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Burgess model zone cards. High and low level
A set of cards about the burgess model zone. Suitable for high and low levels.
African Migration dilemma lesson
African migration decision making lesson. Scenario resulting in letter writing task. Aimed at year 7 so quite low level.
Coastal revision starter - key words game
Revision starter of coastal keywords/concepts based on 4 pics for 1 word game.
Antaractica newspaper wordframe/template
A Newspaper template to discuss the human impact upon Antarctica.
Tsunami effect table
Tsunami effects analysis. Long and short term
AQA A Restless earth case study booklet
Booklet with condensed case studies for Restless Earth unit 1.
Uganda and Uk comparison lesson
Challenge based learning on Kampala Uganda, researching into aspects of Uganda in order to produce an outcome
Volcanoes quiz
Volcanoes quiz to beat the mouse
Antaractica prior knowledge
Antarctica prior knowledge worksheet/word bank
my favorite place
My favorite place resource for geographical enquiry and photo analysis for an introduction to geog in year 7 .
A chatterbox template for settlement development
Simple questions for students to fill and construct their chatter box relating to basic settlement triggers such as water supply, highland etc.
12 'interesting weather' questions for students
Internet research to weather questions outside of lesson content
Formation of a tsunami card sort
Formation of a Tsunami card sort
Africa physical features
Students complete an atlas scavenger hunt to identify and map physical features
Holbeck Hall evidence file
Could be used with news articles etc as additional evidence.
Students use the evidence given to construct their police case report and press conference speech.
rainforest level descriptors
levels for rainforest assessment
weather diary
sheet for students to record weather conditions over 7 days - grid complete
Antarctica wildlife/food chain info cards
Info cards for Antarctica ' who eats who&'
advantages and disadvantages of tourism
Advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the village of Matmata in Tunisia
AQA A urban unit keywords and glossary
Urban dictionary