This great range of 200 food photo flashcards are A5 size with glossy high resolution images and food names. The food items included are from all food categories for example - fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, dairy, proteins etc and also include some images of meals to discuss healthy diets.
There are also 150 food terms flashcards with a large food word and a brief explanation.
Use these flashcards to display around the room, for great sorting activities and for healthy eating discussions.
This is a great poster pack for you to print to use for discussions and a great classroom display.
Each topic includes a main cover poster – then 4 matching posters that relate to that style of thinking, each with colourful borders and cute pictures. They are shown below:
I keep growing my ideas.
I step outside of my comfort zone.
I use my imagination.
I try other ways to do things.
I explain my ideas
I encourage others to get involved.
I find solutions.
I do my bit.
How can I find out more?
I wonder why?
What is the evidence?
What do others think?
I believe I can do this.
How can I do this better?
How did I do this before?
I will think of this sooner next time!
I know its up to me.
I can organise myself
I can get on with people.
I can stay calm.
We all do our bit.
We share out all the jobs.
We listen to each others ideas.
We all help each other.
Resources included are as follows:
•30 PDFs file for you to print.
•Number flashcards on rockets 0-10
•Matching cards – one set with spaceships and the other with aliens
•Bingo game with number
•Bingo game with stars to count
•Counting cards – count the aliens on the planet 1-10
•Counting stars board game with action cards
•Cut and stick activity – add extra planets to the space scene
•Draw aliens to add to spaceship – worksheets for 1-10
•5 little astronauts poem set across several A4 pages
•Astronaut face masks to act out poem
•Large letters with space background – each letter is A5 size
•Jigsaw cards matching the number with the amount of aliens
•Number square 1-100
•Odd and even number flashcards with planets pictures
•Patterned and plain display borders
•Backing paper to print if needed
•Large lettering to head wall display
•Long banner to head wall display
•Rocket flashcards 0-100
•Sorting cards to put numbers in order
•Table top number line
•Matching cards – match the amount of planets with the number – 4 per A4 page – great size for each pupil
•Number bond cards to 10 with spaceships
•Addition worksheets
•Addition cards
•2 dice for games
•Work booklet cover
•Folder cover
•Resources sack tag
•Extra large rocket for display covering 4 pages
Resources included are as follows:
60 pdf files.
Owls information poster, fact cards, key word cards, animal types posters, habitat posters, owl photo flashcards, hand puppets, face masks in colour and black and white, nocturnal animals information posters, simple fact sheet to write
Alphabet flashcards, phonics flashcards, writing sheets, acrostic poem to complete, writing frames and borders, presentation to make, booklet to complete, sight word cards, mind map, poems to read with hand puppets to act them out, nouns flashcards large, notes page to complete, nouns and verbs worksheet to fill in, speaking and listening task, topic summary worksheet, writing booklet cover to keep project work together, story board to complete, word cards with ow sounds with spellings of ‘ow’ and ‘ou’.
Number flashcards, 2 addition games, subtraction game, number bonds to 10, number bonds to 20, months flashcards, days flashcards,
Bingo game, colouring pages, drawing activities, word search, reward chart to draw, true or false quiz
Long banner to head wall display, large lettering, buntings, display borders, backing paper for if needed, binder cover, resources sack tag
These great set of language flashcards for you to print as many times as you want. Each flashcard is A5 size, but your can print them as pocket size or photocopy them larger. They would make a great display, can be used for language activities or provide support for a multicultural classroom. Use at home with children new to the English language by looking at the picture and practise reading the word. Print the cards and match them together reading the Polish and English word each time.
Each card has a colourful image that relates to the word, and the flag of the country and a map of the country is denoted on each card.
Card topics include:
Room in the house – bathroom, bedroom etc
Items in each room such as bed, chair, table, TV etc
Rooms in school – library, classroom, dining room etc
Items found at school – pencil, pen, football etc
Places to go – cinema, swimming, etc
Common animals – cat, dog, etc
Transport – bus, car, bike, plane, etc
Emergency – police, fire, ambulance, doctor, hospital, etc
Body parts – head, face, eye, leg, back etc
Outside – tree, grass, flowers etc
Colours – red, green, blue, etc
Numbers – one to ten
People – man, woman, children, baby etc
175 Posters and flashcards can be used for directly teaching children basic language skills or can be displayed around the classroom. Your children will have hours of fun with these colourful and bright resources.
