Grab this bundle of Passover and Easter Story activities and save a whopping 30%
All activities are print and go to make life easier for you! Teaching Power Points included. Both products contain word cards for display, make a book mark, make a story wreath and coloring sheet for early finishers.
This bundle includes the following products:
Passover and The Easter Story.
Passover activities and teaching power point. Are you teaching kindergarten, first grade, KS1 students about Passover? Then this is the product for you! Save valuable time with these print and go, no prep activities. Children will love these fun activities, whilst learning about Passover at the same time. A simple 18 slide teaching power point means that no research or planning is required. There are word cards for display and a fun Passover craft. Color and black and white versions of activities included.
Read on for a full list of included activities.
Included in this product:
An 18 slide teaching power point that explains, in simple terms, how and why Passover is celebrated.
Sequence the Passover story - cut and paste - differentiated x 2
Retell the Passover story - differentiated x 2
Label to Passover items - cut and paste
Label Seder plate - differentiated x 2
Draw Seder food
How Passover is celebrated blank fact sheet for students to complete
Passover coloring sheet for early finishers
Make a bookmark
Make a Passover wreath
The Easter Story
The Easter Story for kindergarten and first grade. Are you teaching your students about the Christian celebration of Easter? Then this is the product for you. It includes a colorful, 10 page Power Point of the Easter story, told in simple terms for young children to understand. No prep, print and go activities, crafts and word cards for your display are also included. No planning or preparation required. Plus FREE bonus product - Easter lotto games!
Product Includes: A small version of the story slides for children to order.
Pictures from the story to color, cut out and order. These can also be used as story writing prompts.
A cut and stick sorting activity - religious/non religious pictures.
Decorate a cross activity.
Make an Easter wreath craft.
Make an Easter bookmark - color and b/w
Word cards for display
Coloring sheet for early finishers
PLUS a bonus product - Easter lotto games - simply print out, laminate and cut out.
Save 30% when you purchase this Amazon Rainforest bundle. This Rainforest bundle includes fun, hands on activities that children will love, keeping them engaged whilst learning at the same time. These Amazon Rainforest activities are low prep, print and go, saving you valuable time. Includes flip books, layered book, reading comprehensions, posters, scavenger hunt, matching, book marks, word cards and activity for early finishers. Check out the individual previews for more details of what’s included.
Amazon Rainforest Layers
Amazon Rainforest Layers teaching PPT and activities.
Are you learning about the Amazon rainforest? This product includes a teaching PPT and fun activities that will really help children learn about the different layers of the rainforest, the animals and plants that can be found in the Amazon and how the animals and plants have adapted to life in the Amazon rainforest.
This Product Contains:
Everything you need to make a flipbook of the different layers - children to write about each layer and draw pictures of the animals and plants that can be found in each layer.
Everything you need to make a flip book about how animals have adapted to life in the Amazon rainforest and a book about how plants have adapted to live in the Amazon rainforest.
4 reading comprehensions and questions - one on each layer,
A color and stick activity - animals that live in the different layers.
A power point detailing each layer - the animals and plants that thrive there and how they have adapted.
3 Bonus activities for early finishers
By the end of these activities children should have a good knowledge of the different layers of the Amazon rainforest, the animals and plants that can be found there and how they have adapted.
Amazon Rainforest Animals
Amazon Rainforest activities and posters. This product could be just what you need if you are teaching children about the animals that live in the Amazon Rainforest. It includes fun, hands on activities that keep children engaged and motivated, whilst learning at the same time. These print and go activities include a scavenger hunt and matching activity. Children can also make a bookmark and create their own fact poster of their chosen animal. Word cards, real life photos and colorful fact posters of 15 Amazon Rainforest animals are included. Suitable for 2nd - 4th grade.
