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Gail Hennessey's Teacher Emporium

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(based on 43 reviews)

I taught for 33 years and I have my MST in the teaching of Social Studies. In 1988, I was awarded the Elementary Social Studies Classroom Teacher of the Year Award from both the New York State Council for the Social Studies and the National Council for the Social Studies. My shop contains mostly social studies materials including web quests, and reader's theater scripts on famous people in history, science and literature.




I taught for 33 years and I have my MST in the teaching of Social Studies. In 1988, I was awarded the Elementary Social Studies Classroom Teacher of the Year Award from both the New York State Council for the Social Studies and the National Council for the Social Studies. My shop contains mostly social studies materials including web quests, and reader's theater scripts on famous people in history, science and literature.
Francis Scott Key: The  Star Spangled Banner(A Webquest)

Francis Scott Key: The Star Spangled Banner(A Webquest)

On September 14, 2014, Francis Scott Key wrote the poem which became our national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner. Use this web quest to learn about Francis Scott Key, the national anthem and the war of 1812. There are nine web questions, 9 comprehension/thought questions, fun facts and extension activities.
Life on the Homefront during World War 2(DBQ)

Life on the Homefront during World War 2(DBQ)

A DBQ activity uses primary sources. Sources can include diaries,posters, music, news articles from the time, anything written by those who participated in or witnessed an event in history. Students review the given documents and use many cognitive skills in processing what they see and read. After gathering information using the documents, students develop an essay answering a question, in this case, “Describe Life on the Home Front During World War 2”, citing several of the documents reviewed. A teacher page includes the Key and suggestions for a rubric to grade the DBQ. If a teacher wishes to use the activity as a web quest, suggestions are also given. I also have a similar activity on Life of a Japanese-American Child living in an Internment Camp during WW2.
Abraham Lincoln: A Webquest

Abraham Lincoln: A Webquest

Learn about Abraham Lincoln with this fun/informative web quest.Did you know that President Lincoln started our national Thanksgiving holiday? And, you may not know that Abraham Lincoln didn’t like the name Abe and that even his wife called him by the name Lincoln.A quote of Lincoln: "And in the end it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. There are several discussion questions in addition to 10 informative text web questions. You may find these additional resources of interest: 1. President Andrew Johnson had a pet white mouse. President William McKinley had a pet parrot who was trained to whistle, “Yankee Doodle”. President James Garfield was the first president to be left- handed AND could write with both hands(and different languages at the same time-Greek and Latin). George H W Bush liked eating pork rinds as a snack. President George Washington was a spelunker, a person that likes searching in caves. John F. Kennedy said, “And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Presidential Webquest 2. Did you know that First Lady Hillary Clinton was the first First Lady to become a senator of New York? Did you know that Florence Harding was the first woman to be able to VOTE for her husband in a presidential election? Learn about the contributions of some of our first ladies with this fun and informative webquest. For grades 4 and up. First Ladies of the USA, A Webquest 3. Learn about the White House with 10 informative web questions, comprehension and discussion questions and several extension activities. The White House, A Webquest 4. Learn about Abe Lincoln with this informative web quest! President Lincoln started our national Thanksgiving holiday.And, you may not know that Abraham Lincoln didn’t like the name Abe and that even his wife called him by the name Lincoln. Skills include:reading for information and using research/computer skills. Includes extension activities for language arts. Abraham Lincoln, A Webquest 5. Use this informative Reader’s Theater Script to learn about Abraham Lincoln. The fun/informative play uses the format of Abraham Lincoln being a guest on a talk show and the studio audience asks questions about his life. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show Series. Abraham Lincoln, A Reader’s Theater Script
Civics: A Bundle of Resources(US. Government)

Civics: A Bundle of Resources(US. Government)

5 Resources
My bundle for the 2016 Presidential Election includes: 1. Presidential Challenges:What do You Know about the Presidents? 2. Presidential Webquest/Extension Activities 3. White House Webquest/Extension Activities 4. Election 2016: Webquest/Extension Activities
Age of Discovery and Exploration: A Bundle of FOUR  Resources

Age of Discovery and Exploration: A Bundle of FOUR Resources

4 Resources
SAVE MONEY with this Bundle: Purchased separately, these 4 resources would cost: $14. The bundle costs $11.50. Includes: 1. Reader’s theater script on Columbus: 2. Reader’s Theater Script on Marco Polo: 3. Age of Discovery web quest: 4. Age of Discovery Review Vocabulary-Secret Message:
Age of Exploration Puzzler: Secret Message Review Activity