Resources included are as follows:
1.40 animal flashcards showing a picture of the animal with it’s name in French
2.40 food flashcards showing a picture of the food with the word in French
3.11 A4 colour posters – showing the name of a colour and lots of different items in that colour
4.12 A5 size colour flashcards with a picture of the Eiffel Tower
5.Transport flashcards showing different transport such as car, taxi, bus etc in French
6.Days of the week flashcards – 1 set of French days and another set of English days each with colourful flag borders
7.Months of the year flashcards – 1 set of months in French and another set of English
8.Number 1-20 in English and French on large flags
Resources included are as follows:
PDF file for you to print.
Title page to head wall display (A4) – ‘famous people’
Long banner spread over 3 pages ‘Information Communication Technology’
18 A4 posters of famous people in IT – such as Steve Job, Mark Zuckerberg, Ada Lovelace, Bill Gates etc.
Each Poster has the persons name, photo and basic facts.
Great for a wall display in classroom or around the school.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print.
A range of over 200 A5 flashcards of food from around the world, covering the following countries:
United Kingdom
Also includes A4 flags from each country and the country name for display.
Resources included are as follows:
50 Pdf files for you to print.
Story presentation – retelling the story, with colourful illustrations.
Role play resources: Face masks, hand puppets, story props, numbered doors flashcards, gift tags to colour.
Numeracy resources: Counting cards, counting worksheets, number cards with numerals and words to use to match together, draw more drinks worksheet, wrapping paper to wrap gifts,
Display: Long banner to head wall display, large lettering, display border, alphabet flashcards, number flashcards, colourful stockings for display, book marks,
Worksheets and activities: including alphabetical order, anagrams, pairs matching game, decorate a gingerbread man with template, speech bubbles, first/then/last, colouring pages, design a stocking, word search, letter to Santa template, reply letter template, writing borders, reward charts to draw, learning objectives tracker, workbook cover, story sack tag, list writing, draw an elf, etc
Resources included are as follows:
2 5 P D F AND P P T files for you to print.
A range numicon resources: small / medium / large numicon blocks to use for different activities or display, 2 dice with numicon pictures to use with board games, jigsaw cards to match picture and number, folder cover, board game, peg cards, worksheets to circle, full set of dominoes with numicon pictures, counting activity with flower gardens and a worksheet to draw and count, cut and stick activity, 4 piece jigsaws to match the number / blocks / pictures / numicon, game spinner, 1 0 sided dice, hopping and jumping game for indoor or outdoor use, large loop cards to 2 0, lucky dip game, full deck of cards to use for card games or matching pairs, more or less loop cards, number bingo with number on mats and matching numicon cards, numicon bingo game with numicon symbols on boards and matching number cards, dart board tally chart interactive game with animated Power Point, hook a duck game with numicon symbols of the base of the duck cards, treasure hunt game, display train – 6 A 4 pages in size with each train carriage containing a numicon symbol.
Resources include:
1.Long banners spelling ‘Building site’ and ‘construction site’
2.Extra large lettering to head display
3.Patterned and plain backing paper to use for display if needed.
4.Display border to edge wall display
5.Danger keep out long sign and A4 sign
6.10 multicultural face masks and hard hats to use for role play
7.Builder hand puppets
8.Colouring pages
9.Under construction sign
10.Work in progress sign and workman sign
11.Signs to use around the role play area, including: apology for maintenance work, warning, site entrance caution, danger construction site, digger
12.Fire exit, first aid, gloves to be worn, hard hats to be worn, high visibility jacket to be worn, keep out, visitors to reception, site entrance this way, wear boots sign etc
13.Site safety sign
14.Write for purpose sheets including design sheet, ideas sheet, inspection log, jobs to do list, customer feedback form, stock order form, message pad, sketch sheet, telephone bookings log etc
15.Role play badges
16.Resources folder and spine labels, drawer label
17.Resources sack tag
18.Extra large picture to use as props in role play
19.Key word cards with pictures
20.Machinery pictures
21.Extra large questions to display around role play area such as ‘What material do we need?’
22.Writing booklet cover to keep pupils project work together
Colourful posters showing the song in full for each character, hand writing practice sheets, Animal images and speech bubbles for the children to fill in, poem to read, story sack tag, conjunction / interjections / connectives cards, alternative words for said cards, alliteration task, speaking and listening games, animal sounds poster.
counting cards, interactive numeracy game, snap card game, a range of worksheets for addition, subtraction and multiplication. Other numeracy activities.
face masks, animal sorting cards, jigsaws, treasure hunt game, finger puppets, hand puppets, face masks, colouring sheets, farmer role play badges, word search, drawing activities.
