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French and Geography Resources based on Irish curriculum. Well-structured and easy to use! Please leave a review :-)




French and Geography Resources based on Irish curriculum. Well-structured and easy to use! Please leave a review :-)
Les Adjectifs- Beginners

Les Adjectifs- Beginners

A short PowerPoint presentation which introduces adjectives and how to make them feminine/plural. Also attached is list of useful/important adjectives for beginner French students. I use this with my 1st years (ages 12 and 13). Lists the masculine and feminine version of the adjective and has a column in which to write the English translation. Worksheet to accompany the list of adjectives is for pair work/peer correction. Students must translate the descriptive paragraphs and their partner corrects. Last past of the worksheet asks students to write a paragraph about themselves using the samples as a guide.
Gender and Gender Stereotyping

Gender and Gender Stereotyping

A 30 slide PPT which discusses gender, gender identity, gender roles and gender stereotyping. Has 3 video clips embedded, some student led activities and points for a walking debate. Specifically made for LCA Social Education, but can be used in RSE/SPHE etc… Easy to edit/delete slides where not relevant.


A handout with useful statements on obesity. Uses a variety of different tenses, phrases and expressions. Very useful for opinion/reaction style questions or for oral exam. Also included is a gapfill exercise on obesity. When complete and corrected, this can be used as notes for opinion pieces too.
Le règlement intérieur - School Rules Sentence Builder activity

Le règlement intérieur - School Rules Sentence Builder activity

A 4 page word doc based around school rules. Aimed at Leaving Cert Students. Introduces key vocab in a translation activity, then has a sentence builder activity, followed by an exercise in translating full sentences, and finally some discussion points. I got my class working on this in pairs and set a timer for each activity.
Après le Bac/L'avenir

Après le Bac/L'avenir

A unit of work designed to help Leaving Cert French students prepare for the theme of ‘l’avenir’ (the future/life after the Leaving Cert) for the oral examination. There are six main questions under which are there are multiple answers. This will help students to enrich their vocab on this theme. Once all vocab is translated, students can choose sentences from each section and use these to build a detailed description of what they would like to do after the Leaving Cert. There is also an extension activity which incorporates listening skills. The teacher can select a few students to read their future plans aloud and students then complete the listening/answer the questions based on their classmates description.
Weather forecasts/weather instruments

Weather forecasts/weather instruments

A 22 slide PPT which introduces the weather instruments. Based on Irish curriculum so discusses the work of Met Eireann but this can of course be changed to suit the country/curriculum. Discusses each weather instrument, what it is used for and the unit of measurement for each. Doesn't go into detail about the workings of each instrument. Contains plenty of images of the instruments as well as a think-pair-share exercise, a class activity (which can be adapted to suit whatever textbook you are using) and a homework slide (which again will need to be adapted to suit the textbook in use). Also have included a graphic organizer on which the students can summarize what they have learnt.
Primary Economic Activities

Primary Economic Activities

A 45 slide PPT which explains in detail 'Primary Economic Activities'. Based on Irish JC curriculum and so, used Irish examples. Discusses farming, fishing, forestry, mining, oil, renewable/non-renewable resources etc... Is bright, well-laid out and easy to follow. Includes images and maps.
Papaoutai - Stromae - La musique francaise

Papaoutai - Stromae - La musique francaise

An activity and worksheet based on Stromae’s song Papaoutai. Firstly, there is a listening activity where the lyrics are laminated and cut up into small chunks of text. Students work together in groups to listen to the song and re-order the lyrics correctly. Differentiation can be facilitated through the specific creation of groups here. Usually students need to here the song twice but of course, it can be played again if needed. This listening task is followed with the worksheet which takes a closer look at the lyrics. Students are asked to find different types of words/grammar in the text (e.g. an infinitive verb, an adverb, a possessive adjective etc…), then have to catagorize positive and negative adjectives and finally have to translate some potentially new words from the lyrics. The lyrics are also attached so that students have a copy each to analyze but the laminated lyrics can also be used and worksheet can be completed in a group. For a complete study on Stromae with five separate activities/resources, see My Shop
La lettre- French Letter