Age of Exploration Puzzler: Secret Message Review Activity

Want a fun activity to review vocabulary terms/famous people of the Age of Exploration? Looking for an enrichment activity in history? Try my Age of Exploration Secret Message activity. The activity involves students working individually or in groups to review the Age of Exploration. Then,a following direction activity is next where students place letters from the different answers into boxes found at the end of the activity page. Once all the boxes are filled, a “secret message” about the Age of Exploration is revealed! The teacher page includes additional information to share about the “secret message”. It’s a fun way to reinforce important terms/people of the Age of Exploration! If you prefer to offer a vocabulary box to the students, I have included this as well… Perhaps these additional resources may be of interest: Try my web quest on the Age of Exploration! This fun and informative webquest will be a great resource to use with your students(grades 4-8) There are 14 questions and lots of extension activities and links. There are also comprehension questions to use after the completion of the web quest. The resource addresses several common core standards in social studies. Note: Columbus,Magellan, Prince Henry, Henry Hudson, Vasco Da Gama, Marco Polo, Juan Ponce de Leon, Sir Francis Drake, Amerigo Vespucci are covered. Also Latitude/longitude, sea monsters,navigational tools, timelines,St. Brendan, Zheng He, Vikings are mentioned in extension activities. Age of Discovery, A Webquest Learn about Christopher Columbus with this informative play. There are 10 questioners asking questions of Columbus. Additionally, comprehension questions and discussion questions are included. Use with a unit on the Age of Discovery or during October for Columbus Day. Christopher Columbus, A Webquest Use this informative Reader’s Theater Script to learn about Marco Polo. Marco Polo helped to start the Age of Discovery with his book on his adventures to China. The fun/informative play uses the format of Marco Polo being a guest on a talk show and the studio audience asks questions about his life. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show Series:Marco Polo, A Reader’s Theater Script
Native Americans: A Bundle of Resources!

Native Americans: A Bundle of Resources!

3 Resources
If you are looking for a savings, check out my Native American Bundle! Included in this bundle: 1. Reader’s Theater Script on Sacagawea: Learn about Sacagawea with this Reader’s Theater Script. Sacagawea is a guest on Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show and the studio audience asks questions about her life and contributions to the Lewis and Clark Expedition. There are 10 questioners, a Did You Know? fun fact section, comprehension questions, a teacher page with extension activities, the key and additional links. 2. Reader’s Theater Script on Sequoyah: Learn about Sequoyah, the man that invented a writing system for the Cherokee people. The Reader’s Theater Script includes a Did You Know section, Comprehension questions, a teacher page with directions and extension activities. 3. Webquest/ lots of extension activities on Native Americans: An overview of different Native American tribes,famous Native Americans in history, and contributions of Native Americans in arts, government, language and more! Topics included: The Trail of Tears, type of Native American shelters, contributions(i.e.: hockey, lacrosse, ideas in government, words in English), Sacagawea, Sequoyah, Jim Thorpe, Sitting Bull, Squanto, Native American Heritage Month, the importance of the buffalo, and more. There are 12 web questions, 9 Did You Know? statements,comprenhension questions, 12 extension activities, links, and key. Great for an activity for a unit of study on Native Americas. Also, great for an activity for November’s Native American Heritage Month. Purchased separately, the THREE resources would be $10.50. This bundle is $8.50.
Ancient Roman Puzzler: A Secret Message Review Activity

Ancient Roman Puzzler: A Secret Message Review Activity

Want a fun activity to review vocabulary terms for a unit on ancient ancient Mesopotamia? Looking for an enrichment activity in history? Try my Ancient Roman Puzzler:Secret Message Review Activity. The activity involves students working individually or in groups to review vocabulary terms for a unit on ancient Rome. Then,a following direction activity is next where students place letters from the different terms into boxes found at the end of the activity page. Once all the boxes are filled, a "secret message" about the ancient Romans is revealed! The teacher page includes additional information to share about the "secret message". A great way to review vocabulary terms! If you prefer to offer a vocabulary box, I have included this as well. Other resources you may find of interest: 1. Let’s Learn about the Romans! Did you know that the idea of “sealed with a kiss” comes from Romans who signed every contract with a kiss? Did you know that a good luck symbol to ancient Romans were snakes? Or, that the being pale was a sign of wealth to ancient Romans because it showed you didn't need to work outside(some women actually applied white chalk to their faces to get the look of being pale). I taught a unit on the ancient Romans to my 6th graders and thought you might find my notes, activities and resources of interest. I have a short 7 map question activity, lots of links and lots of activities to use with a chapter study on the ancient Romans. I also included a webquest activity. Let's Learn about the Romans!
Medieval Puzzler: Secret Message Review Activity