Classroom and Display
Large A4 characters and A4 speech bubbles to make large display, animal flashcards, colour flashcards, display borders, long banner, etc
Includes the following resources:
1.Interactive White Board Presentation – covering all the key facts about the country – such as history, geography, weather, landmarks, sports etc.
2.A4 posters of photos of different things around the country – such as monuments and landmarks.
3.Months of the year flashcards in English and Russian with pronunciation.
4.Common phrases flashcards – common phases in Russian with pronunciation aids
5.Russian alphabet A4 poster
6.Design your own Russian doll task
7.Russian food flashcards
8.Key word cards – large cards for display – words associated with Russia
9.Number flashcards 1-10 in English, Russian and with pronunciation
10.Airport departure board for display
11.Display lettering to make a departure board for different destinations
12.Writing borders to frame written work
13.Counting 5 minute lesson starters
14.Flags drawing, colouring and designing task
15.Bingo game
16.Word association activity
17.Animal flashcards of different animals specific to China
18.100 world flags in A4 size
19.Diary to complete – for activities, sight seeing, weather, food etc
20.Colouring pages of local foods, maps, activities, sites etc
21.A4 letters to spell out country name
22.Long banner with country name on to head a display
23.Draw local lunchbox food task
24.Blank luggage tag to complete
25.Blank speech and thought bubbles to complete in role plays
26.Flashcards for days of the week in English and Russian and pronunciation aids.
27.Extra large flag for display
28.Draw your favourite things from the country task
29.Flag colouring in pages
30.Country name garland for display
31.Writing booklet cover for pupils work
32.Holiday shop task – outdoor play activity
33.Holiday words treasure hunt and balancing activity
34.Map and city naming - cut and stick activity
35.Map of the world
36.Map of country
37.Country culture knowledge quiz
38.Flashcards of numbers 1-20 on flags
39.Open and closed signs to be used in role plays
40.Passport template for children to complete
41.Reaching and stretching activity for quiz answers
42.Tour guide badges for role plays
43.Reward chart templates for children to draw their favourite local pictures on
44.Matching cards game – can be used as a matching pairs or snap game
45.Display flashcards showing numbers 1-10 in English, Russian and pronunciation aids.
46.Word search
47.Sentence writing activity
48.Colourful borders to edge a display board
49.Photos of planes from different countries – great for role plays
50.Postcard template for pupils to complete
51.Story board template
Resources included are as follows:
40 pdf files.
Information pack about St David’s day origins and traditions, key word cards, photo pack of Wales, maps of Wales.
Large lettering, display borders, long banner for title, backing paper, buntings, happy st David’s Day poster, resources sack tag, topic title page
Dragon face masks in colour and black and white, hand puppets in colour and black and white. drawing activities, writing and drawing frames, reward charts, colouring pages, badges, word search, writing booklet cover, booklet to make, Wales and St David’s flags in colour for display and to colour in, alphabetical order worksheet, bingo game, diary writing sheet, mind map, sentence writing sheets, size order dragons cards.
Resources included are as follows:
•Information and facts about Roald Dahl and his life.
•14 synopsis for Roald Dahl books – great for creating interest or adding colour to a display,
•10 book covers to add to display or use for discussions
•Colour A4 page showing a range of Roald Dahl books quote flashcards,
•Book title flashcards (half A4 landscape)
•A5 alphabet flashcards with book images, book types flashcards, lng banner, lettering, buntings, labels, display borders, images for display, sack tag
•Mind map, acrostic poem, make a mobile, colouring pages, poems to read by Roald Dahl, parts of speech posters, photo pack, make a presentation, story board, write a message to a character, other writing activities, word search, word mat, letter writing, booklet cover,
•Colouring pages of characters from Roald Dahl books, bookmarks, design a book cover, write a review, write a recount, draw characters, reading fluency posters, loan cards etc, story planning sheets, diary writing, and many other resources
This is a great pack including 35 files of resources, with everything you need to teach the jungle topic and help children to explore about animals and the rainforest in a fun way.
It includes animal posters, flashcards, silhouettes, poems, face and finger puppets, and photo packs.
Alphabet and number flashcards in jungle theme and many writing, drawing and role play activities.
Role play resources are included such as face masks and badges for your young jungle explorers, as well as kit checklists and topic cards.
Display materials are included such as backing and borders for display borders, A4 title lettering, long banners, and buntings.
This is a great pack to help children learn in a fun way.
