Pupils can complete the grid in advance of a discussion with form tutor. To identify or enable discussion of issues around organisation, self directed study or getting help.
A self evaluation for pupils to fill in in order to evaluate their strengths and suggested improvements mainly directed at maths lessons but could easily be adapted.
A template to be handed out to groups to enable them to organised themselves into a study group and accomplish a research task. . NB the teacher needs to choose a meaty chapter/assignment for pupils to tackle.
A PowerPoint - exploring what are stocks and shares , the economic factors affecting share prices and looking at the potential impact of Brexit using the example of a company selling smelly socks.
One general resources about the budget and a research task about economic history . One resource about the SPRING 2017 budget which could be used as a model/ framework for pupils to produce their own most recent budget report/ analysis/ evaluation.
Pupils assign values to letters in order to gain the highest total for a set of questions. 4 rounds. Give the students time to assign values to each letter then in pairs they substitute their numbers into the expressions. The highest total wins. The pupil with the most wins in a round is the victor. They could then make up own round if they finish. Set up in excel , arranged to print easily onto one sheet landscape.
Set of instructions for 6 tables. The pupils rotate the table activities spending a set time on each table. Covers significant figures, error bounds, mental methods, written calculations. Add your own exam questions for one of the tables.
A mixed bundle of resources which can be used as starters/ homeworks and to make the handling data units in years 7/8 a little richer. Includes a suggested handling data project resources and probability worksheets.
A bundle of questions, a notesheet and group discussion task covering fixed, floating and managed exchange rates and evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of each.
A collection of worksheets and activities in a range of styles. Some activities are pair work/ lead to class discussion. Includes a wordseach. Also a handling data Project - which is the fittest form.
Group task to plan and design a town and calculate volumes of buildings. A bundle of resources from teachers notes to pupil sheet to marking grid and self evaluation.