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Miss Gammack's Shop

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Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x
Light - darkness is the absence of light

Light - darkness is the absence of light

This is one full lesson with cloze procedure at the end. Included is a discussion on what light is. how light is a form of energy Looks at man made and natural sources of light including bioluminescence in animals. Also how the moon is not a light source. Includes what is dark. At the end there is a cloze procedure which is differentiated three ways.
Christmas Story - King Herod  - Nativity story

Christmas Story - King Herod - Nativity story

This lesson looks at what happens during the nativity story - King Herod It recaps on the the three wise men and then how this links in with King Herod It include a passage from the bible - Matthew 2 :13-18 which is the King Herod section It looks at the journey that Mary and Joseph took to get to Egypt when they fled with Jesus and then links this into todays world with refugees. There is a comprehension task at the end. Other activities that could be done are a wanted poster for Jesus or a diary entry for one of the days
Reflective surfaces

Reflective surfaces

This complete lesson explains what reflection is and how light moves in straight lines. It looks at how reflective materials are used as safety children to test which materials reflect the light the best After the test they are going to answer some comprehension questions on what they have learnt
Shadows - opaque, translucent, transparent

Shadows - opaque, translucent, transparent

This lesson explains how light travels in straight lines looks at opaque, translucent and transparent and what each of them means. children have to complete an activity where they have to test different materials and put them in a table depedending if they are opaque, translucent or transparent
Barbara Hepworth - moulding techniques

Barbara Hepworth - moulding techniques

Please check out my shop as this follows on from the introduction to Barbara Hepworth During this lesson it looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth (recap) - birth/ death/ where she was born and what type of artist she was. Includes what a sculptor does. Quote for the children to remember There is a video of what clay is Then the children will need clay and they are going to practise moulding the clay - rolling, smoothing, pulling, pinching, squeezing.
To learn about the events of Palm Sunday

To learn about the events of Palm Sunday

This powerpoint gives brief detail about why Easter is celebrated - includes a short bbc video Then looks at the importance of the palm leaf and why it was used. followed by the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem I have added a link to a video of what it would have been like when Jesus entered and looked at the word Hosanna and what it means. There are a couple of discussion questions and then the task is to complete a story board of what happened that day
Walter Gropius - Bauhaus

Walter Gropius - Bauhaus

This is a powerpoint on the Bauhaus. We were concentrating on architecture and looking at the simpleness of this building. We linked this to 3D shapes and nets of cubes and cuboids. The children are then asked to create cuboids and make their own building as part of the lesson. links to art and maths.
Impact of alcohol

Impact of alcohol

This powerpoint explains what happens when alcohol is drunk on different parts of the body. It discusses the negative effects on the body and also the positive. It has facts on ages alcohol can be drunk and when and how alcohol is made. After the powerpoint i gave the children a copy of the body and the children labelled the key parts and what the impact of alcohol is on each of these parts.
Saving energy - renewable and non renewable energy

Saving energy - renewable and non renewable energy

This detailed presentation includes 2 sessions. session 1 - discusses what is energy, looks at non renewable energy and climate change and how green houses gases (cause and consequence of them ) are contributing to these. work for session 1 is to write about green house gases and include cause and consequence using the powerpoint as support. Session 2 - recap of previous session. Then looks at renewable energy and how this is better for the environment. activity - to produce an information leaflet about how to save energy. Key vocab slides included aswell for the words the children need to know by the end of the two sessions
changing environments and its effect on elephants in Africa

changing environments and its effect on elephants in Africa

This powerpoint recognises that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things. Starts of with a key vocabulary slide which i expect them to know by the end of the lesson section 2 - key facts section 3 - why should we protect elephants section 4 - what is endangering elephants in africa - discusses climate change, ivory trade and deforestation section 5 - what is being done to protect the elphants activity - children to write a short piece using all of this information - there is a slide with reminders on for them
The rule of law

The rule of law

This powerpoint has key vocabulary that i want the children to learn by the end of the session. It discusses what law is and why we have laws in this country and this is linked to the school council. video to watch and then a discussion after
Ancient Egyptian painting (Gods)

Ancient Egyptian painting (Gods)

