encouraged to continue my blog by some very kind and sincere teachers. I think we have little that we can offer to the world other than who we are - so this is a bit of me. Happy Christmas to everyone.
A resource in process about the attack on the Sikh

A resource in process about the attack on the Sikh

this is a resource in process, but because it will be good if more people work on it than me - and because, inspired by some videos which my friends brought to my attention I would like to meet people who would be interested in creating some great interfaith discussion videos - I am making it available here at this early stage. True this is not a worksheet or power-point but different articles on an important RE topic, selected over a period of more than a week, is a very useful start. Love and Peace DurgaMata
RE - should the name be changed? current issues

RE - should the name be changed? current issues

The main document comes from a thread on Save RE, responding to a website which calls for the subject Religious Education to be renamed. I disagree and set out my views here. I answer others who comment on this. Alongside this I include some articles. In the first document - three articles from the BBC website. 1) from July 2013 when Mr Gove admitted how his policies harm RE. 2) Ofsteds report, criticising the quality of RE. 3) refers to the current report by the Religious Education Council - on a suggested Curriculum content for RE.
Blog for November 2013 - spring 2014

Blog for November 2013 - spring 2014

2 Dec (1) - Nov 28 (2) - 29th (Ma's birthday.) Both with photos 13 - 16 Dec our Nelson Mandela prog, 17 - 21st bit from Deepak Chopra and Christmas Day Radio 26- 28th - daughter in India + Chopra insights on relationships. Jan 7th, update, family, Chrisn/Muslm orgs working with ex-gang-Members 14th work + half-milliion mark 15 - 19 Jan inc sponsors for son? and &'tummy trouble.&'; 9th Feb hospital and poems. 13th - 20th Feb inc photos 23rd a long blog inc resource on Sala/God interfaith events + photos + poems. March 14-18 includes bits from Liverpool RE Confrnc 18 - 21 new job?
Blog part 11 starting on 1st July

Blog part 11 starting on 1st July

the latest in the series. the one on 2nd and 5th describes the workshop I gave at the 12th International Conference on Children's Spirituality - and some observations that my friend has seen when taking children around the St Julian of Norwich Shrine and at Walsingham. This would be useful when exploring Spiritual Experience and religion in today's world. more later
Enrichment ideas - all sorts + some RE ones

Enrichment ideas - all sorts + some RE ones

In response to a request for ideas for an enrichment day or week - I have just copied some pages from a range or websites in response to a general search on google. I will edit and add to these. Also a copy of the thread from the RE forum. Again I will add to this when others respond with their ideas. I would always love to come and work with any school on a project like this. Passion for RE and Enthusiasm in boundless measure, me!! All the best
DurgaMata Blog from December 2011 (4th since Sept)

DurgaMata Blog from December 2011 (4th since Sept)

Continuing blog. Will add more later. 12th - Moiza the cat 13th also - Quaker Meeting and visiting Mum's friend B now in a different hospital. 14 - 15 + an outline of my son's presentation on how to combat stress (which finished the College term off in a great way) quotes from Ch 2 of Gita 21st about Camden Market and Tagore 22-3 about gas charges 24th about family and Christmas, love and forgiveness Christmas Day about carols and a wild 'cheerfulness challenge' successfully met. 27th includes poems and readings about love and change from my Teacher's online library
readings - arguments atheism + God Realisation

readings - arguments atheism + God Realisation

Since I have a spiritual teacher who I consider to be very wise, I have gone to his website and looked on the free library site, using the words, arguments, atheists and God Realisation in the search. This file is what I found particularly interesting / relevant to the current argument on the forum. I think there are passages here which you may use with KS4 and Post 16 - as well as possibly within the staffroom and for your own enlightenment.
DurgaMata's Blog - 7

DurgaMata's Blog - 7

This first blog 11th - 12th March follows the previous blog file, 13th March includes some pictures of silk paint cards I made last autumn, inspired by the lovely leaves - and a worksheet that you are welcome to try out. It is a resource in progress. 28th 'shorter' includes a picture of two of my cards. I tried to include the most popular 7 but they refuse to load - hence the 'shorter' in the title. April 8th includes the story of my mouse-friend and sets the scene for 7th-8th parts 1 and 2 which explore criticism. just added a bit to my blog for 12th (on 15rh)
Blog part 8 starting on 17th April 2012

Blog part 8 starting on 17th April 2012

Follows previous blog - starts on 17th April but I will include the ones from 12th and 16th to give some background info for anyone who may come fresh to this. I am in New York, taking part in a spiritual festival. I came on 3rd and in two days I will return to England. Returned on 20th. Just added blog with photos for 26th and info on good habits for 27th plus another file on good habits from a zenhabits site my son likes. link to brilliant youtube film 'I AM' on 29th 30th includes a Birthday poem.
Reflections on Religious Education - please add

Reflections on Religious Education - please add

This is a conversation from a thread on the Unemployed teacher's forum in which I was inspired to share something of why I think RE is important. I would love to have some responses from other RE people to get a clearer and stronger picture which I think may help us to fight for our subject more effectively. Lat&'s three principles for good RE - engaging spiritual and rigorous offer a great framework, too.
DurgaMata's Blog part 9

DurgaMata's Blog part 9

Continuation of blog started in September 2011. As a practising theist, who tries to respond to all the ups and downs of life from a spiritual perspective, I feel that my life experiences may be a useful resource. Some have been kind enough to encourage me with this. A few people tell me that they read it regularly, so for them and any other casual readers I continue. The one on 29th and 30th includes 2 photos of the kitties aged 4 weeks best wishes and love to all DMC