Resources included are as follows:
Story presentation – retelling he story.
Face masks in black and white and colour. Hand puppets, story props, vegetable name cards with pictures and words, vegetable word cards, days of the week word cards, days sorting cards
A4 topic title page, long banner to head wall display, extra large title lettering, display borders and backing paper if needed, alphabet flashcards, number flashcards, odd and even flashcards, healthy eating long banner, vegetables photos flashcards, harvest photo flashcards, topic word flashcards, story sack, word mat
Food diary, character descriptions to write, addition game, hand puppet to make, thought and speech bubbles, character colouring pages, create a poster, draw a veggie patch, describe your favourite part of the story, draw a meal, filling in the missing words sheet, fill in the speech bubbles, flower pot craft activity, veg bingo game, garden sums shopping activity, vegetables pictures and words matching cards, make a healthy and unhealthy lunchbox, healthy choices game, I like this story because…, seed labels for growing vegetables, seed packets to make, large labels, make a photo frame, make a presentation, anagrams, mind map, nuns and adjectives worksheet, quiz, writing sheets, writing booklet cover, writing borders and sheets, word search, story board and other resources.
Resources included are as follows:
100 A5 flashcards/posters each with a book name, author and picture of either a famous character or book cover.
Books included on the posters are all appropriate for Key Stage 1-2
Great for use around you school library or book corner in your classroom.
Resources included are as follows:
Alphabet letters with superhero theme
Numbers 0-9 with superhero theme
Question mark, exclamation mark, comma and full stop with superhero theme
All A4 size.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF file for you to print.
4 full sets of initial sound dominoes. They can be used separately or joined all together.
They are colour coded to help sort them easily.
Sets include – A-Z uppercase in order, a-z lowercase in order, 2 further sets of lowercase letters in a random order.
Also includes a set of A5 letter flashcards to practise before using the dominoes.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print.
All the signs showed on the signpost are included for you to print, cut and display similar to the example shown. Each sign is half an A4 page in size in landscape format. You can print them smaller or photocopy them larger.
Also there are 25 A5 preposition posters, each with the preposition, matching picture and example sentence.
Long banner to head wall display spelling ‘Prepositions’ is included too.
Also a picture of white wood grain is included to allow you to make the sign as small or large as you wish or use as backing paper if you wish.
Includes the following letters and sounds:
a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
ai ar au aw ay ie ir oa ee er ew oe oi or ou ow oy ue ur spl igh ure ear str air bb bl ch ck cl cr ff gn ld le ll mp nd ng ph qu sh sl sn sp ss st sw th tt wh zz
long a long e long i
long o long u long x
long ea long oo
short oo short ea
Resources include:
Story presentation – illustrated presentation covering the story in full
3 writing pages with owl borders
My woodland adventure writing task
Word fans with owl babies pictures
7 cute A4 owls with room to write on their tummy
8 writing practice worksheets of woodland animals
Word mat with key words from the story
Poems with hand puppets and finger puppets
16 noun flashcards with owl pictures and nouns from the story
Owl antics speaking and listening game
Phrase flashcards – covering phrases said by the owl babies and their mother
25 handwriting practice worksheets
Question cards – for before, during and after reading the story
30 phonics flashcards
“I’m so scared” writing task
100 word cards for high frequency words with owl baby pictures
Story board to rewrite the story
A-Z flashcards with owl mother pictures on
Story sack tag
Blank speech and thought bubbles for pupils to complete
True or false question cards
Missing words worksheet
Woodland animal joke bookmarks
Number 1-50 flashcards, 2 / 3 / 5 / 10 times tables games, doubles game, shape nets, shape fans, number bonds to 10 and 20, interaction operations task, size order activity
Owl, mice, fox and bird flashcards. Woodland animal flashcards, bird fact posters, owl photo pack, label the owl body parts worksheet, food diary for owls, research task, animal type posters, nocturnal animal facts posters, animal habitat posters etc.
finger puppets, hand puppets, face masks, word search, treasure hunt game, reward chart, colouring pages, colouring pages, drawing activities, bingo game etc.