Medieval Puzzler: Secret Message Review Activity

Want a fun activity to review vocabulary terms for a unit of study on the Middle Ages?Looking for an enrichment activity in history? Try my Medieval Puzzler: Secret Message Review Activity. The activity involves students working individually or in groups to review vocabulary terms connected with Medieval Times. Then,a following direction activity is next where students place letters from the different terms into boxes found at the end of the activity page. Once all the boxes are filled, a "secret message" about the Middle Ages is revealed! The teacher page includes additional information to share about the "secret message". It's a fun way to reinforce important vocabulary for a unit of study on the Middle Ages! If you prefer to offer a vocabulary box, I have included this as well.... Check out this new resource: 1. Great addition to a unit of study on the Middle Ages: Use this informative Reader's Theater Script to learn about the Black Death, a disease that killed almost 1/2 the population of Europe(1347-1351). The fun/informative play uses the format of Simon, a victim of the Black Death being a guest on Ms. Bie Ografee's talk show. A studio audience asks questions about his experiences during the time(the medical beliefs,cause, the effects the Black Death had on Europe, etc.Great for study on the Middle Ages or science unit on bacteria/contagious diseases. A Visit with Simon, A Victim of the Black Death: A Reader's Theater Script 2. One of the oldest lasting examples of graphic communication is the Bayeux Tapestry.It dates back to 1083. Bayeux Tapestry Reading 3. Students have always ask me..."Why do we have to learn this stuff about ancient Greeks or Middle Ages?" My answer-much of what we have today was because of things developed by people that lived long ago. This reading activity shares with kids how the pencil they are using, the writing system they are using, the eyeglasses they are wearing are just some of the many things we have today thanks to previous cultures of the past. I've included several comprehension questions and two extension activities. The Past Shapes our Present Reading Activity 4. I loved teaching about the Middle Ages and would like to offer teachers my notes, activities and resources that I found of value when I taught the subject. Let's Learn about the Middle Ages!
Benjamin Franklin: A Webquest/Extension Activities

Benjamin Franklin: A Webquest/Extension Activities

Benjamin Franklin’s birthday is January 17, 1706. A “founding father” of our country, Franklin was also a writer, inventor, statesman, post master and librarian! He once said, “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” Learn about Franklin with this fun/informative ten question web quest. There ares Fun Facts and lots of extension activities. There is also a Test Your Knowledge Quiz on Ben Franklin.
The National Road: Reading Passage/ Extension Activities/Game

The National Road: Reading Passage/ Extension Activities/Game

Use this reading(close exercise where students slot the term in the blanks) for students to learn about the National Road(also called the Cumberland Road or the National Pike Road). There are several comprehension questions and fun facts. Additionally, there are lots of extension activities especially writing in the content area. I have also included several links for teachers. And, I have developed a board game for students to play about what it was like being a pioneer traveling the National Road. The Close reading and review would be one period. If you do some of the extension activities including the Traveling Along the National Road game, the resource could take a couple of days.
Famous Games of Ancient Greece(Possible Interactive Notebook Activity)

Famous Games of Ancient Greece(Possible Interactive Notebook Activity)

Use this free resource during your discussions of the famous games which began in ancient Greece or during a unit of study on the Ancient Greeks. The 2024 Summer Games will be held in Paris, France. PLEASE CONSIDER FOLLOWING MY TES STORE. Thank you! Check out my other resources: Learn about the History of the Famous Games of Ancient Greece with this fun/informative webquest: History of the Ancient Games of Ancient Greece Learn about the country of France, host country of the 2024 games with this webquest. Learn about the country of Greece, where the famous games originated with this webquest. There are also comprehension questions and extension activities:Learn about the country of Greece!
Presidential Election Trivia Challenge Activities

