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Year 7 Spanish - Mi familia (quiz)
quiz on family. Students write answers on miniboards under time constraints working in pairs
KS5 Drugs / Addiction - vocab builder (2)
Two pages of vocab building activities on the topic of drugs. Part of a booklet I am in the process of writing on the topic.
Describing your school-day (yr 7)
Three versions of a PPT : first version presents without target phrases; second version includes phrases; third version has two phrases per slide to test recognition in a multiple choice fashion. PLEASE CHANGE ' une magazibe&' to &';un magazine'
Yr13 immigration facts and vocab-builder
Amended version of a previous version I uploaded previously...Quite advanced vocabulary.
KS3 French - location and directions
Just a presentation of the main phrases used to indicate location and give directions. Consolidation actiivties included
Idioms for AS/A2 speaking and writing (2)
Another vocabulary builder to consolidate idiomatic phrases for A level to use to reinforce my other resource on the same topic I posted while ago.
KS3- Le visage (word-builder)
Word-builder including hair, eyes and some parts of the face. Suitable for homework or independent learning.
Year 7 French - talking about places in your area
Writing mats to write about places in your neighbourhood, what they are like and how often you go there and why.
KS4/5 La haine - vocab builder (easy)
A reading comp on a fairly analysis of the main characters of the movie adapted from an online source.
Health:oral conv. with model answers and Hotpotato
Healthy lifestyle for KS3/KS4. I have used it with my Year 9 students as oral practice.
Yr 7 Spanish - La familia (wordbuilder)
Wordbuilder useful for consolidation. I use it as a pre-communicative activity.
'La haine'- bilingual summary (transl. practice)
Bilingual version of a synopsis of 'La haine&' found of the internet for translation practice.
KS3 beginners - Find someone who places in town
Speaking activity for absolute beginners to practise places in town and the expression 'il y a&'. Students are given the cards on the first sheet and must go around in an attempt to find someone who lives near the places listed. The first three students to complete the list get a reward/merit.