Poster pack, face masks, face flashcards, snap game, writing tasks, drawing tasks, long banner, speaking and listening tasks, feelings tree to display, recognising body changes with emotions, and many other emotions resources.
Long banner, large lettering, character flashcards, tree posters, characters for display, character name cards, speech bubbles from the story, drawer labels, key word flashcards, display borders and other display materials.
110 files included – including the following:
Writing topics, writing for purpose, character flashcards, story inspiration photo pack, handwriting practice sheets for different letters and words, key word posters for display, sentence writing activities, topics such as space, aliens, robots, fairies, etc, finger puppets and face masks for writing inspiration, sight word wall with Humpty Dumpty image and colouring pages, sight word sentences, writing encouragement posters, check your work posters, word cards for synonyms, alphabet flashcards and alphabet train, alphabet friezes, poem writing, months of the year posters, days of the week posters with cute teddies, alliteration tasks, letter writing, newspaper reports, greetings cards for all occasions, drawer and resources labels, postcards, passports, ID cards, checklists, shopping lists, envelopes, scene setting flashcards, colouring headings and borders for displays, writing paper with different topic borders and frames, handwriting lined paper for early years, punctuation exercises, letter matching exercise on flower flashcards, pencil pot labels, invitations, price lists, punctuation poster set, classroom jobs poster, proof reading display, writing booklet, wanted poster….and many more.
Resources included are as follows:
1.40 animal flashcards showing a picture of the animal with it’s name in Lithuanian
2.40 food flashcards showing a picture of the food with the word in Lithuanian
3.10 A4 colour posters – showing the name of a colour and lots of different items in that colour
4.10 A5 size colour flashcards with colour splats and colour name in Lithuanian and English
5.Transport flashcards showing different transport such as car, taxi, bus etc in Lithuanian
6.Days of the week flashcards – 1 set of Lithuanian days and another set of English days each with colourful flag borders
7.Months of the year flashcards – 1 set of months in Lithuanian and another set of English
8.Number 1-10 in English and Lithuanian on large flags
Resources included are as follows:
1.40 animal flashcards showing a picture of the animal with it’s name in Romanian
2.40 food flashcards showing a picture of the food with the word in Romanian
3.10 A4 colour posters – showing the name of a colour and lots of different items in that colour
4.10 A5 size colour flashcards with colour splats and colour name in Romanian and English
5.Transport flashcards showing different transport such as car, taxi, bus etc in Romanian
6.Days of the week flashcards – 1 set of Romanian days and another set of English days each with colourful flag borders
7.Months of the year flashcards – 1 set of months in Romanian and another set of English
8.Number 1-10 in English and Romanian on large flags
A bumper pack of 100 FOOD lesson starters, activities and games to help you create exciting and engaging lessons…for use in schools or at home.
These activities and games are great fun for children between the ages of 10 and 16 and can be used individually, in pairs or in groups.
They encourage thinking and learning throughout and can be used with or without adult supervision.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print. You could also use them on the IWB.
Story presentation, large story props, colourful hand puppets, black and white hand puppets, colourful face masks for all characters, black and white face masks to colour, character and scene flashcards, character name labels, alphabet mats with wolf and Little Red Riding Hood pictures, alphabet flashcards, acrostic poem template, adjectives lesson, basic play script, bingo game, addition game, subtraction game, scrabble game, large speech bubbles of the famous quotes from the story, blank thought and speech bubbles to complete, themed writing exercises, character colouring pages, colours flashcards, forest animals photo flashcards, woodland scene photo pack, wolves photo pack, cottages photo pack, create a new scene writing or drawing exercise, draw a new gift for grandma, draw a woodland scene, write character facts, habitats posters, topic title page for introduction, borders and backing paper to print for display if needed, draw a meal for grandma, draw a wolf in clothes, long banner to head wall display, look through the binoculars drawing task, make a wanted poster for the wolf, write an apology letter from the wolf, large trees to use for display, large basket image for display or role play, large lettering to head display, letters bunting spelling story title, jigsaw, fill in the speech bubbles activity sheet, draw your favourite part of the story, I like this story because…writing task, high frequency word cards, make words from letters task, make your own hand puppet, number square 1-100, retell the story from the wolf’s point of view, story board to complete, story elements to complete, story sequencing cut and stick activity, table top number line, reward charts, questions for before, after and during the story, scrabble game, size order activity, story sack tag, safety questions to help with discussions about talking to strangers, true or false quiz, wolves can/have/are writing task, word cards from the story, word mat, word search, writing booklet cover to use for project work, themed writing borders to frame pupils work, write a diary entry for grandma, treasure hunt game with cards, words starting with ‘r’ and ‘w’ worksheets, sentence writing activity.