Included in this product: 15 colourful fact poster on the following animals:
scarlet macaw
blue morph butterfly
boa constrictor
green iguana
poison dart frog
toco toucan
howler monkey
Scavenger hunt activity for use with the posters - questions have 3 levels of difficulty
Pictures and descriptions for matching - 2 choices of activities - instructions included
Blank fact posters for children to complete with an animal of their choice
15 bookmarks - children to make one of their own choice
Word cards and real life photos for display
Colouring for early finishers
**Rainforests **
Rainforests graphic organizer and vocabulary activities. Help your students learn and remember the important facts about rain forests and the associated vocabulary with these fun, interactive activities.
Print out and laminate the graphic organizers for students to keep and use throughout your topic work. Use the vocabulary cut and stick activity at the beginning of the topic as an introduction/guide to their existing knowledge OR as an end of topic assessment.
Topic word cards for display and word search.
This product includes:
Graphic organizer - color and black and white version
Vocabulary activity - cut and stick match words/pictures/definitions - color and b/w
20 topic word cards for display
Word search
Amazon Rainforest activities and posters. This product could be just what you need if you are teaching children about the animals that live in the Amazon Rainforest. It includes fun, hands on activities that keep children engaged and motivated, whilst learning at the same time. These print and go activities include a scavenger hunt and matching activity. Children can also make a bookmark and create their own fact poster of their chosen animal. Word cards, real life photos and colorful fact posters of 15 Amazon Rainforest animals are included. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
**Included in this product: **
15 colourful fact posters on the following animals:
scarlet macaw
blue morph butterfly
boa constrictor
green iguana
poison dart frog
toco toucan
howler monkey
Scavenger hunt activity for use with the posters - questions have 3 levels of difficulty
Pictures and descriptions for matching - 2 choices of activities - instructions included
Blank fact posters for children to complete with an animal of their choice
15 bookmarks - children to make one of their own choice
Word cards and real life photos for display
Colouring for early finishers
Passover activities and teaching power point. Are you teaching KS1 students about Passover? Then this is the product for you! Save valuable time with these print and go, no prep activities. Children will love these fun activities, whilst learning about Passover at the same time. A simple 18 slide teaching power point means that no research or planning is required. There are word cards for display and a fun Passover craft. Colour and black and white versions of activities included.
Read on for a full list of included activities.
Included in this product:
An 18 slide teaching power point that explains, in simple terms, how and why Passover is celebrated.
Sequence the Passover story - cut and paste - differentiated x 2
Retell the Passover story - differentiated x 2
Label to Passover items - cut and paste
Label Seder plate - differentiated x 2
Draw Seder food
How Passover is celebrated blank fact sheet for students to complete
Passover colouring sheet for early finishers
Make a bookmark
Make a Passover wreath
Women’s History Month reading passages and comprehension questions. Are you celebrating Women’s History Month with your students? Then these reading comprehensions could be just what you are looking for. Cover history and reading at the same time with these differentiated, print and go reading activities.
This product includes 20 reading passages about significant women throughout history. Each passage is differentiated 2 ways, has a colour and black and white version and answers included.
In addition to the reading passages, why not make a book mark to help children remember these significant women. There is a colour and black and white bookmark for each woman.
Also included is a blank biography sheet and timeline that you can use if you want to research any of these women in more detail.
Keep all you work together in a folder, using the Women In History folder cover.
Included In This Product:
Reading Passages For -
Queen Victoria
Eva Peron
Benazir Bhutto
Carli Lloyd
Gracie Gold
Nadia Comaneci
Serena Williams
Princess Diana
Helen Keller
Queen Elizabeth I
Anne Frank
Marie M Daly
Elizabeth Blackwell
Rosalind Franklin
Kathryn D Sullivan
Jane Austen
Diana Ross
Coco Chanel
Anna Pavlova
Blank biography sheet
Blank timeline
Folder cover
Food chain activities and teaching power point for year 2.
Are you teaching students about food chains? Then this is the product for you! Save valuable time with these print and go, no prep activities. Children will love these fun activities, whilst learning at the same time. A 28 slide teaching power point means that no research or planning is required. There are colourful posters, real life pictures matching game, differentiated activities and a colouring sheet for early finishers.
