Religious education
The Importance of Jewish Prayer and comparison with Christian worship
2 Lessons - The Importance of Jewish Prayer and Comparison between Jewish and Christian worship for Edexcel Specification A.
Varied activities, exam practice and worksheet included.
Jewish Prayer
2 Lessons on Jewish Prayer for the Edexcel Specification A Exam Board. Varied activities, challenge questions and exam practise.
Shabbat - Jewish Practices
Lesson on Shabbat for GCSE Edexcel Specification A but can be used for other Exam Boards. Includes varied activities, challenge tasks and a worksheet.
The Synagogue
Lesson on the Synagogue for GCSE Edexcel Specification A but can be used for other Exam Boards. Includes varied activities, challenge tasks, exam practise and a worksheet. Could be used for cover work.
Judaism - Public Worship
Lesson on Public Worship for GCSE Edexcel Specification A but can be used for other Exam Boards. Varied activities and exam practise.
Bundle Sale
Judaism Beliefs and Teachings
The Nature of G-d
The Shekhinah
The Messiah
The Covenant at Sinai
The Covenant with Abraham
The Sanctity of life
Moral principles and the Mitzvot
Life after Death
Complete lessons, varied activities, worksheets and exam practise help sheets.
Designed for GCSE Edexcel Specification A but can be used for various exam boards.
Judaism Life After Death - Beliefs and Teachings
Complete lesson with various activities.
Worksheet to align with lesson.
Essay Exam Help Worksheet
Designed for GCSE Edexcel Specification A however can be useful for other exam boards.
4 Lessons Mitzvot and Moral Principles - Judaism Beliefs and Teachings
4 Complete lessons with worksheets.
Designed for GCSE Edexcel Specification A in mind but could be used for different exam boards.
Various activities and Exam Practise support.
Pikuach Nefesh and the Sanctity of Life - Judaism Beliefs and Teachings
Complete lesson with worksheets.
Designed for GCSE Edexcel Specification A but could be used for other exam boards.
Various activities and engaging.
The Abrahamic Covenant and its Importance - Judaism Beliefs and Teachings
2 lessons in line with GCSE Edexcel Specification A.
The Abrahamic Covenant
The Importance of the Abrahamic Covenant
Various activities and exam practice.
The Ten Commandments - Judaism Beliefs and Teachings
Complete lesson on the 10 Commandments in line with the GCSE Edexcel Specification A. Could be used for thematic lessons on this topic or other GCSE exam boards.
Range of activities and Exam Practice.
Mosaic Covenant - Judaism Beliefs and Teachings
Mosaic Covenant Lesson Pack. Designed for GCSE Edexcel Specification A but could be used for different exam boards.
Complete lesson with various activities and exam practise.
Worksheets to align with lessons.
Essay Question support sheet.
The Messiah - Judaism Beliefs and Teachings
Complete lesson on the Messiah with various activities and exam practice. Clearly laid out and visual. Designed for GCSE Edexcel Specification A however could be used for other exam boards.
The Nature of G-d - Judaism Beliefs and Teachings
Complete lesson on the Nature of G-d with various activities, challenge questions and Exam Practice. Designed for GCSE Edexcel Specification A however could be useful for other exam boards.
The Shekhinah - Judaism Beliefs and Teachings
Lesson on the Shekhinah for GCSE Edexcel Specification A but can be used for other Exam Boards. Includes an A3 sheet with multiple activities and challenge tasks. Could be used for cover work.