A GCSE AQA lesson based on Conjugal roles - the Feminist view. This resource contains images, questions (with answers in the notes section) and much more. Feel free to tweak!
Based on pages 101 - 102 from the David Brown textbook.
This lesson is from Topic 6 - Organisations, movements and members.
The lesson has been made in a way that students will require the textbook however, feel free to tweak to your liking.
It includes images, youtube videos etc…
A detailed lesson with pictures, work sheets and youtube clips on Educational Policy in Britain with a focus on comprehensive schools, marketisation, parentocracy etc - feel free to tweak to your liking!
This lesson focuses predominantly on pages 38 - 41 of the AQA SOCIOLOGY BOOK ONE (NAPIER PRESS SOCIOLOGY). Students will need a book for some sections however there is a lot of information, activities, discussion points and images to aid students learning - tweak to your liking
A lesson on material deprivation and its affects on scholastic achievement. Some of the tasks are related to cultural deprivation too. There are various videos that can be referred to that can be found in the notes section.
This is an activity I made for my year 12 students. The students read the questions in the box and answer them. The teacher can either get the students to ask other students or can get the students to answer them themselves as a starter task for example. The questions are based on class differences in education (both internal and external factors). The answers are also in the notes section to save teachers time. Hope it helps - tweak to your liking!
A GCSE AQA lesson based on the social construction of crime. This resource contains images, questions (with answers in the notes section) and much more. Feel free to tweak!
Based on pages 179 - 180 from the David Brown textbook but does not require a textbook.
A GCSE AQA lesson based on the sociology of crime and deviance. This resource contains images, questions (with answers in the notes section) and much more. Feel free to tweak!
Based on pages 172 - 173 from the David Brown textbook but does not require the textbook.
A GCSE AQA lesson based on Feminism. This resource contains a starter, plenary, images, questions (with answers in the notes section) and much more. Feel free to tweak!
Based on pages 22 - 23 from the David Brown textbook. This lesson is best taught with the textbook.
A GCSE AQA lesson based on the Functionalist view of Crime. This resource contains images, questions (with answers) and much more. Feel free to tweak!
Based on pages 185 - 186 from the David Brown textbook but does not require the textbook.
Get the Functionalist and Marxist view of Crime Worksheet together: www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-gcse-sociology-the-functionalist-and-marxist-view-on-crime-12414848
A GCSE AQA lesson based on the Marxist view of Crime. This resource contains images, questions (with answers) and much more. Feel free to tweak!
Based on page 187 from the David Brown textbook but does not require the textbook.
Get the Functionalist and Marxist view of Crime Worksheet together: www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-gcse-sociology-the-functionalist-and-marxist-view-on-crime-12414848
A GCSE AQA lesson based on Conjugal role relationships. This resource contains images, questions (with answers in the notes section) and much more. Feel free to tweak!
Based on pages 96 - 97 from the David Brown textbook.
This lesson focuses predominantly on the different ways in which religion is defined within sociology. Teachers can also refer to the notes section for extra information. There is also a brief intro into theoretical perspectives regarding religion e.g. the Marxist, Feminist and Functionalist take on religion.
A lesson on ethnicity and education overall. It introduces the idea of ethnicity and students will discuss why certain ethnic groups achieve more than others and why other ethnic groups underperform in comparison to others. For this lesson, the teacher has to place the students into groups.
I have attached a mock paper that I put together for my year 12 students who I teach Education and Methods to. I have also attached a mark scheme which you can use. Of course - tweak to your liking!