Read on for a full list of included activities.
Included in this product:
28 slide teaching power point
4 colourful A4 posters - carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, food chains
Real pictures matching game - food chains from the arctic, rainforest, pond and forest
Research and draw food chains x 3 differentiated
Cut and stick pictures to complete food chain
Cut and stick pictures to create your own food chains
Food chain quiz x 2 differentiated.
Colouring sheet for early finishers
Animals and their habitats for year 2. Are you teaching students about animals, their habitats and how they have adapted to these habitats? Then this is the product for you! Save valuable time with these print and go, no prep activities. Children will love these fun activities, whilst learning at the same time. A 23 slide teaching power point means that no research or planning is required. There are word cards and real life pictures for display and a colouring sheet for early finishers.
Read on for a full list of included activities.
What’s included in this product:
23 slide teaching power point
A colourful matching/bingo/lotto habitats game
Hot or cold habitats cut and stick sorting activity
Wet or dry habitats cut and stick sorting activity
Forest or savanna cut and stick sorting activity
Rainforest or desert cut and stick sorting activity
Who lives here? draw the animals in the habitats x 3
Who lives here? draw the animals in the micro habitats
How lives here? cut and stick activity
Polar bear adaptation writing activity
Choose an animal to draw and research
Choose an animal to draw in natural habitat
Habitats activity sheet
Make a leaflet - 2 x differentiated - Choice of 3 animals - lion, sloth, polar bear
6 colorful habitat information posters
56 word cards for display
16 real life A5 posters for display
Colouring activity for early finishers
Free Spring themed bingo/lotto game. Use this spring bingo game as part of your spring topic. Includes 4 colorful boards, each board has 6 spring themed pictures for students to match. Simply print, cut out and laminate. Ideal for use in centers, independent learning or small group work.
Suitable for children aged 5-7 years.
Save 30% with this 8 product British History Bundle. It includes products to help your students learn about different significant people in British history. The products are print and ready to go. They include teaching power points, fun, interactive activities such as cut and stick, making leaflets/foldable books, story wreaths, sequencing etc. Everything you need to make life easy for you as a busy teacher. Perfect for KS1.
Products in this bundle:
Lord Nelson
Queen Elizabeth I
Florence Nightingale
Great Fire Of London
Guy Fawkes
George Stephenson
Queen Victoria
Robert Burns
George Stephenson information teaching Power Point and print and go activities. Help students learn about the life of George Stephenson and his influence on the development of the railways. This product includes an 11 slide power point teaching children about the life of George Stephenson, no need for you to research. There are also fun, interactive activities for students to complete, keeping them engaged and learning at the same time. Suitable for children aged 5-7 years old, KS1
It includes making a leaflet and a cut and paste timeline. Both activities are differentiated. Plus a cut and paste sorting activity, colouring page and a word search for early finishers. All prep free for you!
This product includes:
11 slide teaching power point
cut and paste timeline - x 2 differentiated
make a leaflet - x 2 differentiated
cut and paste sorting activity - railways past and present
colouring page
Word search for early finishers
Make a bookmark - colour and black & white versions
Queen Victoria information teaching Power Point and print and go activities. Help students learn about the life of Queen Victoria. This product includes a 9 slide power point teaching children about the life of Queen Victoria, no need for you to research. There are also fun, interactive activities for students to complete, keeping them engaged and learning at the same time.
It includes making a leaflet and a cut and paste timeline. Both activities are differentiated. Plus colouring pages and a word search for early finishers.
This product includes:
9 slide teaching power point
cut and paste timeline - x 2 differentiated
make a leaflet - x 2 differentiated
2 x colouring pages
Word search for early finishers
Make a bookmark - colour and black & white versions
Valentines Day themed pictogram activity. Why not download this FREE Valentine’s Day math freebie? It includes black and white and colour versions. The sheets are differentiated with slightly different questions. Suitable for KS1. Perfect to accompany your math work on graphs.
