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We understand the importance of education. We offer tailored private tuition designed to maximise success at GCSE, A Level and beyond. Our tutors are experienced professionals, teachers and top-tier graduates with extensive knowledge in their subjects. On Tes we offer high quality board-specific resources. Please check back regularly as we are continually updating our stock.




We understand the importance of education. We offer tailored private tuition designed to maximise success at GCSE, A Level and beyond. Our tutors are experienced professionals, teachers and top-tier graduates with extensive knowledge in their subjects. On Tes we offer high quality board-specific resources. Please check back regularly as we are continually updating our stock.
Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry Worksheet 7 - Atoms and Molecules

Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry Worksheet 7 - Atoms and Molecules

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry Lecture 7 - Atoms and Molecules. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 1.14 - Know what is meant by the terms atom and molecule. Specification Point 1.15 - Know the structure of an atom in terms of the positions, relative masses and relative charges of subatomic particles. Specification Point 1.16 - Know what is meant by the terms atomic number, mass number, isotopes and relative atomic mass (Ar). Complete set of Chapter 2 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 47 - Mutations

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 47 - Mutations

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 47 - Mutations. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 3.35B - Understand how a change in DNA can affect the phenotype by altering the sequence of amino acids in a protein. Specification Point 3.36B - Understand how most genetic mutations have no effect on the phenotype, some have a small effect and rarely do they have a significant effect. Specification Point 3.37B - Understand that the incidence of mutations can be increased by exposure to ionising radiation (for example, gamma rays, x-rays and ultraviolet rays) and some chemical mutagens (for example, chemicals in tobacco). Complete set of Chapter 5 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 28 - The Kidneys

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 28 - The Kidneys

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 28 - The Kidneys. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 2.72B - Understand how the kidney carries out its roles of excretion and osmoregulation. Specification Point 2.73B - Describe the structure of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Specification Point 2.74B - Describe the structure of a nephron, including the Bowman’s capsule and glomerulus, convoluted tubules, loop of Henle and collecting duct. Specification Point 2.75B - Describe ultrafiltration in the Bowman’s capsule and the composition of the glomerular filtrate. Specification Point 2.77B - Understand why selective reabsorption of glucose occurs at the proximal convoluted tubule. Specification Point 2.76B - Understand how water is reabsorbed into the blood from the collecting duct. Specification Point 2.78B - Describe the role of ADH in regulating the water content of the blood. Specification Point 2.79B - Understand that urine contains water, urea and ions. Complete set of Chapter 4 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 18 - Gas Exchange in Plants

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 18 - Gas Exchange in Plants

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 18 - Gas Exchange in Plants. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 2.40B - Understand the role of diffusion in gas exchange. Specification Point 2.41B - Understand gas exchange in relation to respiration and photosynthesis. Specification Point 2.42B - Understand how the structure of the leaf is adapted for gas exchange. Specification Point 2.43B - Describe the role of stomata in gas exchange. Complete set of Chapter 3 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 14 - The Digestive System

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 14 - The Digestive System

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 14 - The Digestive System. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 2.27 - Describe the structure and function of the human alimentary canal, including: the mouth esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and pancreas. Specification Point 2.28 - Understand how food is moved through the gut by peristalsis. Complete set of Chapter 2 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 25 - The Heart

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 25 - The Heart

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 25 - The Heart. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 2.65 - Describe the structure of the heart and how it functions. Specification Point 2.66 - Explain how the heart rate changes during exercise and under the influence of adrenaline. Specification Point 2.67 - Understand how factors may increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Complete set of Chapter 3 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 58 - Microorganisms for Food

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 58 - Microorganisms for Food

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 58 - Microorganisms for Food. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 5.5 - Understand the role of yeast in the production of food including bread. Specification Point 5.6 - Practical: investigate the role of anaerobic respiration by yeast in different conditions. Specification Point 5.7 - Understand the role of bacteria (Lactobacillus) in the production of yoghurt. Specification Point 5.8 - Understand the use of an industrial fermenter and explain the need to provide suitable conditions in the fermenter, including aseptic precautions, nutrients, optimum temperature and pH, oxygenation and agitation, for the growth of microorganisms. Complete set of Chapter 7 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 48 - Evolution

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 48 - Evolution

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 40 - Evolution. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 3.38 - Explain Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. Specification Point 3.39 - Understand how resistance to antibiotics can increase in bacterial populations, and appreciate how such an increase can lead to infections being difficult to control. Complete set of Chapter 5 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 38 - Human Reproductive Systems and the Menstrual Cycle

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 38 - Human Reproductive Systems and the Menstrual Cycle

