Addition, cause and effect, concession, purpose.
Addition, cause and effet, concession, purpose.
Personal pronouns.
Personal pronouns: worksheet
Tenses in the future
The future simple tense
The future going to
The future perfect tense
Functions: opinion, advice, request.
Expressing opinions,agreeing, disagreeing.
Asking for advice, giving advice
Making requests.
Descibing-character. Personality adjectives
Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
A pictionary: personality adjectives
Gerunds and infinitives.
Gerunds and infinitives: presentation and practice.
Presentation and practice.
Modal verbs, modal perfect.
Modal verbs: presentation and practice.
Phraeal verbs.
Phraeal verbs: presentation and practice.
conditional sentences: type 1, type 2, type 3.
Conditionals: exercises
How do you feel?
How do you feel? A picture dictionary.
Means of Travel
Means of Travel : worksheet