Resources include:
•Guided questions – to ask before, during and after reading
•A4 alphabet flashcards
•Word mat
•Story presentation
•26 writing practice sheets
•Adjectives word cards
•Verbs word cards
•Alliteration flashcards – ‘ants on apple aaa’ and so on
•Alphabet line
•Alphabet bunting
•Butterfly and caterpillar book marks
•Book mark templates for pupils to draw their own
•Words beginning with b and c worksheets
•Opposites task
•Phonics flashcards
•5 little caterpillar poem, great for role play
•Birth of a Butterfly poem poster, great for role play
•Red Apples rhyme
•Spotted alphabet flashcards with caterpillar theme
•Themed writing border
•Writing practice sheets with common words
•Word search
Activities and Role Play
face masks, face mask to make, 4 in a row game, bingo games, door hanger to make, colouring pages, finger puppets, role play props, writing activities, cut and stick activities, jigsaws, matching pairs cards, fill in the missing words, throwing game, speaking and listening task, loop cards, photo frame, treasure hunt game, and other activities
•Numbers to 100 on a long caterpillar – great to make a display of any length or extent as the children learn more
•Number counting cards, number line, number bind cards to 10 and 20, ordinal number cards, odd and even cards, counting worksheets, size order activities, addition and subtraction activity, symmetry craft activity
•Butterfly lifecycle poster, set of lifecycle stages posters, sequencing cards, A5 photo flashcards
•Caterpillar to moth or butterfly morphing steps poster
•Colour your own lifecycle
•Fact posters for caterpillars and butterflies
Display and Other
•Colour flashcards, days flashcards, food flashcards, key word cards, long banner
Resources include:
Story powerpoint – illustrated presentation of the story for pupils to read
Adjectives cards, alphabet cards, discussion cards, character flashcards, writing sheets, alphabetical order cards, antonym worksheet, several writing tasks
Character name cards, description cards, action cards, phonics cards, bookmarks, fact cards, poems and hand puppets, story board, card matching game
Number flashcards 1-20, counting cards, shapes posters, number bonds to 10, 50 and 100
Size order cards – different size snakes to put in order and measure
Snap cards, Count monkeys task
5 nets of 3D shapes to draw animals on and colour.
3 butterfly drawing symmetry tasks for various levels of difficulty
Animal flashcards, facts posters, species flashcards
3 posters of omnivore, herbivore, carnivore
5 animal types posters – reptile, mammals, amphibians, birds and fish – for pupils to put the characters into the right category
Habitats posters
Butterfly life cycle poster, metamorphosis poster, cut and colour lifecycle
Art Activities
Colouring pages and activities
9 change a characters features tasks
Draw your favourite part of the story
Finish the drawings tasks – some of each character is missing for pupils to complete and colour
Make a mobile – includes 40 different images of characters from the story
Draw a scene through the binoculars task, door hanger, colour and count
Role Play and Other Activities
Bingo games
Face masks in colour and black / white
Reward charts
Word search
Treasure hunt game
Poems for pupils to read
Classroom and Display
Large lettering, book cover, character faces, images from story, display borders, drawer labels, colour flashcards, animal name flashcards
Resources included are as follows:
50 pdf files
Story presentation to retell the story, Question pack, key word cards, bone label cards, skeletons for display, face masks, hand puppets, alphabet cards and mat, bookmarks, acrostic poem, colouring pages, scene images, photo pack, bingo game, character cards to write, many drawing and writing activities, display borders and banner, display lettering made from bones, make a moving skeleton, make a mobile, poems about bones, story board to complete, true or false quiz, word mat, setting and character flashcards to write a story, skeleton labelling diagram, reward chart, quotes from story for display, fill in the missing words posters, booklet cover and writing pages etc.