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 38 - Human Reproduction and the Menstrual Cycle. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 3.8 - Understand how the structure of the male and female reproductive systems are adapted for their functions. Specification Point 3.9 - Understand the roles of oestrogen and progesterone in the menstrual cycle. Complete set of Chapter 5 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 30 - Coordination in Plants

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 30 - Coordination in Plants

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 30 - Coordination in Plants. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 2.83 - Understand that plants respond to stimuli. Specification Point 2.84 - Describe the geotropic and phototropic responses of roots and stems. Specification Point 2.85 - Understand the role of auxin in the phototropic response of stems. Complete set of Chapter 4 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 34 - Hormones

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 34 - Hormones

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 34 - Hormones. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 2.94 - Understand the sources, roles and effects of the following hormones: adrenaline, insulin, testosterone, progesterone and oestrogen. Complete set of Chapter 4 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 2 - Variety of Living Organisms

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 2 - Variety of Living Organisms

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 2 - Variety of Living Organisms. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Covers the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 1.2 - Describe the common features shown by eukaryotic organisms: plants, animals, fungi and protoctista. Specification Point 1.3 - Describe the common features shown by prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria. Specification Point 1.4 - Understand the term pathogen and know that pathogens may include the following: fungi, bacteria, protoctista and viruses. Complete set of Chapter 1 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 3 - Organisation and Cell Structure

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 3 - Organisation and Cell Structure

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 3 - Organisation and Cell Structure. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Covers the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 2.1 - Describe the level of organisation in organisms: organelles, cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. Specification Point 2.2/2.3 - Describe the structures and functions of the cell’s organelles, including the nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall, mitochondria, chloroplast, ribosome and vacuole. Specification Point 2.4 - Know the similarities and differences in the structure of plant and animal cells. Complete set of Chapter 1 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 12 - Investigating Photosynthesis

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 12 - Investigating Photosynthesis

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 12 - Investigating Photosynthesis. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 2.23 - Practical: Investigate photosynthesis, showing the evolution of oxygen from a water plant, the production of starch and the requirements of light, carbon dioxide and chlorophyll. Complete set of Chapter 2 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 21 - Transport Mechanisms

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 21 - Transport Mechanisms

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 21 - Transport Mechanisms. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 2.51 - Understand why simple, unicellular organisms can rely on diffusion for movement of substances in and out of the cell. Specification Point 2.52 - Understand the need for a transport system in multicellular organisms. Specification Point 2.54 - Describe the role of xylem in transporting water and mineral ions from the roots to other parts of the plant. Specification Point 2.53 - Describe the role of phloem in transporting sucrose and amino acids between the leaves and other parts of the plant. Complete set of Chapter 3 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 23 - The Blood

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 23 - The Blood

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 23 - The Blood. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 2.59 - Describe the composition of the blood: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. Specification Point 2.60 - Understand the role of plasma in the transport of carbon dioxide, digested food, urea, hormones and heat energy. Specification Point 2.61 - Understand how adaptations of red blood cells make them suitable for the transport of oxygen, including shape, the absence of a nucleus and the presence of haemoglobin. Specification Point 2.62 - Understand how the immune system responds to disease using white blood cells, illustrated by phagocytes ingesting pathogens and lymphocytes releasing antibodies specific to the pathogen. Complete set of Chapter 3 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 26 - The Circulatory System

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 26 - The Circulatory System

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 26 - The Circulatory System. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 2.68 - Understand how the structure of arteries, veins and capillaries relate to their function. Specification Point 2.69 - Understand the general structure of the circulation system, including the blood vessels to and from the heart and lungs, liver and kidneys. Complete set of Chapter 3 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 24 - Vaccination

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 24 - Vaccination

Companion PDF worksheet for Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 24 - Vaccination. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 2.63B - Understand how vaccination results in the manufacture of memory cells, which enable future antibody production to the pathogen to occur sooner, faster and in greater quantity. Complete set of Chapter 3 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 7 - Enzymes

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 7 - Enzymes

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 7 - Enzymes. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Specification Point 2.10 - Understand the role of enzymes as biological catalysts in metabolic reactions. Specification Point 2.11 - Understand how temperature changes can affect enzyme function, including changes to the shape of the active site. Specification Point 2.12 - Practical: Investigate how enzyme activity can be affected by changes in temperature. Specification Point 2.13 - Understand how enzyme function can be affected by changes in pH altering the active site. Complete set of Chapter 1 Worksheets are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 5 - Biological Molecules

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 5 - Biological Molecules

Companion PDF worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 5 - Biological Molecules. Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions. Covers the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 2.7 - Identify the chemical elements present in carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Specification Point 2.8 - Describe the structure of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids as large molecules made up from smaller basic units. Complete set of Chapter 1 Worksheets are available.