La lettre- French Letter

A word document which contains key phrases for the French Letter (Junior Cert standard). Phrases are under headings e.g. family, friends, the weekend, pastimes etc... so that they are easy to find. English and French are used for each phrase. This is a go-to handout for students when writing French letters and should cover the majority of content needed for Higher level and ordinary level. Could also be used to prep students for their oral exam as it covers most topics that come Up in the oral. Also attached is a short PPT to introduce the letter to higher level students. I print this out afterwards and give it to the students as additional notes. For an introduction to letter writing for younger students, see 'my shop'.
Les reseaux sociaux et la cyberintimidation

Les reseaux sociaux et la cyberintimidation

2 separate word documents- one based on cyber-bullying and the other on social networking (for and against). Each handout has some useful phrases that advanced French students could use in opinion/reaction tasks. The handouts used a variety of tenses and expressions.
L'impératif/Imperative Tense

L'impératif/Imperative Tense

PPT presenting 'L'impératif' (regular and irregular) with incorporated activities, transitions and animations. Comes with worksheet which includes a comprehension section and a production section. Second worksheet is simple one using images to illustrate classroom commands. Can be used to form part of an assessment, as a recap activity or as homework.
Secondary Economic Activities

Secondary Economic Activities

3 Resources
3 resources covering secondary economic activities. A detailed PPT with images, transitions / animations and 'to do' slides directing students to exam questions/questions from textbook. Uses Intel and RUSAL Aughinish as Irish case studies (Irish Curriculum). Second resource is in a PPT format and is a revision quiz which can be used as a class activity or could be printed to make a worksheet. Final resource is a 2 page word document which summarizes the topic and can be distributed to students after the topic or in their final year as revision notes.
Passe composé worksheet

Passe composé worksheet

Worksheet with 15 English - French translations. Based on passé compose (avoir and etre). I use this for my TY class but it can be used for all years studying or revising passé compose. Sentences designed to be useful for oral exam, diary entry or letter.
Factors affecting climate and local climates

Factors affecting climate and local climates

A 14 slide PPT which discusses the factors affecting climates and the factors which affect local climates. Includes a closing slide with 3 recap questions as well as two think-pair-share discussions. Also includes all animations and transitions. There are 2 cloze tests to go with the PPT which could be used as homework tasks, recap worksheets or as exams.
Weathering- Chemical, Mechanical and Mass Movement

Weathering- Chemical, Mechanical and Mass Movement

Four PPTs on weathering... 1. An introduction to denudation and weathering as one process of denudation 2. A PPT on mechanical weathering (freeze-thaw action) including a simple animation, easy to copy diagrams and photos 3. A PPT on chemical weathering (carbonation) with detail on surface and underground features of carbonation using The Burren (Ireland) as a case study. Includes a link to a YouTube video on the Burren and lots of coloured diagrams 4. Final PPT is on Mass Movement. Discusses landslides, mudflows and soil creep. Has two links to YouTube clips which show landslides and lahars occurring Each PPT is well laid-out and easy to follow. Key terms are highlighted/underlined. There are some 'to-do'/'homework' slides which direct the students to the text book/workbook I use (Geoplanet by EDCO) but these slides can be adapted to suit your own class/books. *For more PPTs and revision hand outs see 'My Shop' *
Ma maison et ma chambre

Ma maison et ma chambre

PPT presenting vocabulary on 'Ma Chambre' and 'Ma Maison'. Pink sldies used for feminine nouns and blue slides used for masculine nouns. Pair activity at the end of the presentation where students must work together to describe the picture of the bedroom. Follow on 'Vrai ou Faux' oral activity to recap or assess at the end of the lesson.
Present tense irregular verbs

Present tense irregular verbs

2 pages with conjugated irregular present tense verbs in French. The most common irregular verbs are covered. Very handy revision resource! Well presented and easy to read.