Presidential Election Trivia Challenge Activities

With the Presidential Election coming, this would be a great activity to use with your students. Do YOU Know Your Presidents is a series of three challenges. Each challenge worksheet has 25 questions(with 3 choices). The first challenge is the easiest with the third, the hardest. There is also a Presidential Did You Know? Page. Kids can do one or all the challenges to learn interesting facts about U.S. Presidents. The teacher page includes several extension activities and the key. I also have a web quest on the White House, Presidential Trivia and a Webquest activity on First Ladies on the United States.
Statue of Liberty: World Landmark(A web quest)

Statue of Liberty: World Landmark(A web quest)

Have your students learn about famous landmarks around the world. Use this web quest to learn about the Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous landmarks in the United States. There are 9 informative web questions, extension activities and comprehension questions. I also have a reading passage resource on the Eiffel Tower, Uluru Rock(Ayers Rock), the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China.
George Washington Carver: A Reader's Theater Script

George Washington Carver: A Reader's Theater Script

Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series: Students learn about George Washington Carve,the Wizard of Tuskegee, with this informative Reader’s Theater Script. As a guest on Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show, Carver answers questions from the studio audience about his life. Carver was an early believer in recycling and believed in the importance of respecting nature. Includes:Comprehension questions,Did You Know?, Teacher page with extension activities. Other plays in the Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show Series: Thomas Edison, Jacques Cousteau,Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Sacagawea, Sequoia, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Tuskegee Airmen, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Blackwell, Interview with Simon-victim of the Black Death,William Shakespeare, Love Brewster(one of the Pilgrims on the Mayflower), interview with McSean, a leprechaun, interview with Sarsaparilla,a groundhog.More to be added…
Everything  Has a History...Even PRETZELS!

Everything Has a History...Even PRETZELS!

Use this reading passage to show students that everything has a history, even pretzels! The resource includes a reading passage, a Did You Know? section of fun facts about pretzels. For example: Baldies are what saltless pretzels are called! There is also a short map skill activity to show students the location of where pretzels originated. There are comprehension questions and a teacher page with extension activities and links. This resource is a fun Friday activity, before a vacation, substitute day or just a day you wish to show kids that everything has a history! Other resources in my Everything has a History: 1. The first in my series, Everything Has a History. Why not show your students that even candy has a history with this fun/informative web quest! Learn facts including marshmallows date back to 2000 BC and King Tut’s Tomb contained licorice. I also have included several additional resources and extension activities. Great for a Friday, a day before a vacation activity or just when you’d like to share with kids that…everything has a history! History of Candy: A Webquest 2. Everything Has a History…even chewing Gum: History of Chewing Gum! 3. Check out my History of Shoes! Everything Has A History, even SHOES! 4. Check out my History of Peanuts! Learn about the history of the PeanutLearn about the History of the Peanut 5. TULIPS: With spring, comes the sprouting of tulips. Tulips have a very interesting history. Sharing information about the history of the tulip is a great way to show kids that EVERYTHING has a history. Reading passage, Did You Know? fun facts, comprehension questions, Map-skill activity, Teacher page with extension activities and key.Tulips: Reading Passage/Activities
Everything has a History...Even TULIPS!

Everything has a History...Even TULIPS!

Learn about the history of tulips with the informative reading passage. Comprehension questions, a Did You Know? section, a map skill activity and a teacher page with extension activities are also included. Possible Interactive Notebook Activity or if you are looking for a reading passage that shares the history…of the tulip!
Thomas Edison: A Reader's Theater Script

Thomas Edison: A Reader's Theater Script

Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series. Learn about Thomas Edison, Wizard of Menlo Park, with this fun and informative Reader’s Theater Script. There are 11 audience questioners asking questions of Ms. Bie Ografee’s guest, Thomas Edison. There are comprehension questions, a Did You Know? section of fun facts about Edison, a teacher page with directions, extension activities, key and links to additional information. Other plays in the Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show Series: Jacques Cousteau,Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Sacagawea, Sequoia, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Tuskegee Airmen, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Blackwell, Interview with Simon-victim of the Black Death,William Shakespeare, Love Brewster(one of the Pilgrims on the Mayflower), interview with McSean, a leprechaun, interview with Sarsaparilla,a groundhog.More to be added…