Included on the disc are the following resources:
1.Country information pack - covering all the key facts about the country – such as history, geography, language, landmarks, tourism etc.
2.A4 posters of photos of different things around the country – such as monuments, landmarks, mountains, scenery, homes, people etc
3.150 A5 flashcards of common things, such as household items etc
4.Airport departure board for display
5.Display lettering to make a departure board for different destinations
6.Writing borders to frame written work
7.Counting 5 minute lesson starters
8.47 European flags in A4 size
9.Acrostic poem task
10.Diary to complete – for activities, sight seeing, weather, food etc
11.Colouring pages of local foods, maps, activities, sites etc
12.Display flashcards with major topics relating to the country
13.Common phrases flashcards showing how to say different sentences in Polish
14.A4 letters to spell out country name
15.Long banner with country name on to head a display
16.Draw local lunchbox food task
17.Flashcards for days of the week in English and Polish
18.Extra large flag for display (Covering 3 x A4 pages)
19.Draw your favourite things from the country task
20.Flag colouring in pages
21.Flag matching tasks
22.Food flashcards
23.Country name garland for display
24.Writing booklet cover for pupils work
25.Holiday shop task – outdoor play activity
26.Holiday words treasure hunt and balancing activity
27.Map and city naming - cut and stick activity
28.Map of the world
29.Map of continent
30.Map of country
31.Map of languages spoken around Europe
32.Blank luggage tag for pupils to complete
33.Blank flight ticket, coach ticket and travel tickets for pupils to complete for holiday role play
34.Blank speech bubbles for pupils to fill in
35.Blank thought bubbles for pupils to complete
36.Folder, draw, resources box labels to keep all your resources together
37.Card matching game or traditional snap game
38.Country culture knowledge quiz
39.Flashcards of numbers 1-20 on flags
40.Open and closed signs to be used in role plays
41.Passport template for children to complete
42.Reaching and stretching activity for quiz answers
43.Tour guide badges for role plays
44.Reward chart templates for children to draw their favourite local pictures on
45.Matching cards game – can be used as a matching pairs or snap game
46.Display flashcards shows months of the year in English and Polish
47.Word search
48.Sentence writing activity
49.2 colourful borders to edge a display board
50.Photos of planes from different countries – great for role plays
51.Postcard template for pupils to complete
52.Story board template
Resources included are as follows:
53 PDF or PPT files for you to print.
Story presentation retelling the story, colour flashcards, character face masks, A4 topic title page, fill in the colours worksheet, make a hand puppet, draw Winnie to add to the scene, addition game, draw new clothes for Winnie, change the house, add a new character, colour in Winnie’s face, Wilbur to colour, jigsaws, long banner, lettering for display title, missing word cards, nouns and adjective worksheet, nouns flashcards, high frequency word cards, draw favourite part of the story, number flahcards, reward chart, display borders, questions pack, points of view worksheet, story board to complete, sack tag, story elements worksheets, blank speech and thought bubbles, writing frames, booklet cover, sequencing cards, I like this story because…worksheet, draw the house, door hanger to draw.
Also includes Halloween resources: card patching game with words, card pairs game with pictures, bingo game, alphabet flashcards, guess the shadow, double up card game with instructions, character and scene flashcards for story writing, finger puppets, colouring pages, hand writing practise sheets, hand puppets, role play face masks, treasure hunt game with cards, word search, ‘w’ worksheet, discussion cards.
Resources included for the following 15 nursery rhymes:
Baa Baa Black Sheep
5 Little Ducks
Humpty Dumpty
I Hear Thunder
Hickory Dickory Dock
Incy Wincy Spider
5 Fat Sausages
5 Currant Buns
Its Raining, Its Pouring
The Sun Has Got His Hat On
Wheels On The Bus
Old Macdonald
Jack and Jill
Hey Diddle Diddle
Miss Polly Had A Dolly
Resources include:
Frog Lifecycle
Frog fact posters – showing frogs and tadpole and key interesting facts. Information pack giving details about amphibians including lifecycles.
Colourful set of frog photo flashcards showing interesting frog species from around the world, description cards – describing each stage of the frog lifecycle – with easy to understand explanations, writing booklet, photo pack, extra large images for display, question cards, key word cards, shapes flashcards, drawing and writing activities, bingo games, counting activities, long banner, large letters for display, display borders, number flashcards, cut and stick activity, snap game, sequencing cards, word search, animal types posters and sorting activity, colour flashcards, word mat, and many more.