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GCSE revision - Oral ping-pong translation__perfect tense

GCSE revision - Oral ping-pong translation__perfect tense

Another oral ping-pong translation INSTRUCTIONS - The students work in pairs. They have a sheet with the same English sentences to translate into French, but Partner A has the translation of sentences 1 to10, whereas Partner B has the translation of sentences 11 to 20. I call it 'Oral ping-pong translation' because they do it orally, Partner A challenging Partner B with a sentence and showing the correct answer to provide them with feedback and to award points (3 for perfect sentence, 2 for one mistake only, 1 if there are mistakes but at least the verb is correctly formed). I give them a time limit (10 minutes); when the time is up the person with the higher score wins. Best to have people of similar ability in each pair. Here is an example: I made for a very able year 11 of mine. Obviously the activity can be done in writing too. As a follow-up, I get the students to make a note of the most serious mistakes they made in their books so that I have an idea of what their problem areas are. Differentiation opportunities are obvious: different sets of sheets for groups of different ability
GCSE French - Narrow reading tasks on health

GCSE French - Narrow reading tasks on health

6 narrow reading texts a la Conti with a set of seven tasks to exploit them as much as possible . The texts recyle very similar vocabulary to death whilst providing useful model phrases/sentences including some handy idioms. I have used it successfully with my students and they were fully engaged.