Resources include:
Information packs for the following topics:
Building up to war with quiz
Building up to war -higher levels with quiz
The war years information pack with quiz
The war years information pack higher level with quiz
Life in Britain during the war information pack
Writing tasks for: Home front, Pearl Habor, letter writing, evacuee, prison of war, women during the war, VE and VJ day, rescuing survivors from Dunkirk, newspaper, bombings, hopping list for rationed food, propaganda
Colouring pages, acrostic poem, key word cards with definitions, Propaganda discussion posters, maps, war time food flashcards, face masks, price cards for rationing, advertisements for role play shop, price list, open and closed signs, opening times, enlistment to complete, food for sale sign for rationing role play shop, drawing tasks such as a tank and spitfire, sorting activity for countries involved in war, crossword, key word cards for events, war item flashcards, large flags, newspaper clippings of headlines during the war, word searches, card matching game, long banner, large lettering, labels, useful images to aid display
Resources include:
Information pack giving lots of information about the Titanic, from the construction, life on board, the disaster and finding the wreckage etc.
Black and white photo pack showing the Titanic from inside and outside.
Example newspaper clipping from the day after the tragedy.
Advertisement posters from before the launch.
Extra large Titanic display – the image of the ship is divided into 20 A4 pages – including a great image of the ship, the surrounding ocean and the iceberg.
Lettering, long banner, display borders, phonics flashcards, writing borders,
Writing activities and worksheets, word mat, word search, sequence cards, quiz, newspaper report, drawing activities, design / craft activities, colouring pages,
Useful images to help with discussions or display
Titanic museum tour welcome banner
Tickets and toy money, money quiz, money fan and poster
Please pay here sign, opening times sign, open / closed, Thank you for coming to our museum sign
Titanic museum staff badges for role play
Resources include:
The Roman Empire – how Rome began, how it was ruled, Caesar, Pompey, the Army, Enemies
Daily Life in Rome: family life, jobs, schooling, food, clothing
Citizens and Slaves: Patricians, Plebeians, Slaves, Rebellions, Rights, Spartacus
Colosseum: information and photos
The Emperors: Augustus, Trajan, Hadrian, Nero, Constantine, Vespasian
Roman Gods pictures and information
Calendar information
Italy today information
Pompeii information
Public baths and toilets information
Roads and aqueducts information
Roman army information sheet
Large key word cards with definitions
Timeline posters pack
Roman ruins around Britain
Roads and aqueducts
Public baths and toilets
Italy today
Army worksheet
Buildings of Ancient Rome worksheet
Emperors worksheet
Julius Caesar worksheet
Italy today quiz
People of Rome question sheet
The roman Empire worksheet
Maps of the world, Europe, italy today, Roman Empire, Roman Britain, Europe outline to colour
Ancient Rome
Italian cities
Italian things
Acrostic poem
All about Rome – writing and drawing booklet to make
Alphabetical order worksheet
Ancient Rome colouring pages
Draw your own Roman shield
Draw a roman villa
Find the definitions
Flag colouring page
Week diary booklet
Draw a roman feast
Dress the roman soldier
Draw and write facts about a roman landmark or building
Draw and list the things romans gave us
Mae a presentation, with cue cards to complete
Roman children lunchbox
Make emperor photo flashcards
Mind map
Notes pad
Roman soldier worksheet – label the different armour
Task cards
Word search
Blank thought and speech bubbles for display
Write sentences for topic evaluation
Work booklet cover to keep topic work together
Themed borders for written work
A4 flags of Europe, display borders, buntings, extra large lettering, long banner, useful images, plus other display resources
Months, days and common phrases flashcards in English and Italian flashcards