Charles Dickens information teaching Power Point plus print and go activities. Help students learn about the life of Charles Dickens. This product includes a 14 slide power point teaching children about the life of Charles Dickens, no need for you to research. There are also fun, interactive activities for students to complete, keeping them engaged and learning at the same time.
It includes making a leaflet and a cut and paste timeline. Both activities are differentiated. There is also a differentiated plan for children to use if they are writing a biography of Charles Dickens. Plus a word search for early finishers.
This product includes:
14 slide teaching power point
cut and paste timeline - x 2 differentiated
make a leaflet - x 2 differentiated
biography plan x 2 differentiated
Word search for early finishers
50 print and go science worksheets suitable for Year 1 and EYFS students. This product includes 50 science based, printable worksheets covering a range of topics such as plants, animals, materials, weather and forces. The activities include cut and paste labelling and sorting, life cycles and colouring. These worksheets are ideal for using throughout the year as an addition to your science topics. UK spelling included.
This product includes:
Write the label -
Label a plant
Label a tree
Label an apple
Label a penguin
Label a body x 2
Life Cycles Cut and Paste -
Cut and Paste Sorting Activities -
Fruit or Vegetables
Hot or Cold
Day or Night
Autumn or Winter
Summer or Winter
Spring or Autumn
Float or Sink
Magnetic or Non Magnetic
Mammal or Bird
Push or Pull
Ocean or Land
Above or Below
Where Do I Live
Labelling Cut and Paste -
Polar Bear
Arctic Animals
Forest animals
Wild animals
Farm animals
Gardening Items
Baking items
Colour The Items
What uses electricity
What a dog needs
What a plant needs
Sun safety x 2
Minibeast investigation sheet
Colour the trees
How to grow a plant
2 habitat colouring sheets
Let’s learn all about hedgehogs. This product teaches young children lots of fun facts all about hedgehogs and includes a Power Point and print and go activities for your convenience. It includes real life pictures that you can use for display, no prep, fun activities to keep children engaged and a colouring page for early finishers. Use the hedgehog template for a wide range of activities such as painting, collage or use it to make a leaf hedgehog. You can also make a hibernating hedgehog flip book.
Included in this product:
10 slide teaching power point
Hedgehog template
Write an acrostic poem
Blank hedgehog fact sheet for students to complete
Make a hibernating hedgehog flip book
Make a hedgehog book mark - colour and b&w
Poster - how to look after hedgehogs in your garden - colour and b&w
Make a poster - how to look after hedgehogs in your garden
Colouring page for early finishers
6 A5 real life pictures
Celebrate Pancake Day Shrove Tuesday with this no prep, print and go bundle and save 30% at the same time. It includes printable activities and everything you will need to set up a pancake cafe role play area! Suitable for children aged 5-7 years old.
Included in this bundle:
Pancake Day Activities
These printable activities will be perfect to use alongside to enhance learning.
It includes reading, writing, math and craft activities. Plus activities for early finishers and words and pictures for display.
This Product Includes:
A simple pancake recipe
Differentiated activities for sequencing instructions, instruction writing and questions.
Blank fact sheets for children to complete - lined and unlined.
Pancake math activity
Simple reading comprehension
Word Mats - colour and black and white
3 slide power point to use as a starting point for discussion with your class.
Activities for early finishers:
Word search
Labelling cut and stick activity
Bonus pages now added:
Word cards and real life pictures for display.
Pancake Cafe Role Play
Why not open a pancake cafe in your role play area in your classroom this year?
Children will have the opportunity to develop their skills in math, writing, reading, speaking and listening, as well as those important social skills such as playing and working together.
This print and go resource gives you nearly everything you need to set up a cafe - just add dramatic play props such as table and chairs, plates, cups, cutlery, cooking equipment and children!
Resource includes:
Real life pancake photos to display around the cafe.
Word cards that can be displayed in the cafe and used for writing activities.
