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Likes and dislikes / Tu aimes ça?
This resource practices understanding language in French to describe likes and dislikes.

Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Page 15 - Reading
This resource practices understanding the vocabulary for likes and disliked introduced in Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Page 15.

Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Page 15 - Game
This is a paired dictation activity which is designed to practise language introduced in Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Page 15.

Tu aimes ça? / Likes and dislikes
This resource practices language in French to describe likes and dislikes.

Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Page 15 - Gapfill
This resource practices understanding the language introduced and developed in Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Page 15 for likes and dislikes.

Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Page 15
This is a complete lesson which is designed to be used with Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Page 15.

Likes and Dislikes
This resource practices understanding language in French to describe likes and dislikes.

Dynamo 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Module 1 - Page 14 - Reading comprehension
This resource practices understanding the language in French for likes and dislikes as covered in Dynamo 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Module 1 - Page 14.

Aimer (Present Tense)
This worksheet practices using and understanding the verb aimer in the present tense with the pronouns je, tu, il and elle.

Dynamo 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Module 1 - Page 14 - Grammar - Aimer
This resource practices using and understanding the present tense of the verb aimer (je , tu, il and elle).

Dynamo 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Module 1 - Page 14 - Game
This game practices using and understanding the vocabulary in Dynamo 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Module 1 - Page 14.

Dynamo 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Module 1 - Page 14
This is a complete lesson which is designed to be used for Dynamo 1 - Tu aimes ça? - Module 1 - Page 14.

Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Voici ma salle de classe! - Page 13 - Picture Description
This resource practices describing pictures of classrooms in French.

Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Voici ma salle de classe! - Page 13 - Opinions Game
This game practices giving opinions in French on a range of things.

Nouns (Genders and Definite and Indefinite Articles)
This resource introduces and practices indefinite and definite articles in French with masculine, feminine and plural nouns.

Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Voici ma salle de class - Page 13 - Grammar - Nouns
This resource introduces and practices indefinite and definite articles in French with masculine, feminine and plural nouns.

Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Voici ma salle de class - Page 13 - Vocabulary
This resource introduces and practices the vocabulary for opinions in Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Voici ma salle de class - Page 13.

Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Voici ma salle de classe! - Page 13 - Nouns
This grammar worksheet practices using the indefinite and definite articles in French with masculine, feminine and plural nouns.

This grammar worksheet practices using the indefinite and definite articles in French with masculine, feminine and plural nouns.

Francophone countries
This resource practices understanding language in French to describe the different Francophone countries.