Discusses the types of paintings found at that time and where they were - in tombs and papyrus was used Gives a background about this. Goes into how the paintings had a profile and frontal view - has examples. Includes list of colours used and why they were used (what they represented) Looks at the symbols some of the gods, then has a variety of gods for the children to choose from for their drawings and the hieroglypihcs which need to be present in the picture Has an example of how to set out their sketch books as a practise of skills before they complete their painting. This would take either two lessons or one longer art session with the sketch book completed first and then their own picture created after either on brown paper or have another lesson creating their own papyrus to paint on.
Ancient Egyptian Sculpture

Ancient Egyptian Sculpture

Has an explanation as to why sculptures were used in Egyptian times and has more detail on the famous sculptures Sphinx mask of Tutankhamun Ushabti figures Ka statue Then I would have a sketch book lesson - template is included as to how the children need to set it out. Within this they would choose which sculpture they want to create Overall outcome - the children use clay to create their own sculpture based on one of the famous sculptures
Egyptian Pyramids lesson 6

Egyptian Pyramids lesson 6

This is a whole lesson on the pyramids Talks about the first known pyramids and who/why it was built. Includes discussion about the pyramids of giza(who and why they were built including hieghts then compares this to more modern day structures) The great Sphinx and why treasures were taken down into tombs. How the pyramids were built and why they stopped building pyamids 5 activities 1.explain why pyramids are built 2.true or false using the text to prove answers. 3.match pharaoh to pyramid 4.putting statements in order for building a pyramid 5.explain why Egyptians were happy to help build the pyramids All of the info can be found in the powerpoint and i normally print the powerpoint out for the children to refer to.
To identify what communities we belong to

To identify what communities we belong to

This is a one full lesson. includes a powerpoint and then a worksheet at the end. I would use the template of the worksheet and the n get the children to set it out neatly in their books but thats up to you how you would do it. This talks about what is a community with some key vocabulary and then looks into what communities we belong to and what is in our community.
Key facts about Judaism and Jewish beliefs

Key facts about Judaism and Jewish beliefs

This powerpoint is an introduction into Judaism and the Jewish beliefs powerpoint includes info on - when and where Judaism started who started Judaism Where in the world Jews live today (2018 census) special places for jews - Jerusalem with key facts and the synagogue includes a link to an interactive synagogue - so looking at the key areas you would find looks at who leads the service and the Jewish holy book what is imncluded in the Torah - ten commandments What/when and why the Sabbath happens comprehension task with answers
Unit of work on Jewish Worship and Community

Unit of work on Jewish Worship and Community

This is a unit of work on Jewish Worship and community. lesson 1 - To find out about some of the key features of worship in Judaism. lesson 2 - To understand the significance of prayer in Judaism. lesson 3 - To find out the meaning of Jewish rituals in relation to joining the Jewish community. lesson 4 - To find out how belonging to a faith community affects your actions. lesson 5 - To explore how faith is expressed through worship. lesson 6 - End of unit quiz I will be putting these on individually aswell if you are looking for a specific one so please check out my shop :)
Religious and non religious view on life after death

Religious and non religious view on life after death

This is a unit of work which includes 5 lessons. I will be putting them on individually aswell if you just want one of the lessons Lesson 1 - To understand that sadness is felt by everyone at some point in thier lives Lesson 2 - to understand what physically happens when we die and how the death of a person is marked and commemorated in the Christian religion. Lesson 3 - Islamic views on life after death Lesson 4 - Hindu views on life after death Lesson 5 - non religious views on life after death Each lesson has a powerpoint and then a task at the end to complete. I have put 1 or 2 tasks on each lesson and then sometimes an extension task.
Introduction to Islam and the 5 pillars

Introduction to Islam and the 5 pillars

This is a complete lesson - i will be adding more titles that run alongside the Islamic Rites of Passage so please check out my shop :) Within this lesson it includes: Key vocab Quick facts about Islam Where most Muslims live in the world - including map What is the difference between Islam and Muslim Each 5 pillar is explained - what it is and how a Muslim can do it Link to a short bbc video to recap the 5 pillars of Islam scenario match up to the correct 5 Pillar of Islam Task - Write three sentences to explain each pillar extra task - fill in the missing words in a table linked to the 5 pillars
Hindus believe God is represented in different forms

Hindus believe God is represented in different forms

This powerpoint is an introduction to Hinduism and how God is represented in different forms powerpoint includes Key vocab slide Hinduism on a world map - percentage in the world and which country has the most Hindus What happens when a Hindu dies and what they believe Holy book for the Hindus The hindu Gods - Trimurti - goes through some of tbhe forms of God Includes a short video of Hindu beliefs Story of Knappar the Hunter followed by a comprehension style task