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Types of Market Research Activity

Types of Market Research Activity

Short activity that focuses on context of where to use different types of market research. Students are asked to consider the cost, accuracy, time, validity, and response. This is in word format so that you can adjust the response boxes to suit your needs.
Public Goods - What are they, who provides them and who pays for them?

Public Goods - What are they, who provides them and who pays for them?

This pack starts of with a piece of stimulus material to promote discussion in the class. It covers the characteristics of public goods and how these differ from private goods. It clarifies the difference between a pure public good and quasi public goods. A number of discussion points are included and there are some exam pointers based on various exam boards recent examination questions on this topic.


Notes on glaciation, the landforms they create and how those landforms are used today.
Farming Types in Britain

Farming Types in Britain

An A4 sheet. The 4 main types of farming in Britain are outlined with a description of the climate associated with them. Spaces are included for soil and relief.
Face coverings as "Merit Goods".

Face coverings as "Merit Goods".

A article to encourage discussion on the difference between a good with a positive externality and a merit using the case of face coverings.
Floods in the UK in 2007

Floods in the UK in 2007

A useful starter activity that is a stimulus to answering the following questions. What caused the floods: - natural causes - human causes? What effects did the floods have: - on people (social) - on businesses and transport (economic) - on nature (environmental)? What places were affected? The powerpoint contains over 20 flood images that can be used on their own to also stimulate discussion.
Indians encouraged to eat more sugar.

Indians encouraged to eat more sugar.

Using the reason news that the Indian Sugar Board is encouraging Indians to eat more sugar. This story is used as stimulus materials for a range of economics questions.
Earthquake Card Sort

Earthquake Card Sort

An A4 sheet of key terms related to earthquakes presented in a card sort format. Good revision or starter activity.
Jessie J - Price Tag - Introduction to Economic Concepts

Jessie J - Price Tag - Introduction to Economic Concepts

Price Tag by Jessie J was a single that was released in January 2011. It made number 1 in the UK charts and in 18 other countries round the world.# Many students will be able to recount the lyrics or will be sufficiently familiar with them to engage in this activity. You can use any version of the song you like although the one suggested is my favourite.