Various menus - A4 and A5 sized - drinks and toppings - US and UK. Blank menu to make your own.
Order forms - lined and unlined. (great for emergent writers)
Final bill forms.
Bunting - ready made or blank template to have fun making your own
Open and Closed sign
Table Number cards
Staff badge - draw your picture and write your name
Pancake and toppings - cut out and laminate and use in the cafe
Robert Burns and Burns Night Teaching Power Point plus no prep, print and go activities for KS1.
This product includes a 14 slide power point that teaches children, in simple terms, about the life of Robert Burns and how Burns Night is traditionally celebrated. No need for you to spend time researching.
It also includes fun and engaging no prep, print and go activities that children will love completing whilst also learning about Robert Burns, Burns Night and Scottish traditions.
Activities for early finishers, words for display, US and UK spelling versions, how to use instructions and answer keys all included.
This Product Includes:
14 slide teaching power point
2 reading comprehensions - each one differentiated 2 ways
Make a foldable book
Cut and paste timeline activity
Writing activity - 2 x differentiated
Burns Night colouring sheet/wordsearch for early finishers
Blank fact sheet for children to complete
Burns Night cut and stick labelling activity
Write an acrostic poem
Design your own tartan
16 word cards for display
Make a book mark - 4 designs
Activities for early finishers - word search, colour flag and map
Instructions for use
New Year’s Eve activities and Power Point suitable for KS1. UPDATED FOR THIS YEAR
This product includes a 7 slide Power Point that explains to young children why and how New Year’s Eve is celebrated and also looks at New Year’s Eve traditions from around the world.
Also included are time saving, no prep, print and go activities for children to complete.
What’s Included?
7 slide Power Point explaining all about New Year’s Eve
Print and go activities -
Colouring sheet
New Year Resolutions - write inside the stars
Memories of old year and hopes for new year
Review of the year
Colour and label the New Year’s Eve pictures - cut and paste activity
Draw traditions from around the world.
Make a Happy New Year card - 3 versions
Make a New Year’s Eve foldable book
Celebrate Saint Davids Day and learn all about Wales with these activities and craft. Learn about St Davids Day and Welsh traditions. All activities are differentiated and are print and go for your convenience. Suitable for KS1.
This product includes a two part Power Point. The first tells the story of Saint David, whilst the second is all about Wales – landmarks, traditional food, symbols etc.
Student’s can then use what they have learnt to complete the activities.
Also includes a bingo game - ideal for centres - and a daffodil wreath craft.
This product includes:
12 slide St David’s Day power point
14 slide Wales power point
Make a daffodil wreath - colour and black and white versions
Word search x 2 differentiated
Make a foldable book / Make a leaflet
Colour and label activity x 2 differentiated
Colour the flags x 2 differentiated
Life cycle of a daffodil cut and stick - x 2 differentiated
Make your own bookmark
Blank St David’s Day fact sheet for students to complete
PLUS bingo game
Christmas themed cutting skills worksheets and activities. 20 black and white and 20 colour versions. Includes a cutting skills assessment tick sheet. Have some fun this festive season and get students improving their scissor skills with these print and go activities.
This product includes a variety of activities to cover different levels of cutting skills.
Each activity has a black and white version that children can colour themselves or a ready to go colour version.
Skills range from simple snipping to cutting out more complex shapes. Includes cut and paste activities.
Snip the paper
Cut along a straight line
Cut along the lines - make Christmas paper chains
Cut around a corner
Colour and cut out squares
Colour and cut out the rectangles - make a Christmas tree cut and paste
Colour and cut out circles
Colour and cut out ovals
Colour and cut out triangles
Colour and cut out triangles to make a Christmas tree
Colour and cut out stars
Colour, cut out and match various shapes
Colour and count
Create a winter scene - cut and paste
Add the toys to Santa’s sack - cut and paste
Decorate the tree - cut and paste
Make a Nativity scene - cut and paste
Complete the Christmas pattern - cut and paste
Make a candy cane - cut and paste
Build a snowman