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We understand the importance of education. We offer tailored private tuition designed to maximise success at GCSE, A Level and beyond. Our tutors are experienced professionals, teachers and top-tier graduates with extensive knowledge in their subjects. On Tes we offer high quality board-specific resources. Please check back regularly as we are continually updating our stock.




We understand the importance of education. We offer tailored private tuition designed to maximise success at GCSE, A Level and beyond. Our tutors are experienced professionals, teachers and top-tier graduates with extensive knowledge in their subjects. On Tes we offer high quality board-specific resources. Please check back regularly as we are continually updating our stock.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 42 - Bias

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 42 - Bias

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.3.1 - Issues and debates in psychology. Gender and culture in psychology – universality and bias. Gender bias including androcentrism and alpha and beta bias. Cultural bias, including ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. Complete set of Chapter 8 Lectures are available.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 40 - Presenting Data

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 40 - Presenting Data

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point - Data handling and analysis. Calculation of percentages; positive, negative and zero correlations. Distributions: normal and skewed distributions; characteristics of normal and skewed distributions. Presentation and display of quantitative data: graphs, tables, scattergrams, bar charts, histograms. Complete set of Chapter 7 Lectures are available.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 24 - The Cognitive Approach

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 24 - The Cognitive Approach

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.2.1 - Approaches in psychology. The cognitive approach: the study of internal mental processes, the role of schema, the use of theoretical and computer models to explain and make inferences about mental processes. The emergence of cognitive neuroscience. Complete set of Chapter 5 Lectures are available.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 32 - Biological Rhythms

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 32 - Biological Rhythms

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.2.2 - Biopsychology. Biological rhythms: circadian, infradian and ultradian and the difference between these rhythms. The effect of endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers on the sleep/wake cycle. Complete set of Chapter 6 Lectures are available.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 29 - The Endocrine System

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 29 - The Endocrine System

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.2.2 - Biopsychology. The function of the endocrine system: glands and hormones. The fight or flight response including the role of adrenaline. Complete set of Chapter 6 Lectures are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry Lesson 16 - Group 1 Elements

Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry Lesson 16 - Group 1 Elements

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 2.1 - Understand how the similarities in the reactions of the group 1 elements with water provide evidence for their recognition as a family of elements. Specification Point 2.2 - Understand how the differences between the reactions of the alkali metals with air and water provide evidence for the trend in reactivity in group 1. Specification Point 2.3 - Use knowledge of trends in group 1 to predict the properties of other alkali metals. Specification Point 2.4C - Explain the trend in reactivity in group 1 in terms of electronic configurations. Complete set of Chapter 4 Lessons are available.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 31 - Studying the Brain

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 31 - Studying the Brain

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.2.2 - Biopsychology. Ways of studying the brain: scanning techniques, including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI); electroencephalogram (EEGs) and event-related potentials (ERPs); postmortem examinations. Complete set of Chapter 6 Lectures are available.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 33 - Research Methods

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 33 - Research Methods

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.2.3 - Research Methods. Experimental method. Types of experiment, laboratory and field experiments; natural and quasi-experiments. Observational techniques. Types of observation: naturalistic and controlled observation; covert and overt observation; participant and non-participant observation. Self-report techniques. Questionnaires; interviews, structured and unstructured. Content analysis. Case studies. Correlations. Analysis of the relationship between co-variables. The difference between correlations and experiments. Complete set of Chapter 7 Lectures are available.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 19 - The Cognitive Approach to Depression

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 19 - The Cognitive Approach to Depression

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.1.4 - Psychopathology. The cognitive approach to explaining and treating depression: Beck’s negative triad and Ellis’s ABC model; cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), including challenging irrational thoughts. Complete set of Chapter 4 Lectures are available.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 22 - The Behaviourist Approach

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 22 - The Behaviourist Approach

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.2.1 - Approaches in psychology. The behaviourist approach, including classical conditioning and Pavlov’s research, operant conditioning, types of reinforcement and Skinner’s research. Complete set of Chapter 5 Lectures are available.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 18 - The Behavioural Approach to Phobias

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 18 - The Behavioural Approach to Phobias

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.1.4 - Psychopathology. The behavioural approach to explaining and treating phobias: the two-process model, including classical and operant conditioning; systematic desensitisation, including relaxation and use of hierarchy; flooding. Complete set of Chapter 4 Lectures are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry Lesson 18 - Atmospheric Gases

Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry Lesson 18 - Atmospheric Gases

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 2.9 - Know the approximate percentages by volume of the four most abundant gases in dry air. Specification Point 2.10 - Understand how to determine the percentage by volume of oxygen in air using experiments involving the reactions of metals and non-metals with air. Specification Point 2.11 - Describe the combustion of elements in oxygen, including magnesium, hydrogen and sulphur. Specification Point 2.12 - Describe the formation of carbon dioxide from the thermal decomposition of metal carbonates, including copper (II) carbonate. Specification Point 2.13 - Know that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and that increasing amounts in the atmosphere may contribute to climate change. Specification Point 2.14 - Practical: determine the approximate percentage by volume of oxygen in air using a metal or a non-metal. Complete set of Chapter 4 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry Lesson 21 - Acids and Alkalis

Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry Lesson 21 - Acids and Alkalis

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 2.28 - Describe the use of litmus, phenolphthalein and methyl orange to distinguish between acidic and alkaline solutions. Specification Point 2.29 - Understand how the pH scale can be used to classify solutions as strongly acidic, weakly acidic, neutral, weakly alkaline and strongly alkaline. Specification Point 2.30 - Describe the use of universal indicator to measure the approximate pH value of an aqueous solution. Specification Point 2.31 - Know that acids in aqueous solution are a source of hydrogen ions and alkalis in a aqueous solution are a source of hydroxide ions. Specification Point 2.32 - Know that alkalis can neutralise acids. Complete set of Chapter 5 Lessons are available.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 23 - Social Learning Theory

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 23 - Social Learning Theory

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.2.1 - Approaches in psychology. Social learning theory including imitation, identification, modelling, vicarious reinforcement, the role of mediational processes and Bandura’s research. Complete set of Chapter 5 Lectures are available.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 25 - The Biological Approach

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 25 - The Biological Approach

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.2.1 - Approaches in psychology. The biological approach: the influence of genes, biological structures and neurochemistry on behaviour. Genotype and phenotype, genetic basis of behaviour, evolution and behaviour. Complete set of Chapter 5 Lectures are available.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 28 - The Nervous System

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 28 - The Nervous System

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.2.2 - Biopsychology. The divisions of the nervous system: central and peripheral (somatic and autonomic). The structure and function of sensory, relay and motor neurons. The process of synaptic transmission, including reference to neurotransmitters, excitation and inhibition. Complete set of Chapter 6 Lectures are available.
AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 16 - Abnormality

AQA A Level Psychology Lecture 16 - Abnormality

Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.1.4 - Psychopathology. Definitions of abnormality, including deviation from social norms, failure to function adequately, statistical infrequency and deviation from ideal mental health. Complete set of Chapter 4 Lectures are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry Lesson 10 - Formulae and Calculations Part 2

Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry Lesson 10 - Formulae and Calculations Part 2

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 1.29 - Calculate reacting masses using experimental data and chemical equations. Specification Point 1.30 - Calculate percentage yield. Specification Point 1.31 - Understand how the formulae of simple compounds can be obtained experimentally, including metal oxides, water and salts containing water of crystallisation. Specification Point 1.32 - Know what is meant by the terms empirical formula and molecular formula. Specification Point 1.33 - Calculate empirical and molecular formulae from experimental data. Complete set of Chapter 2 Lessons are available.