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L'Étranger - Albert Camus - Historical, Social and Cultural Context - A Level French
This worksheet describes the historical, social and cultural context of L’Étranger by Albert Camus and contains a variety of questions and activities in French with answers.

L'Étranger - Albert Camus - Historical, Social and Cultural Context - A Level French
This worksheet is a gap-fill exercise on a text in French, which describes the historical, social and cultural context of L’Étranger by Albert Camus.

L'Étranger - Albert Camus - Overview
This is a brief overview of the novel with a summary, explanation of key themes, context and notes on the style and structure of the novel.

L'Étranger - Albert Camus (Overview)
This is a brief overview of the novel with a summary, explanation of key themes, context and notes on the style and structure of the novel. This worksheet contains multiple-choice questions in French, based on the text.

AQA/EDEXCEL Stimmt GCSE German (Higher) – Kapitel 7 – Sprachen öffnen Türen - Vocabulary
This resource introduces and practices vocabulary in German to discuss reasons for learning languages as featured in AQA/EDEXCEL Stimmt GCSE German (Higher) – Kapitel 7 – Sprachen öffnen Türen

Ma famille / Family / Family members
This resource practices understanding language in French to describe family members

Complaints / Making a complain / Writing a letter of complaint
This resource practices using and understanding language in French to use to write a letter of complaint.

Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Qu’est-ce que tu fais? - Page 19 - Worksheet
This is a vocabulary and translation worksheet which is designed to be used with Dynamo 1 - Module 1 - Qu’est-ce que tu fais? - Page 19 and practices using and understanding the vocabulary introduced in that part of the textbook.

Les activités en vacances / Holiday activities
This resource practices understanding vocabulary to describe what you normally do on holiday.

AQA/EDEXCEL Studio GCSE French (Higher) – Module 4 – Il fera beau demain? – Page 85
This resource introduces and practices using and understanding the simple future tense in French.

Avoir and Etre (Present Tense)
This worksheet practices understanding and using the present tense of the verbs AVOIR and ETRE in French.

Verkehrsmittel / Transport
This resource practices using and understanding vocabulary in German to describe forms of transport.

Accommodation problems
This role play practices using and understanding vocabulary in German to describe accommodation problems.

Les fêtes en France / Festivals in France
This resource practices vocabulary in French to describe French festivals.

Des vacances de rêve / Dream holidays / Conditional
This resource introduces and practices vocabulary in French to describe holiday activities using the conditional.

Using wenn clauses with the subjunctive
This resource practices using and understanding the subjunctive with wenn in German.

Les fêtes en France / Festivals in France
This resource introduces and practices vocabulary in French to describe French festivals.

Interrogative adjectives (quel/quelle/quels/quelles)
This resource practices using interrogative adjectives in French.

AQA/EDEXCEL Studio GCSE French (Higher) – Module 5 – Les hôtels, mode d’emploi – Page 103
This resource practices understanding vocabulary to describe booking and reviewing hotels as featured in AQA/EDEXCEL Studio GCSE French (Higher) – Module 5 – Les hôtels, mode d’emploi – Page 103.