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Michelle Heelis

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(based on 285 reviews)

Experienced science teacher - 15 years of teaching. Commissioned resource author. Copy editor. Prefer active student-led activities and so tend to design accordingly. Save yourself heaps of planning time, for as little as £1.00. Funds generated from the sales of resource helps pay for the software and apps used to create my resources.




Experienced science teacher - 15 years of teaching. Commissioned resource author. Copy editor. Prefer active student-led activities and so tend to design accordingly. Save yourself heaps of planning time, for as little as £1.00. Funds generated from the sales of resource helps pay for the software and apps used to create my resources.
Waves Refraction Diffraction Reflection SOLO

Waves Refraction Diffraction Reflection SOLO

This encourages deeper thinking and can be used with all ability levels. Students cut out the hexagons and put two or three together that they can match eg: REFRACTED and SPEED can be placed together. Students will then need to write how they are linked together ie: When light enters a medium its speed is changed and it is refracted. Encourage students to make as many links as they can. Higher tier students should then identify the concepts that the clusters make. If you need any help with this contact me at @heelismichelle
Velocity and Speed SOLO Lesson

Velocity and Speed SOLO Lesson

Students decide which SOLO level they are at and choose a partner of similar level. They then complete the activity set for that level and continue with the tasks of a higher level. Set up 2 workstations, one with the equipment for practical - trundle wheel, tape and stopclock, and another with the hexagons activity.
Friction and Forces Lesson based on #takeaway

Friction and Forces Lesson based on #takeaway

This is based on the VERY successful #takeaway format where students can choose their activity from a fully differentiated choice. They need to choose a starter, main and desert but they can chop and change as they choose eg. they can choose an easy starter, harder main and medium difficulty desert. Ideally this should take them about 45 minutes to complete. Students will need access to textbooks or the internet. I give them the Exploring Science Text but any will be fine.
QCA Science SOW & Objectives KS1,2,3

QCA Science SOW & Objectives KS1,2,3

I found this document after a long search on the internet. It dates back to early 2000 and has the complete breakdown of topics, learning objectives, outcomes, possible activities and teaching notes. Published by the QCA.
Marking aid for thermal transfer - Target stickers

Marking aid for thermal transfer - Target stickers

For use with Thermal Transfer. A set of labels to be printed off with student targets. I use these as a marking aid for target setting at the end of each topic. Students then use the following lesson to do the individual target tasks that have been set. Ofsted sorted!
Particles, states of matter, lesson in a box SOLO

Particles, states of matter, lesson in a box SOLO

A lesson ready to go designed as the first lesson of the topic. Workstation circus to discover the properties of s,l,g. Followed by a short worksheet directly related. For those using SOLO taxonomy the levels and homework are clearly identified. Homework labels just need to be printed and students can select the level they wish to do. Multistructural - Lower ability Relational - standard Extended abstract - higher
Cells Level Descriptors SEN to G&T SOLO

Cells Level Descriptors SEN to G&T SOLO

A complete set of level descriptors from Level 3 up to and including Level 8. Useful for setting objectives and AfL. Great to use with SOLO taxonomy work stations or individual work activities.
BTec Humans and Environment SEN

BTec Humans and Environment SEN

Students use the literature to make notes and then rewrite it using the connectives. I have found this an extremely effective way of teaching them to extract relevant information from text and rewriting it in their own words.
Thermal Transfer Bookmarks for keywords

Thermal Transfer Bookmarks for keywords

A very handy way getting students used to the terminology of the topic. Keywords and definitions provided. If correctly placed in the exercise book students can have access to it without flipping backwards through their books to find it. This is a double sided bookmark to be glued in on any page on the far left hand side of the left hand page - instructions for the best way of using these are on page 3 of the document.
Energy Transfers Differentiated Crosswords

Energy Transfers Differentiated Crosswords

Easy to read crossword puzzle to either introduce or reinforce thermal transfer and energy transfers. I will be using them as a starter with my Year 10s for AQA Oxbox P1.12 lesson but they are very generic. They are also suitable for KS3 higher sets. If you have the old Physics4you books students can use the cartoons and text on page 8. A differentiated crossword with some of the keywords is also provided to allow low ability students to access them. I would suggest printing side by side in A5 size.